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Convert Caffe Model to Mxnet Format

Build (Linux)

Either Caffe's python package or Google protobuf is required. The latter is often much easier to install:

  1. We first install the protobuf compiler. If you compiled mxnet with USE_DIST_KVSTORE = 1 then it is already built. Otherwise, install protobuf-compiler by your favor package manager, e.g. sudo apt-get install protobuf-compiler for ubuntu and sudo yum install protobuf-compiler for redhat/fedora.

  2. Then install the protobuf's python binding. For example sudo pip install protobuf

Now we can build the tool by running make in the current directory.

Build (Windows)

Note: this tool currently only works on python 2.

We must make sure that the installed python binding and protobuf compiler are using the same version of protobuf, so we install the bindings first, and then install the corresponding compiler.

  1. Install the protobuf bindings. At time of writing, the conda package manager has the most up to date version. Either run conda install -c conda-forge protobuf or pip install protobuf
  2. Download the win32 build of protoc from Protocol Buffers Releases. Make sure to download the version that corresponds to the version of the bindings. Extract to any location then add that location to your PATH
  3. Run make_win32.bat to build the package

How to use

Linux: Use ./ model_name to download and convert a model. E.g. ./ vgg19

Windows: Use python prototxt caffemodel outputprefix
For example: python VGG_ILSVRC_16_layers_deploy.prototxt VGG_ILSVRC_16_layers.caffemodel vgg16


  • We have verified the results of VGG_16/VGG_19 model and BVLC_googlenet results from Caffe model zoo.
  • The tool only supports single input and single output network.
  • The tool can only work with the L2LayerParameter in Caffe.
  • Caffe uses a convention for multi-strided pooling output shape inconsistent with MXNet
    • This importer doesn't handle this problem properly yet
    • And example of this failure is importing bvlc_Googlenet. The user needs to add padding to stride-2 pooling to make this work right now.