title | description |
Terraform Cloud & Github Integration |
Learn more about Terraform Cloud & Github Integration |
- Create Github Repository on github.com
- Clone Github Repository to local desktop
- Copy & Check-In Terraform Configurations in to Github Repository
- Create Terraform Cloud Account
- Create Organization
- Create Workspace by integrating with Github.com Git Repo we recently created
- Learn about Workspace related Queue Plan, Runs, States, Variables and Settings
- URL: github.com
- Click on Create a new repository
- Repository Name: terraform-cloud-azure-demo1
- Description: Terraform Cloud Azure Demo1
- Repo Type: Public / Private
- Initialize this repository with:
- CHECK - Add a README file
- CHECK - Add .gitignore
- Select .gitignore Template: Terraform
- CHECK - Choose a license
- Select License: Apache 2.0 License
- Click on Create repository
- Review .gitignore created for Terraform projects
# Clone Github Repo
git clone https://github.com/<YOUR_GITHUB_ID>/<YOUR_REPO>.git
git clone https://github.com/stacksimplify/terraform-cloud-azure-demo1.git
- List of files to be copied
- c1-versions.tf
- c2-variables.tf
- c3-locals.tf
- c4-resource-group.tf
- c5-virtual-network.tf
- c6-linux-virtual-machine.tf
- c7-outputs.tf
- dev.auto.tfvars
- ssh-keys folder
- app-scripts folder
- Verify locally before commiting to GIT Repository
# Terraform Init
terraform init
# Terraform Validate
terraform validate
# Terraform Plan
terraform plan
# Clean-Up files
rm -rf .terraform
- Check-In code to Remote Repository
# GIT Status
git status
# Git Local Commit
git add .
git commit -am "TF Files First Commit"
# Push to Remote Repository
git push
# Verify the same on Remote Repository
- SignUp URL: https://app.terraform.io/signup/account
- Username:
- Email:
- Password:
- Login URL: https://app.terraform.io
- Organization Name: hcta-azure-demo1
- Email Address: [email protected]
- Click on Create Organization
- Go to Organization -> hcta-azure-demo1 -> Settings -> Plan & Billing
- Click on
Start your free trial This organization is eligible for a 30 day free trial of Terraform Cloud's paid features. Click here to get started
- Select
Trial Plan
- Click on
Start your Free Trial
- Get in to newly created Organization
- Click on New Workspace
- Choose your workflow: V
- Version Control Workflow
- Connect to VCS
- Connect to a version control provider: github.com
- NEW WINDOW: Authorize Terraform Cloud: Click on Authorize Terraform Cloud Button
- NEW WINDOW: Install Terraform Cloud
- Select radio button: Only select repositories
- Selected 1 Repository: stacksimplify/terraform-cloud-azure-demo1
- Click on Install
- Choose a Repository
- stacksimplify/terraform-cloud-azure-demo1
- Configure Settings
- Workspace Name: terraform-cloud-azure-demo1 (Whatever populated automically leave to defaults)
- Workspace Description: Terraform Cloud Azure Demo1
- Advanced Settings:
- Terraform Working Directory: terraform-manifests
- Click on Create Workspace
- You should see this message
Configuration uploaded successfully
# Azure CLI Login
az login
# Azure Account List
az account list
1. Make a note of the value whose key is "id" which is nothing but your "subscription_id"
# Set Subscription ID
az account set --subscription="SUBSCRIPTION_ID"
az account set --subscription="82808767-144c-4c66-a320-b30791668b0a"
# Create Service Principal & Client Secret
az ad sp create-for-rbac --role="Contributor" --scopes="/subscriptions/SUBSCRIPTION_ID"
az ad sp create-for-rbac --role="Contributor" --scopes="/subscriptions/82808767-144c-4c66-a320-b30791668b0a"
# Sample Output
"appId": "99a2bb50-e5a1-4d72-acd3-e4697ecb5308",
"displayName": "azure-cli-2021-06-15-15-41-54",
"name": "http://azure-cli-2021-06-15-15-41-54",
"password": "0ed3ZeK0DijKvhat~a5NnaQ_bpG_uv_-Xh",
"tenant": "c81f465b-99f9-42d3-a169-8082d61c677a"
# Observation
"appId" is the "client_id" defined above.
"password" is the "client_secret" defined above.
"tenant" is the "tenant_id" defined above.
# Verify
az login --service-principal -u CLIENT_ID -p CLIENT_SECRET --tenant TENANT_ID
az login --service-principal -u 99a2bb50-e5a1-4d72-acd3-e4697ecb5308 -p 0ed3ZeK0DijKvhat~a5NnaQ_bpG_uv_-Xh --tenant c81f465b-99f9-42d3-a169-8082d61c677a
az account list-locations -o table
az logout
- Go to Organization -> hcta-azure-demo1 -> Workspace -> hcta-azure-demo1 -> Variables
- Add Environment Variables listed below
- Go to Workspace -> Runs -> Queue Plan
- Review the plan generated in Full Screen
- Review Cost Estimation Report
- Click on Confirm & Apply
- Add Comment: First Run Approved
- Go to Workspace -> States
- Review the state file
- Go to Local Desktop -> Local Repo -> c3-locals.tf -> Add new tag for all Resources
# Change c3-locals.tf
Uncomment tag named `Tag1 = "Terraform-Cloud-Demo1"`
# GIT Status
git status
# Git Local Commit
git add .
git commit -am "Tag Added"
# Push to Remote Repository
git push
# Verify Terraform Cloud
Go to Workspace -> Runs
1) New plan should be queued -> Click on Current Plan and review logs in Full Screen
2) Click on **Confirm and Apply**
3) Add Comment: Approved new tag changes
4) Verify Apply Logs in Full Screen
5) Review the update state in Workspace -> States
6) Verify if new tags got created in Azure Portal.
# Access Application
- Go to Local Desktop -> Local Repo -> c3-locals.tf -> Add new tag for all Resources
# Change c3-locals.tf
Uncomment tag named `Tag2 = "Terraform-Cloud-Demo1-Workspace-Locked"`
# GIT Status
git status
# Git Local Commit
git add .
git commit -am "Tag Added - Workspace Locked"
# Push to Remote Repository
git push
# Verify Terraform Cloud
Go to Workspace -> Runs
Message: Workspace locked by user stacksimplify. It must be unlocked before Terraform can execute.
# Unlock Workspace
Unlock the workspace.
1) New plan should be queued -> Click on Current Plan and review logs in Full Screen
2) Click on **Confirm and Apply**
3) Add Comment: Approved new tag changes
4) Verify Apply Logs in Full Screen
5) Review the update state in Workspace -> States
6) Verify if new tags got created in Azure Portal.
- Goto -> Workspace -> Settings
- General Settings
- Locking
- Notifications
- Run Triggers
- SSH Key
- Version Control
- Goto -> Workspace -> Settings -> Destruction and Deletion
- click on Queue Destroy Plan to delete the resources on cloud
- Goto -> Workspace -> Runs -> Click on Confirm & Apply
- Add Comment: Approved for Deletion
- Comment both tags (Tag1, Tag2) in c3-locals.tf for student seamless demo
common_tags = {
Service = local.service_name
Owner = local.owner
#Tag1 = "Terraform-Cloud-Demo1"
#Tag2 = "Terraform-Cloud-Demo1-Workspace-Locked"