- Nantes
- aurelien.thier.io
...will provide a platform neutral way for running mongodb in unittests.
dscape / clarinet
Forked from isaacs/sax-jsSAX based evented streaming JSON parser in JavaScript
greedy / scala
Forked from scala/scalaMy fork of scala (includes the llvm backend)
sshipway / Portus
Forked from SUSE/PortusAuthorization service and frontend for Docker registry (v2)
This is a Google Chrome Extension that injects a download button next to the songs.
athieriot / hubot-scripts
Forked from github/hubot-scriptsoptional scripts for hubot, opt in via hubot-scripts.json
athieriot / infinitest
Forked from infinitest/infinitestA Continuous Test Runner for Java
athieriot / hubot-twitter
Forked from MathildeLemee/hubot-twitterTwitter adapter for Hubot
athieriot / Play20
Forked from playframework/playframeworkPlay framework 2.0
athieriot / mp3agic
Forked from mpatric/mp3agicA java library for reading mp3 files and reading / manipulating the ID3 tags (ID3v1 and ID3v2.1 through ID3v2.4).
athieriot / play-salat
Forked from leon/play-salatMongoDB / Salat plugin for Play 2
athieriot / hubot
Forked from hubotio/hubotA customizable, kegerator-powered life embetterment robot.
athieriot / jugglingdb
Forked from 1602/jugglingdbMulti-database ORM: redis, mongodb, mysql, sqlite, postgres, neo4j, memory... Many databases, common API.
athieriot / homebrew
Forked from Homebrew/legacy-homebrewThe missing package manager for OS X.
athieriot / symfony-docs
Forked from symfony/symfony-docsThe Symfony2 documentation