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.. index::
   single: Page creation

Creating Pages in Symfony2

Creating a new page in Symfony2 is a simple two-step process:

  • Create a route: A route defines the URI (e.g. /about) for your page and specifies a controller (a PHP function) that Symfony2 should execute when the URI of an incoming request matches the route pattern;
  • Create a controller: A controller is a PHP function that takes the incoming request and transforms it into a Symfony2 Response object.

We love this simple approach because it matches the way that the Web works. Every interaction on the Web is initiated by an HTTP request. The job of your application is simply to interpret the request and return the appropriate HTTP response. Symfony2 follows this philosophy and provides you with tools and conventions to keep your application organized as it grows in users and complexity.

.. index::
   single: Page creation; Example

The "Hello Symfony!" Page

Let's start with a spin off of the classic "Hello World!" application. When we're finished, the user will be able to get a personal greeting by going to the following URL:


In reality, you'll be able to replace Symfony with any other name to be greeted. To create the page, we'll go through the simple two-step process.


The tutorial assumes that you've already downloaded Symfony2 and configured your webserver. The above URL assumes that localhost points to the web directory of your new Symfony2 project. For detailed information on this process, see the :doc:`Installing Symfony2</book/installation>`.

If you've downloaded the Symfony Standard Edition, delete the src/Acme/DemoBundle directory, as you'll recreate it in this chapter.

Create the Bundle

Before you begin, you'll need to create a bundle. In Symfony2, a bundle is like a plugin, except that all of the code in your application will live inside a bundle.

A bundle is nothing more than a directory (with a PHP namespace) that houses everything related to a specific feature (see :ref:`page-creation-bundles`). To create a bundle called AcmeDemoBundle, run the following command:

php app/console init:bundle "Acme\DemoBundle" src

Next, be sure that the Acme namespace is loaded by adding the following to the app/autoload.php file (see the :ref:`Autoloading sidebar<autoloading-introduction-sidebar>`):

    'Acme'                         => __DIR__.'/../src',
    // ...

Finally, initialize the bundle by adding it to the registerBundles method of the AppKernel class:

// app/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
    $bundles = array(
        // ...
        new Acme\DemoBundle\AcmeDemoBundle(),

    // ...

    return $bundles;

Now that you have a bundle setup, you can begin building your application inside the bundle.

Create the Route

By default, the routing configuration file in a Symfony2 application is located at app/config/routing.yml. Like all configuration in Symfony2, you can also choose to use XML or PHP out of the box to configure routes:

.. configuration-block::

    .. code-block:: yaml

        # app/config/routing.yml
            pattern:  /
            defaults: { _controller: FrameworkBundle:Default:index }

            resource: @AcmeDemoBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml

    .. code-block:: xml

        <!-- app/config/routing.xml -->
        <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>

        <routes xmlns=""

            <route id="homepage" pattern="/">
                <default key="_controller">FrameworkBundle:Default:index</default>

            <import resource="@AcmeDemoBundle/Resources/config/routing.xml" />

    .. code-block:: php

        // app/config/routing.php
        use Symfony\Component\Routing\RouteCollection;
        use Symfony\Component\Routing\Route;

        $collection = new RouteCollection();
        $collection->add('homepage', new Route('/', array(
            '_controller' => 'FrameworkBundle:Default:index',

        return $collection;

The first few lines of the routing configuration file define which code to call when the user requests the "/" resource (the homepage) and serves as an example of routing configuration you may see in this file. More interesting is the last part, which imports another routing configuration file located inside the AcmeDemoBundle:

.. configuration-block::

    .. code-block:: yaml

        # src/Acme/DemoBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml
            pattern:  /hello/{name}
            defaults: { _controller: AcmeDemoBundle:Hello:index }

    .. code-block:: xml

        <!-- src/Acme/DemoBundle/Resources/config/routing.xml -->
        <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>

        <routes xmlns=""

            <route id="hello" pattern="/hello/{name}">
                <default key="_controller">AcmeDemoBundle:Hello:index</default>

