In this notebook, we leverage Moralis API to extract lots of juicy data from tokens, transactions, balances, etc.
- Get all ERC20 tokens owned by an address
- Get the price of an ERC20 token
- Get the all ERC20 transfers by wallet
- Get all ERC20 transactions by contract
- Get ERC20 metadata by contract
- Get the native balance of an address
- Get the native balance of a multi-signature wallet
- Get all transactions of an address
- Get transaction by tx hash
- Get the verbose transaction of an address
- Get the logs for a contract
- Get block content by block number
- Reverse Resolve ENS name
To run this notebook locally, first install dependencies:
virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Then add your Moralis API info to an .env
cp .env_example .env
vim .env
jupyter notebook