Simple Temperature Slider using Swift UI
Namaz vakit verilerini hesaplar, API ile ücretsizi sınırsız sunar.
This is an other option to implement custom view like lucky wheel
Useful UI Components for Android Projects.
Architecture and code guidelines at Trendyol when developing for Android.
QR code generation library in C, optimized for low-power devices, such as Arduino.
ArcGIS Maps SDK for Kotlin Samples
Android App Update Library can be used for downloading the Apk from a link , Save it to External or Internal Storage, Than automatic installing the apk. Remember to add provider xml and android run…
Ingenico Connect Android Client SDK Kotlin Example
Ingenico Connect Android Client SDK
Simple yet powerful autocomplete behavior for EditTexts, to avoid working with MultiAutoCompleteTextView APIs.
A material card view with an animated stroke for Android API 23+
UILabel subclass that lets you add gradient and outline text
Supports Drag, Rotate, Scale. Easy to implement Draggable, Rotatable and Scalable View.
🌐 Light library to check or observe the internet connection in android apps easily
Android library listening network connection state and Internet connectivity with Coroutines Flow
Swift utility for extracting still images from remote video streams (e.g. HLS/.m3u8 streams) on iOS apps.
A beautiful app showing the use of a single recyclerview to display multiple views with motion layout and clean architecture
Elegantly handle WebP format with Kingfisher.
A fully customizable iOS calendar library, compatible with Objective-C and Swift
Beautiful charts for iOS/tvOS/OSX! The Apple side of the crossplatform MPAndroidChart.
I share with you my archive that I have collected from 2017 to the present day about design and software. What is there everything ...