    .. code-block:: php

        // src/Acme/DemoBundle/Resources/config/routing.php
        use Symfony\Component\Routing\RouteCollection;
        use Symfony\Component\Routing\Route;

        $collection = new RouteCollection();
        $collection->add('hello', new Route('/hello/{name}', array(
            '_controller' => 'AcmeDemoBundle:Hello:index',

        return $collection;

The routing consists of two basic pieces: the pattern, which is the URI that will match this route, and a defaults array, which specifies the controller that should be executed. The placeholder syntax in the pattern ({name}) is a wildcard. It means that /hello/Ryan, /hello/Fabien or any other similar URI will match this route. The {name} placeholder parameter will also be passed to our controller so that we can use its value to personally greet the user.


The routing system has many more great features for creating flexible and powerful URI structures in your application. For more details, see the chapter all about :doc:`Routing </book/routing>`.

Create the Controller

When a URI such as /hello/Ryan is handled by the application, the hello route is matched and the AcmeDemoBundle:Hello:index controller is executed by the framework. The second step of the page-creation process is to create this controller.

In reality, a controller is nothing more than a PHP method that you create and Symfony executes. This is where the custom application code uses information from the request to build and prepare the resource being requested. Except in some advanced cases, the end product of a controller is always the same: a Symfony2 Response object:

// src/Acme/DemoBundle/Controller/HelloController.php

namespace Acme\DemoBundle\Controller;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;

class HelloController
    public function indexAction($name)
        return new Response('<html><body>Hello '.$name.'!</body></html>');

The controller is simple: it creates a new Response object, whose first argument is the content that should be used for the response (a small HTML page in this case).

Congratulations! After creating only a route and a controller, you already have a fully-functional page! If you've setup everything correctly, your application should greet you:


An optional, but common, third step in the process is to create a template.


Controllers are the main entry point for your code and a key ingredient when creating pages. Much more information can be found in the :doc:`Controller Chapter </book/controller>`.

Create the Template

Templates allows us to move all of the presentation (e.g. HTML code) into a separate file and reuse different portions of the page layout. Instead of writing the HTML inside the controller, use a template instead:

// src/Acme/DemoBundle/Controller/HelloController.php

namespace Acme\DemoBundle\Controller;

use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller;

class HelloController extends Controller
    public function indexAction($name)
        return $this->render('AcmeDemoBundle:Hello:index.html.twig', array('name' => $name));

        // render a PHP template instead
        // return $this->render('AcmeDemoBundle:Hello:index.html.php', array('name' => $name));


In order to use the render() method, you must extend the :class:`Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller` class, which adds shortcuts for tasks that are common inside controllers.

The render() method creates a Response object filled with the content of the given, rendered template. Like any other controller, you will ultimately return that Response object.

Notice that there are two different examples for rendering the template. By default, Symfony2 supports two different templating languages: classic PHP templates and the succinct but powerful Twig templates. Don't be alarmed - you're free to choose either or even both in the same project.

The controller renders the AcmeDemoBundle:Hello:index.html.twig template, which uses the following naming convention:


In this case, AcmeDemoBundle is the bundle name, Hello is the controller, and index.html.twig the template:

.. configuration-block::

    .. code-block:: jinja

        {# src/Acme/DemoBundle/Resources/views/Hello/index.html.twig #}
        {% extends '::layout.html.twig' %}

        {% block body %}
            Hello {{ name }}!
        {% endblock %}

    .. code-block:: php

        <!-- src/Acme/DemoBundle/Resources/views/Hello/index.html.php -->
        <?php $view->extend('::layout.html.php') ?>

        Hello <?php echo $view->escape($name) ?>!

Let's step through the Twig template line-by-line:

  • line 2: The extends token defines a parent template. The template explicitly defines a layout file inside of which it will be placed.
  • line 4: The block token says that everything inside should be placed inside a block called body. As we'll see, it's the responsibility of the parent template (layout.html.twig) to ultimately render the block called body.

