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TensorFlow 2.1 implementation of pretraining and finetuning scripts for BERT.

The original paper: BERT: Pre-training of Deep Bidirectional Transformers for Language Understanding

Pretraining consists of two phases. We use mixed-batch training.

  • Phase1: We pretrain 14064 steps with a total batch size of 32K for maximum sequence length of 128 across 8 p3dn.24xlarge nodes.
  • Phase2: We pretrain 6248 steps with a total batch size of 8K for maximum sequence length of 512 across 8 p3dn.24xlarge nodes.
  • Lastly, we finetune SQuAD v1.1 3649 steps with a total batch size of 48 on a single p3dn.24xlarge node.

SQuAD F1 score combines both precision and recall of each word in the predicted answer ranging between 0-100. For fewer nodes, we apply gradient accumulation to reach the same global batch size per step.

Model p3dn Nodes Phase1 Phase2 Finetuning Total Training Time SQuAD v1.1 F1 SQuAD v2.0 F1
BERT-base 1 32 hours 15 hours 15 mins 47 hours same same
BERT-base 2 17 hours 8 hours 15 mins 25 hours same same
BERT-base 4 10 hours 4 hours 15 mins 14 hours same same
BERT-base 8 5 hrs 33 mins 2 hrs 53 mins 15 mins 8 hrs 41 mins 87.68 76.14

How To Launch Training

All commands should be run from the models/nlp directory.

  1. Create an FSx volume.

  2. Download the datasets onto FSx. The simplest way to start is with English Wikipedia.

  3. Create an Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR) repository. Then build a Docker image from models/nlp/Dockerfile and push it to ECR.

export ACCOUNT_ID=
export REPO=
export IMAGE=${ACCOUNT_ID}${REPO}:py37_tf211
docker build -t ${IMAGE} .
$(aws ecr get-login --no-include-email)
docker push ${IMAGE}
  1. Define environment variables to point to the FSx volume. For a list, use a comma-separated string.
export SAGEMAKER_ROLE=arn:aws:iam::${ACCOUNT_ID}:role/service-role/AmazonSageMaker-ExecutionRole-20200101T123
export SAGEMAKER_FSX_ID=fs-123
export SAGEMAKER_SUBNET_IDS=subnet-123
  1. Define BERT-specific run names.
export PHASE1_RUN_NAME=bertphase1
export PHASE2_RUN_NAME=bertphase2
export PHASE1_STEPS=14064
export PHASE2_STEPS=6248
# The data should be in TFRecords inside /fsx/${TRAIN_DIR}
export TRAIN_DIR=bert_data/train
export VAL_DIR=bert_data/val
export LOG_DIR=logs/bert
export CHECKPOINT_DIR=checkpoints/bert
  1. Launch the SageMaker Phase1 training.
python -m albert.launch_sagemaker \
    --source_dir=. \
    --entry_point=albert/ \
    --sm_job_name=bert-pretrain-phase1 \
    --instance_type=ml.p3dn.24xlarge \
    --instance_count=8 \
    --train_dir=${TRAIN_DIR} \
    --val_dir=${VAL_DIR} \
    --log_dir=${LOG_DIR} \
    --checkpoint_dir=${CHECKPOINT_DIR} \
    --load_from=scratch \
    --model_type=bert \
    --model_size=base \
    --per_gpu_batch_size=128 \
    --max_seq_length=128 \
    --max_predictions_per_seq=20 \
    --optimizer=lamb \
    --learning_rate=0.005 \
    --end_learning_rate=0.0003 \
    --hidden_dropout_prob=0.1 \
    --attention_probs_dropout_prob=0.1 \
    --gradient_accumulation_steps=4 \
    --learning_rate_decay_power=0.5 \
    --warmup_steps=2812 \
    --total_steps=${PHASE1_STEPS} \
    --log_frequency=100 \
    --squad_frequency=0 \
    --run_name=${PHASE1_RUN_NAME} \
  1. Launch the SageMaker Phase2 training.
python -m albert.launch_sagemaker \
    --source_dir=. \
    --entry_point=albert/ \
    --sm_job_name=bert-pretrain-phase2 \
    --instance_type=ml.p3dn.24xlarge \
    --instance_count=8 \
    --train_dir=${TRAIN_DIR} \
    --val_dir=${VAL_DIR} \
    --log_dir=${LOG_DIR} \
    --checkpoint_dir=${CHECKPOINT_DIR} \
    --load_from=checkpoint \
    --load_optimizer_state=false \
    --model_type=bert \
    --model_size=base \
    --per_gpu_batch_size=32 \
    --max_seq_length=512 \
    --max_predictions_per_seq=80 \
    --optimizer=lamb \
    --learning_rate=0.004 \
    --end_learning_rate=0.0003 \
    --hidden_dropout_prob=0.1 \
    --attention_probs_dropout_prob=0.1 \
    --gradient_accumulation_steps=4 \
    --learning_rate_decay_power=0.5 \
    --warmup_steps=625 \
    --total_steps=${PHASE2_STEPS} \
    --log_frequency=100 \
    --squad_frequency=0 \
    --run_name=${PHASE2_RUN_NAME} \
    --checkpoint_path=checkpoints/albert/${PHASE1_RUN_NAME}-step${PHASE1_STEPS} \
  1. Launch a SageMaker finetuning job.

For SQuAD v1.1

python -m albert.launch_sagemaker \
    --source_dir=. \
    --entry_point=albert/ \
    --sm_job_name=bert-squadv1 \
    --instance_type=ml.p3dn.24xlarge \
    --instance_count=1 \
    --load_from=checkpoint \
    --checkpoint_path=checkpoints/albert/${PHASE2_RUN_NAME}-step${PHASE2_STEPS} \
    --model_type=bert \
    --per_gpu_batch_size=6 \
    --model_size=base \
    --squad_version=squadv1 \
    --learning_rate=5e-5 \
    --warmup_steps=365 \
    --total_steps=3649 \
    --validation_frequency=10000 \
    --evaluate_frequency=10000 \
    --skip_xla=true \

SQuAD v2.0

python -m albert.launch_sagemaker \
    --source_dir=. \
    --entry_point=albert/ \
    --sm_job_name=bert-squadv2 \
    --instance_type=ml.p3dn.24xlarge \
    --instance_count=1 \
    --load_from=checkpoint \
    --checkpoint_path=checkpoints/albert/${PHASE2_RUN_NAME}-step${PHASE2_STEPS} \
    --model_type=bert \
    --per_gpu_batch_size=6 \
    --model_size=base \
    --squad_version=squadv2 \
    --learning_rate=10.0e-5 \
    --warmup_steps=814 \
    --total_steps=8144 \
    --validation_frequency=10000 \
    --evaluate_frequency=100000 \
    --skip_xla=true \
  1. Enter the Docker container to debug and edit code.
docker run -it --privileged -v=/fsx:/fsx --gpus=all --shm-size=1g --ulimit memlock=-1 --ulimit stack=67108864 --rm ${IMAGE} /bin/bash