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AWS Code Examples Repository - AWS CDK App Template

Use the template files in this folder to create the unique source code and the associated AWS CloudFormation template file for your finished AWS CDK app.


To set up your development machine in order to customize and run this AWS CDK template app, following the instructions for TypeScript in the "Prerequisites" section of the Getting started with the AWS CDK topic in the AWS CDK Developer Guide.


This folder contains the following template files:

  • .gitignore: A list of files and folders that are generated as you create your AWS CDK app but should not be checked into a repository.
  • cdk.json: Information that the AWS CDK needs in order to find the corresponding AWS CDK app.
  • package.json: Information that Node Package Manager (NPM) needs, such as package names, dependencies, scripts, and versions.
  • This file.
  • setup.ts: Programmatic information about the AWS CDK app.
  • tsconfig.json: Information that the TypeScript compiler needs, such as root level files and various compiler options.


To use these template files to create your AWS CDK app, copy the files to your computer, modify the setup.ts file to include the AWS resources that you want the AWS CDK to generate, and update the package.json file to include all of the required AWS CDK packages.

To download the necessary dependent packages in order to run your AWS CDK app, run the following command (all of these commands should be run from the directory containin cdk.json):

npm install

To update all of your packages to the latest version, open package.json and change the version number of every reference that starts with aws-cdk to the latest version. Then run the following command:

npm update

To generate an AWS CloudFormation template file that represents your AWS CDK app logic, run the following command from within this folder:

cdk synth

This command produces the CloudFormation template SetupStack.template.json in cdk.out.

Note: You can pipe your CloudFormation template to a file, such as 'setup.yaml' using the following command:

cdk synth >> setup.yaml

If required, convert a text file to utf-8 format via PowerShell with the following command:

Get-Content .\test.txt | Set-Content -Encoding utf8 test-utf8.txt

To run the CloudFormation stack to create the resources, run the following command:

cdk deploy

The setup.ts file within this folder contains instructions for getting any custom inputs from the caller as desired and using those inputs as part of the cdk deploy command.

To destroy the AWS CDK app, which deletes the corresponding stack from AWS CloudFormation and which in turn deletes the specified AWS resources, run the following command from within this folder:

cdk destroy


To merge your finished AWS CDK app's source code, merge only the following files from your development machine into its own self-contained folder within the resources/cdk folder in the AWS Code Examples Repository:

  • cdk.json
  • package.json
  • setup.ts
  • tsconfig.json

Important: Update the in the resources/cdk folder of the AWS Code Examples Repository with a description of the resources that your AWS CDK app provisions.

You can regenerate these unmerged folders and files on your development machine as needed by running the preceding npm and cdk commands on your development machine (after of course installing the AWS CDK prerequisites).

Merge the SetupStack.template.json file into the same location(s) as any code example file(s) with which this SetupStack.template.json file is intended to be used.

Using the AWS CLI or the AWS CloudFormation Console

Callers can use the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) or the AWS CloudFormation Console to run your AWS CloudFormation template file. (They can of course use the AWS CDK, but they would need to first install the AWS CDK prerequisites.)

To use the AWS CLI, run the following command from within the same folder as the SetupStack.template.json file to create the corresponding stack in AWS CloudFormation, where SetupStack is some stack name that is unique within an individual AWS Region for the AWS account:

aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name SetupStack --template-body file://SetupStack.template.json

The setup.ts file within this folder contains instructions for getting any custom inputs from the caller as desired and using those inputs as part of the aws cloudformation create-stack command.

To delete the corresponding stack in AWS CloudFormation, run the following command:

aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name SetupStack

To use the AWS CloudFormation Console, do the following to create the corresponding stack:

  1. Sign in to the AWS CloudFormation Console, at
  2. Choose the desired AWS Region in which to create the corresponding stack.
  3. Choose Create stack, With new resources (standard).
  4. On the Create stack page, for Specify template, choose Upload a template file.
  5. Choose Choose file.
  6. Browse to and open the SetupStack.template.json file.
  7. Choose Next.
  8. On the Specify stack details page, for Stack name, type a unique name for the stack. (This stack name must be unique within an individual AWS Region for the AWS account.)
  9. Specify any custom inputs, if required by the template's logic, and then choose Next.
  10. On the Configure stack options page, choose Next.
  11. On the Review page, choose Create stack.

To delete the corresponding stack in the AWS CloudFormation Console, do the following:

  1. Choose the name of the stack to delete.
  2. Choose Delete.
  3. Choose Delete stack.

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