The parent template, ::layout.html.twig, is missing both the bundle and controller portions of its name (hence the double colon (::) at the beginning). This means that the template lives outside of the bundles and in the app directory:

.. configuration-block::

    .. code-block:: html+jinja

        {% app/views/layout.html.twig %}
        <!DOCTYPE html>
                <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
                <title>{% block title %}Hello Application{% endblock %}</title>
                {% block body %}{% endblock %}

    .. code-block:: php

        <!-- app/views/layout.html.php -->
        <!DOCTYPE html>
                <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
                <title><?php $view['slots']->output('title', 'Hello Application') ?></title>
                <?php $view['slots']->output('_content') ?>

The base template file defines the HTML layout and renders the body block that we defined in the index.html.twig template. It also renders a title block, which we could choose to define in the index.html.twig template. Since we did not define the title block in the child template, it defaults to "Hello Application".

Templates are a powerful way to render and organize the content for your page and can be HTML markup, CSS code, or anything else that the controller may need to return. But the templating engine is simply a means to an end. The goal is that each controller returns a Response object. Templates are a powerful, but optional, tool for creating the content of a Response object.

.. index::
   single: Directory Structure

The Directory Structure

After just a few short sections, you already understand the philosophy behind creating and rendering pages in Symfony2. You've also already begun to see how Symfony2 projects are structured and organized. By the end of this section, you'll know where to find and put different types of files and why.

Though perfectly flexible, by default, each Symfony :term:`application` has the same basic and recommended directory structure:

  • app/: This directory contains the application configuration;
  • src/: All the project PHP code is stored under this directory;
  • vendor/: Any vendor libraries are placed here by convention;
  • web/: This is the web root directory and contains any publicly accessible files;

The Web Directory

The web root directory is the home of all public and static files such as images, stylesheets, and JavaScript files. It is also where each :term:`front controller` lives:

// web/app.php
require_once __DIR__.'/../app/bootstrap.php';
require_once __DIR__.'/../app/AppKernel.php';

use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;

$kernel = new AppKernel('prod', false);

The front controller file (app.php in this example) is the actual PHP file that's executed when using a Symfony2 application and its job is to use a Kernel class, AppKernel, to bootstrap the application.


Having a front controller means different and more flexible URLs than are used in a typical flat PHP application. When using a front controller, URLs are formatted in the following way:


The front controller, app.php, is executed and the URI /hello/Ryan is routed internally using the routing configuration. By using Apache mod_rewrite rules, you can force the app.php file to be executed without needing to specify it in the URL:


Though front controllers are essential in handling every request, you'll rarely need to modify or even think about them. We'll mention them again briefly in the Environments section.

The Application (app) Directory

As you saw in the front controller, the AppKernel class is the main entry point of the application and is responsible for all configuration. As such, it is stored in the app/ directory.

This class must implement three methods that define everything that Symfony needs to know about your application. You don't even need to worry about these methods when starting - Symfony fills them in for you with sensible defaults.

  • registerBundles(): Returns an array of all bundles needed to run the application (see The Bundle System);
  • registerContainerConfiguration(): Loads the main application configuration resource file (see the Application Configuration section);
  • registerRootDir(): Returns the root app directory (defaults to app/).

In day-to-day development, you'll mostly use the app/ directory to modify configuration and routing files in the app/config/ directory (see Application Configuration). It also contains the application cache directory (app/cache), a logging directory (app/logs) and a directory for application-level template files (app/views). You'll learn more about each of these directories in later chapters.


When bootstrapping, a special file - app/autoload.php - is included. This file is responsible for autoloading all the files stored in the src/ and vendor/ directories.

Because of the autoloader, you never need to worry about using include or require statements. Instead, Symfony2 uses the namespace of a class to determine its location and automatically includes the file on your behalf the instance you need a class:

    'Acme'                         => __DIR__.'/../src',
    // ...

