Music-recommendation-system Public
Forked from shreyaspj20/Music-recommendation-systemA GUI Application that recommends songs based on the current mood of the user.
Jupyter Notebook MIT License UpdatedOct 22, 2021 -
Hacktoberfest-Python Public
Forked from 20owais/Hacktoberfest-PythonThis Repo is for first-time contributors to hacktoberfest. You can code any Python program and make a pull request.
Python UpdatedOct 8, 2021 -
ProviderUnitTestingEg Public
Forked from Shrivalli/ProviderUnitTestingEgExample for DB Mocking for unit testing
C# UpdatedJun 8, 2021 -
anticancer-drug-synergy-prediction Public
Forked from kunjiefan/anticancer-drug-synergy-predictionPython MIT License UpdatedJun 7, 2021 -
iASL-iOS Public
Forked from Capstone-Projects-2020-Spring/iASL-iOSTranslate American Sign Language using your iPhone's camera!
Swift UpdatedMar 7, 2021 -
Indian-sign-language-recognition Public
Forked from Karthikeyu/Indian-sign-language-recognitionThis repository contains python implementation for recognizing Indian sign language (ISL) gestures for deaf and dumb people.
Python MIT License UpdatedJan 17, 2021 -
Hacktoberfest_2020 Public
Forked from harshilp24/Hacktoberfest_2021Repository designed for beginner to contribute to open-source.
ASP.NET UpdatedOct 6, 2020 -
HacktoberFest2020-Contributions Public
Forked from jinesh31082001/HacktoberFest2020-ContributionsA beginner-friendly project to help you in open-source contributions. Made specifically for contributions in HACKTOBERFEST 2020! Hello World Programs and Algorithms! Please leave a star ⭐ to suppor…
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedOct 4, 2020 -
Hacktoberfest Public
Forked from Showndarya/HacktoberfestA collection of words! ⭐ it if you 👍 it !
Python MIT License UpdatedOct 4, 2020 -
drug-synergy-modeling Public
Forked from joycex99/drug-synergy-modelingMachine learning analysis for prediction of synergistic drug behavior
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedMay 7, 2016