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190 lines (152 loc) · 7.9 KB

:completion ivy


This module provides Ivy integration for a variety of Emacs commands, as well as a unified interface for project search and replace, powered by ripgrep.

I prefer ivy over ido for its flexibility. I prefer ivy over helm because it’s lighter, simpler and faster in many cases.


This module has no dedicated maintainers. Become a maintainer?

Module flags

Display Ivy windows in a child frame rather than an popup buffer. Requires GUI Emacs.
Enable fuzzy completion for Ivy searches.
Enable file icons for switch-{buffer,project}/find-file commands.
Enable prescient filtering and sorting for Ivy searches.


  • doom-package:nerd-icons-ivy* if doom-module:+icons
  • doom-package:amx
  • doom-package:counsel
  • doom-package:counsel-projectile
  • doom-package:flx* if doom-module:+fuzzy
  • doom-package:ivy
  • doom-package:ivy-hydra
  • doom-package:ivy-posframe* if doom-module:+childframe
  • doom-package:ivy-rich
  • doom-package:prescient* if doom-module:+prescient
  • doom-package:swiper
  • doom-package:wgrep


  • Functions with ivy/counsel equivalents have been globally remapped (like find-file => counsel-find-file). So a keybinding to find-file will invoke counsel-find-file instead.
  • counsel-[arp]g’s 3-character limit was reduced to 1 (mainly for the ex command)


This module does not have a changelog yet.


Enable this module in your doom! block.

This module has only one requirement: Ripgrep, which is a hard dependency of Doom itself, so you should already have it installed.

Otherwise, Counsel (an Ivy plugin) provides many commands to interface with a variety of programs from fzf to Dash docsets to pass and much more. These programs are optional for this module, but must be installed if you intend to use their associated Helm command or plugin.


󱌣 This module’s usage documentation is incomplete. Complete it?

doom-package:ivy is a large framework for completing things. Covering all its features is not within the scope of this module’s documentation, so only its highlights will be covered here.

Jump-to navigation

Inspired by Sublime Text’s jump-to-anywhere, CtrlP/Unite in Vim, and Textmate’s Command-T, this module provides similar functionality by bringing doom-package:projectile and doom-package:ivy together.

SPC p f, SPC SPCJump to file in project
SPC f f, SPC .Jump to file from current directory
SPC s iJump to symbol in file

Project search & replace

This module provides interactive text search and replace using ripgrep.

SPC s pSearch project
SPC s PSearch another project
SPC s dSearch this directory
SPC s DSearch another directory

Prefixing these keys with the universal argument (SPC u for evil users; C-u otherwise) changes the behavior of these commands, instructing the underlying search engine to include ignored files.

This module also provides Ex Commands for evil users:

Ex commandDescription
:pg[rep][!] [QUERY]Search project (if !, include hidden files)
:pg[rep]d[!] [QUERY]Search from current directory (if !, don’t search recursively)

The optional `!` is equivalent to the universal argument for the previous commands.

These keybindings are available while a search is active:

C-c C-oOpen a buffer with your search results
C-c C-eOpen a writable buffer of your search results
C-SPCPreview the current candidate
C-RETOpen the selected candidate in other-window

Changes to the resulting wgrep buffer (opened by C-c C-e) can be committed with C-c C-c and aborted with C-c C-k (alternatively ZZ and ZQ, for evil users).

In-buffer searching

The doom-package:swiper package provides an interactive buffer search powered by ivy. It can be invoked with:

  • SPC s s (swiper-isearch)
  • SPC s S (swiper-isearch-thing-at-point)
  • SPC s b (swiper)
  • :sw[iper] [QUERY]

A wgrep buffer can be opened from swiper with C-c C-e.

Ivy integration for various completing commands


M-x, SPC :Smarter, smex-powered M-x
SPC ’Resume last ivy session

Jump to files, buffers or projects

SPC RETFind bookmark
SPC f f, SPC .Browse from current directory
SPC p f, SPC SPCFind file in project
SPC f rFind recently opened file
SPC p pOpen another project
SPC b b, SPC ,Switch to buffer in current workspace
SPC b B, SPC <Switch to buffer


SPC p tList all TODO/FIXMEs in project
SPC s bSearch the current buffer
SPC s dSearch this directory
SPC s DSearch another directory
SPC s iSearch for symbol in current buffer
SPC s pSearch project
SPC s PSearch another project
SPC s sSearch the current buffer (incrementally)


󱌣 This module’s configuration documentation is incomplete. Complete it?

Enable fuzzy/non-fuzzy search for specific commands

Change the position of the ivy childframe


There are no known problems with this module. Report one?

Frequently asked questions

Ask a question?

Helm vs Ivy vs Ido vs Vertico

See this answer.


󱌣 This module has no appendix yet. Write one?