With this configuration, Symfony2 will look inside the src directory for any class in the Acme namespace (your pretend company's namespace). For autoloading to work, the class name and path to the file must follow the same pattern:

Class Name:

The app/autoload.php configures the autoloader to look for different PHP namespaces in different directories and can be customized as necessary. For more information on autoloading, see :doc:`How to autoload Classes</cookbook/tools/autoloader>`.

The Source (src) Directory

Put simply, the src/ directory contains all of the actual PHP code that runs the application. In fact, when developing, the vast majority of work will likely be done inside this directory. By default, the src/ directory is empty. When you begin development, you'll being to populate the directory with bundles that contain your application code.

But what exactly is a :term:`bundle`?

The Bundle System

A bundle is similar to a plugin in other software, but even better. The key difference is that everything is a bundle in Symfony2, including both the core framework functionality and the code written for your application. Bundles are first-class citizens in Symfony2. This gives you the flexibility to use pre-built features packaged in third-party bundles or to distribute your own bundles. It makes it easy to pick and choose which features to enable in your application and to optimize them the way you want.


While we'll cover the basics here, an entire chapter is devoted to the topic of :doc:`/book/bundles`.

A bundle is simply a structured set of files within a directory that implement a single feature. You might create a BlogBundle, a ForumBundle or a bundle for user management (many of these exist already as open source bundles). Each directory contains everything related to that feature, including PHP files, templates, stylesheets, Javascripts, tests and anything else. Every aspect of a feature exists in a bundle and every feature lives in a bundle.

An application is made up of bundles as defined in the registerBundles() method of the AppKernel class:

// app/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
    $bundles = array(
        new Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\FrameworkBundle(),
        new Symfony\Bundle\TwigBundle\TwigBundle(),

        // enable third-party bundles
        new Symfony\Bundle\ZendBundle\ZendBundle(),
        new Symfony\Bundle\SwiftmailerBundle\SwiftmailerBundle(),
        new Symfony\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\DoctrineBundle(),
        //new Symfony\Bundle\DoctrineMigrationsBundle\DoctrineMigrationsBundle(),
        //new Symfony\Bundle\DoctrineMongoDBBundle\DoctrineMongoDBBundle(),

        // register your bundles
        new Acme\DemoBundle\AcmeDemoBundle(),

    if (in_array($this->getEnvironment(), array('dev', 'test'))) {
        $bundles[] = new Symfony\Bundle\WebProfilerBundle\WebProfilerBundle();

    return $bundles;

With the registerBundles() method, you have total control over which bundles are used by your application (including the core Symfony bundles).


A bundle can live anywhere as long as it can be autoloaded by Symfony2. For example, if AcmeDemoBundle lives inside the src/Acme directory, be sure that the Acme namespace has been added to the app/autoload.php file and mapped to the src directory.

Creating a Bundle

To show you how simple the bundle system is, let's create a new bundle called AcmeTestBundle and enable it.

First, create a src/Acme/TestBundle/ directory and add a new file called AcmeTestBundle.php:

// src/Acme/TestBundle/AcmeTestBundle.php
namespace Acme\TestBundle;

use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Bundle\Bundle;

class AcmeTestBundle extends Bundle


The name AcmeTestBundle follows the :ref:`Bundle naming conventions<bundles-naming-conventions>`.

This empty class is the only piece we need to create our new bundle. Though commonly empty, this class is powerful and can be used to customize the behavior of the bundle.

Now that we've created our bundle, we need to enable it via the AppKernel class:

// app/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
    $bundles = array(
        // ...

        // register your bundles
        new Acme\TestBundle\AcmeTestBundle(),

    // ...

    return $bundles;

And while it doesn't do anything yet, AcmeTestBundle is now ready to be used.

And as easy as this is, Symfony also provides a command-line interface for generating a basic bundle skeleton:

php app/console init:bundle "Acme\TestBundle" src

The bundle skeleton generates with a basic controller, template and routing resource that can be customized. We'll talk more about Symfony2's command-line tools later.


Whenever creating a new bundle or using a third-party bundle, be sure to always make sure that the bundle has been enabled in registerBundles().

