Schedule strategy defines the way how tests are executed, particularly, in what order they are executed.
There are various techniques how to achieve a better distribution of tests across the available destinations.
Note: when we say a destination, we mean a thing that can run tests. When you are in local test run context, the destination is a simulator. When we are in a distributed test run context, the destination is a machine. In this case, we may say that each machine has its own set of destinations - simulators.
The problem is to make sure all machines and their simulators are not idle throughout the destributed or local test run. Thus, we are aiming to achieve the best timings for the test run by making sure all destinations are busy up to the point when the whole test run finishes.
This is the most primitive schedule strategy. It generates a set of Bucket
s with a single TestEntry
in each bucket. Thus, this allows to
have a fine-grained control of destinations load, but increases the overhead of loading xctest
bundle and launching
for each test.
"scheduleStrategy": {
{"testSplitterType": {"type": "individual"}}
Another quite primitive schedule strategy which splits a list of TestEntry
into number of destinations
with equall number of TestEntry
in each. This has an advantage of having the least overhead of loading xctest
bundle, as it will be
loaded only once for each destination. Then, the actual tests from each Bucket
will be executed sequentially, each destination will execute
a single Bucket
. The downside is that it is highly likely that some destination will slow down the whole test run by talking a significat time
to fiinsh its set of tests, while the most of destinations will be idle.
"scheduleStrategy": {
{"testSplitterType": {"type": "equallyDivided"}}
To address downsides of equallyDivided
splitter strategy timeWeighted
uses estimated tests time duration retrived from test history service.
In order to make buckets more compact, set up test history service in queue and specify timeWeighted
in test arg file. If test history hasn't
been set up in queue or there are no sufficient data time-weighted splitter fallbacks to equally divided splitter.
In large scale deployments you can prevent buckets granularity by specifying minimal bucket time (0 if not set).
"scheduleStrategy": {
{"testSplitterType": {"type": "timeWeighted"}, "minBucketTime": 60}
A smarter technique that, in theory, combines the positive sides of each schedule strategy above and attempts to solve the problem when some destinations are idle.
This strategy type will split the set of test into the Bucket
s with variable TestEntry
in each. The large buckets will be executed first,
the smaller buckets will be executed last. If some destination becomes idle, it can pick next bucket to execute.
As the size of the bucket decreases, destinations will run more and more buckets.
While the overhead of loading xctest
bundle increases over time, this allows to make all destinations work and not stay idle.
"scheduleStrategy": {
{"testSplitterType": {"type": "progressive"}}
Generates a single bucket with all tests in it. Useful when tests are short, and there are multiple of them in a single test bundle. In this case it usually does not make sense to split them across workers, but run them all on a single worker.
"scheduleStrategy": {
{"testSplitterType": {"type": "unsplit"}}
Generates buckets with a fixed number of tests in them no matter how many workers are present.
"scheduleStrategy": {
{"testSplitterType": {
"type": "individual",
"size": 5
It is possible to weight each TestEntry
with a corresponding duration if this is available. This will allow to have the buckets with equal
execution duration rather than with equal number of tests in them, but this is not implemented yet.
If we need to run a set of tests on multiple test destinations (e.g. iPhone 7 and iPhone SE), the BucketsGenerator
will generate two
series of buckets for each destination and then merge them, preserving an order (all iPhone 7 buckets first, all iPhone SE buckets next).
This is importaint as it is expensive to switch between different kinds of simulators.