OpenCAMLib (ocl) is a c++ library with python bindings for creating 3D toolpaths for cnc-machines such as mills and lathes. From August 2018 OpenCAMLib is released under LGPL license.
repository mailing-list IRC-channel #cam on coding standard (?) BUILDING and INSTALLING to clone, build and install install the library and run the following:
git clone git://
cd opencamlib
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../src
make (try make -j4 for a faster build if you have a multi-core machine)
sudo make install
if you also want to build the documentation, then run:
make doc
make doc-pdf
this should create the ocl manual named "ocl-manual.pdf" in the build/doc directory
using cmake and cpack it is possible to build a binary .deb package with:
make package
For uploading debian source-packages to the PPA there is also a custom target:
make spackage
The build directory opencamlib/build can be wiped clean ("rm -rf *") and cmake run again if/when you want a clean build.
.. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :caption: Contents: api