Bundle Directory Structure

The directory structure of a bundle is simple and flexible. By default, the bundle system follows a set of conventions that help to keep code consistent between all Symfony2 bundles. Let's take a look at AcmeDemoBundle, as it contains some of the most common elements of a bundle:

  • Controller/ contains the controllers of the bundle (e.g. HelloController.php);
  • Resources/config/ houses configuration, including routing configuration (e.g. routing.yml);
  • Resources/views/ templates organized by controller name (e.g. Hello/index.html.twig);
  • Resources/public/ contains web assets (images, stylesheets, etc) and is copied or symbolically linked into the project web/ directory;
  • Tests/ holds all tests for the bundle.

A bundle can be as small or large as the feature it implements. It contains only the files you need and nothing else.

As you move through the book, you'll learn how to persist objects to a database, create and validate forms, create translations for your application, write tests and much more. Each of these has their own place and role within the bundle.

Application Configuration

An application consists of a collection of bundles representing all of the features and capabilities of your application. Each bundle can be customized via configuration files written in YAML, XML or PHP. By default, the main configuration file lives in the app/config/ directory and is called either config.yml, config.xml or config.php depending on which format you prefer:

.. configuration-block::

    .. code-block:: yaml

        # app/config/config.yml
            charset:       UTF-8
            error_handler: null
                enabled: true
                secret: xxxxxxxxxx
            router:        { resource: "%kernel.root_dir%/config/routing.yml" }
            validation:    { enabled: true, annotations: true }
            templating:    { engines: ['twig'] } #assets_version: SomeVersionScheme
                default_locale: en
                lifetime:       3600
                auto_start:     true

        # Twig Configuration
            debug:            %kernel.debug%
            strict_variables: %kernel.debug%

    .. code-block:: xml

        <!-- app/config/config.xml -->
        <framework:config charset="UTF-8" error-handler="null" cache-warmer="false">
            <framework:router resource="%kernel.root_dir%/config/routing.xml" cache-warmer="true" />
            <framework:validation enabled="true" annotations="true" />
            <framework:session default-locale="en" lifetime="3600" auto-start="true" />
            <framework:templating assets-version="SomeVersionScheme" cache-warmer="true">
                <framework:engine id="twig" />
            <framework:csrf-protection enabled="true" secret="xxxxxxxxxx" />

        <!-- Twig Configuration -->
        <twig:config debug="%kernel.debug%" strict-variables="%kernel.debug%" cache-warmer="true" />

    .. code-block:: php

        $container->loadFromExtension('framework', array(
            'charset'         => 'UTF-8',
            'error_handler'   => null,
            'csrf-protection' => array('enabled' => true, 'secret' => 'xxxxxxxxxx'),
            'router'          => array('resource' => '%kernel.root_dir%/config/routing.php'),
            'validation'      => array('enabled' => true, 'annotations' => true),
            'templating'      => array(
                'engines' => array('twig'),
                #'assets_version' => "SomeVersionScheme",
            'session' => array(
                'default_locale' => "en",
                'lifetime'       => "3600",
                'auto_start'     => true,

        // Twig Configuration
        $container->loadFromExtension('twig', array(
            'debug'            => '%kernel.debug%',
            'strict_variables' => '%kernel.debug%',


We'll show you how to choose exactly which file/format to load in the next section Environments.

Each top-level entry like framework or twig defines the configuration for a particular bundle. For example, the framework key defines the configuration for the core Symfony FrameworkBundle and includes configuration for the routing, templating, and other core systems.

For now, don't worry about the specific configuration options in each section. The configuration file ships with sensible defaults. As you read more and explore each part of Symfony2, you'll learn about the specific configuration options of each feature.

Configuration Formats

Throughout the chapters, all configuration examples will be shown in all three formats (YAML, XML and PHP). Each has its own advantages and disadvantages. The choice of which to use is up to you:

  • YAML: Simple, clean and readable;
  • XML: More powerful than YAML at times and supports IDE autocompletion;
  • PHP: Very powerful but less readable than standard configuration formats.
.. index::
   single: Environments; Introduction


An application can run in various environments. The different environments share the same PHP code (apart from the front controller), but can have completely different configurations. For instance, a dev environment will log warnings and errors, while a prod environment will only log errors. Some files are rebuilt on each request in the dev environment, but cached in the prod environment. All environments live together on the same machine.

