- Add Wowza to plugins.ini.
- Add admin.ini new permissions, see admin.template.ini:
- broadcast.ini according to broadcast.template.ini
media_servers.ini is optional and needed only for custom configurations.
- application - defaults to kLive
- search_regex_pattern, replacement - the regular expression to be replaced in the machine name in order to get the external host name.
- domain - overwrites the machine name and the regular expression replacement with a full domain name.
- port - defaults to 1935.
- port-https - no default defined.
- Wowza media server 4.0.1 or above.
- Java jre 1.7.
- kaltura group (gid = 613) or any other group that apache user is associated with.
- Write access to @WEB_DIR@/content/recorded directory.
- Read access to symbolic link of @WEB_DIR@/content under @WEB_DIR@/content/recorded: ln –s @WEB_DIR@/content @WEB_DIR@/content/recorded/content
- commons-codec-1.4.jar
- commons-httpclient-3.1.jar
- commons-logging-1.1.1.jar
- commons-lang-2.6.jar
- Copy KalturaWowzaServer.jar to @WOWZA_DIR@/lib/
- Copy additional jar files (available in Kaltura Java client library) to @WOWZA_DIR@/lib/
- commons-codec-1.4.jar
- commons-httpclient-3.1.jar
- commons-logging-1.1.1.jar
- commons-lang-2.6.jar
- Delete all directories under @WOWZA_DIR@/applications, but not the applications directory itself.
- Create @WOWZA_DIR@/applications/kLive directory.
- Delete all directories under @WOWZA_DIR@/conf, but not the conf directory itself.
- Create @WOWZA_DIR@/conf/kLive directory.
- Copy @WOWZA_DIR@/conf/Application.xml to @WOWZA_DIR@/conf/kLive/Application.xml
Edit @WOWZA_DIR@/conf/kLive/Application.xml:
- /Root/Application/Name - kLive
- /Root/Application/AppType - Live
- /Root/Application/Streams/StreamType - live
- /Root/Application/Streams/StorageDir - @WEB_DIR@/content/recorded
- /Root/Application/Streams/LiveStreamPacketizers:
- cupertinostreamingpacketizer
- mpegdashstreamingpacketizer
- sanjosestreamingpacketizer
- smoothstreamingpacketizer
- dvrstreamingpacketizer
- /Root/Application/Streams/Properties:
- /Root/Application/Transcoder/LiveStreamTranscoder - transcoder
- /Root/Application/Transcoder/Templates -
- /Root/Application/Transcoder/Properties:
- /Root/Application/DVR/Recorders - dvrrecorder
- /Root/Application/DVR/Store - dvrfilestorage
- /Root/Application/DVR/Properties:
- /Root/Application/HTTPStreamers:
- cupertinostreaming
- smoothstreaming
- sanjosestreaming
- mpegdashstreaming
- dvrchunkstreaming
- /Root/Application/LiveStreamPacketizer/Properties:
- /Root/Application/HTTPStreamer/Properties:
- /Root/Application/Modules, add:
- /Root/Application/Properties, add new Property:
Edit @WOWZA_DIR@/conf/Server.xml:
- /Root/Server/ServerListeners:
- /Root/Server/Properties:
<!-- Kaltura media server partner (-5) admin secret -->
<!-- Kaltura API http timeout -->
<!-- Kaltura server managers to be loaded -->
<Value>com.kaltura.media.server.wowza.StatusManager, com.kaltura.media.server.wowza.LiveStreamManager</Value>
<!-- Kaltura web services to be loaded -->
<!-- Kaltura server status reporting interval, in seconds -->
<!-- Kaltura interval to update that live stream entry is still broadcasting, in seconds -->
<!-- Kaltura maximum DVR window, in seconds, should be 24 hours -->
<!-- Kaltura maximum recorded chunk duration, in minutes, should be an hour -->
<!-- Kaltura web services http port -->
<!-- Kaltura web services binding host name -->
<!-- Kaltura recorded file group -->
<!-- kaltura (gid = 613) or any other group that apache user is associated with. -->
<!-- Minimum buffering time before registering entry as is-live (in seconds) -->
Edit @WOWZA_DIR@/conf/log4j.properties:
- Add
- Comment out
and its sub valueslog4j.appender.serverAccess.layout.*
- Add
- Add
=[%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss}][%t][%C:%M] %p - %m - (%F:%L) %n
- Change
- Comment out
and its sub valueslog4j.appender.serverError.layout.*
- Add
- Add
=[%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss}][%t][%C:%M] %p - %m - (%F:%L) %n
- Change
- Change
Setting keystore.jks:
- Create a self-signed SSL certificate or use existing one.
- Copy the certificate file to @WOWZA_DIR@/conf/keystore.jks
Edit @WOWZA_DIR@/conf/VHost.xml:
- Uncomment /Root/VHost/HostPortList/HostPort with port 443 for SSL.
- /Root/VHost/HostPortList/HostPort/SSLConfig/KeyStorePassword - set the password for your certificate file.
Create oflaDemo application
- Create oflaDemo application in your Wowza server.
- Create @WOWZA_DIR@/applications/oflaDemo directory
- Create @WOWZA_DIR@/conf/oflaDemo directory
- Copy @WOWZA_DIR@/conf/Application.xml to @WOWZA_DIR@/conf/oflaDemo/Application.xml.
- Configure @WOWZA_DIR@/conf/oflaDemo/Application.xml
- /Root/Streams/StreamType - live-record
- /Root/Streams/StorageDir - @WEB_DIR@/content/webcam
- /Root/Transcoder/LiveStreamTranscoder - transcoder
- /Root/Transcoder/Templates - hdfvr.xml
Create transcoding template
- Create @WOWZA_DIR@/transcoder/templates/hdfvr.xml template:
<!-- Example Encode block for source, not required unless Member of StreamNameGroup. -->
<!-- H.264, PassThru, Disable -->
<!-- AAC, PassThru, Disable -->
Configure file system
- Make sure that @WEB_DIR@/content/webcam group is kaltura or apache
- Define permissions stickiness on the group:
- chmod +t @WEB_DIR@/content/webcam
- chmod g+s @WEB_DIR@/content/webcam