A Symfony2 project generally begins with three environments (dev, test and prod), though creating new environments is easy. You can view your application in different environments simply by changing the front controller in your browser. To see the application in the dev environment, access the application via the development front controller:


If you'd like to see how your application will behave in the production environment, call the prod front controller instead:



If you open the web/app.php file, you'll find that it's configured explicitly to use the prod environment:

$kernel = new AppCache(new AppKernel('prod', false));

You can create a new front controller for a new environment by copying this file and changing prod to some other value.

Since the prod environment is optimized for speed; the configuration, routing and Twig templates are compiled into flat PHP classes and cached. When viewing changes in the prod environment, you'll need to clear these cached files and allow them to rebuild:

rm -rf app/cache/*


The test environment is used when running automated tests and cannot be accessed directly through the browser. See the :doc:`testing chapter </book/testing>` for more details.

.. index::
   single: Environments; Configuration

Environment Configuration

The AppKernel class is responsible for actually loading the configuration file of your choice:

// app/AppKernel.php
public function registerContainerConfiguration(LoaderInterface $loader)

We already know that the .yml extension can be changed to .xml or .php if you prefer to use either XML or PHP to write your configuration. Notice also that each environment loads its own configuration file. Consider the configuration file for the dev environment.

.. configuration-block::

    .. code-block:: yaml

        # app/config/config_dev.yml
            - { resource: config.yml }

            router:   { resource: "%kernel.root_dir%/config/routing_dev.yml" }
            profiler: { only_exceptions: false }

            toolbar: true
            intercept_redirects: true

                priority: debug
                path:     %kernel.logs_dir%/%kernel.environment%.log

    .. code-block:: xml

        <!-- app/config/config_dev.xml -->
            <import resource="config.xml" />

            <framework:router resource="%kernel.root_dir%/config/routing_dev.xml" />
            <framework:profiler only-exceptions="false" />


            <zend:logger priority="info" path="%kernel.logs_dir%/%kernel.environment%.log" />

    .. code-block:: php

        // app/config/config_dev.php

        $container->loadFromExtension('framework', array(
            'router'   => array('resource' => '%kernel.root_dir%/config/routing_dev.php'),
            'profiler' => array('only-exceptions' => false),

        $container->loadFromExtension('web_profiler', array(
            'toolbar' => true,
            'intercept-redirects' => true,

        $container->loadFromExtension('zend', array(
            'logger' => array(
                'priority' => 'info',
                'path'     => '%kernel.logs_dir%/%kernel.environment%.log',

The imports key is similar to a PHP include statement and guarantees that the main configuration file (config.yml) is loaded first. The rest of the file tweaks the default configuration for increased logging and other settings conducive to a development environment.

Both the prod and test environments follow the same model: each environment imports the base configuration file and then modifies its configuration values to fit the needs of the specific environment.


Congratulations! You've now seen every fundamental aspect of Symfony2 and have hopefully discovered how easy and flexible it can be. And while there are a lot of features still to come, be sure to keep the following basic points in mind:

  • creating a page is a three-step process involving a route, a controller and (optionally) a template.
  • each application should contain only four directories: web/ (web assets and the front controllers), app/ (configuration), src/ (your bundles), and vendor/ (third-party code);
  • each feature in Symfony2 (including the Symfony2 framework core) is organized into a bundle, which is a structured set of files for that feature;
  • the configuration for each bundle lives in the app/config directory and can be specified in YAML, XML or PHP;
  • each environment is accessible via a different front controller (e.g. app.php and app_dev.php) and loads a different configuration file.

From here, each chapter will introduce you to more and more powerful tools and advanced concepts. The more you know about Symfony2, the more you'll appreciate the flexibility of its architecture and the power it gives you to rapidly develop applications.

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