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Setting up

  • Do the following from the unix prompt of your VM

    • Go to the directory you "cloned" the module files last time
    • Do `git pull origin master' to bring the new files
  • Do the following tasks using your windows share or your unix account in the VM

    • Copy the lab files from the module directory into your own github lab directory, in "lab5" folder
    • Remove everything from the copied


  • Start ipython/jupiter by typing ipython notebook --ip='*'
  • Start a browser and connect to http://mlvm:8888/
    • You will need to input the token that was provided to you when you started ipython (looks like "c3fad33a4d227d5f395f6b2ce5de34c05b2dfa0ca516b36f" (NOT THIS ONE))
  • Using the web page, go to lab5

Ipython notebooks

  • Inside lab5 you will see Rec_correct.ipynb and Rec_features.ipynb

  • Create a new Ipython notebook

Lab Exercises

  • Load the data from the file ``jester-data-1.csv''

  • Split the data into validation, test and training set with 80:10:10 proportions

  • Use latent factor modelling to infer the hidden ratings of the users (they are labelled as "99" in the dataset) on the training set

  • Calculate the performance of the algorithm in the validation dataset by looping through the dataset without training

  • Change hyper-parameters (i.e. learning rates, number of iterations etc) as needed so you can get good results

  • Report the MSE on the test dataset

  • (if you have time) Use pandas to find the best and the worst rated jokes

  • Once you are done, save your changes in github

    • Go inside your lab directory and do
      • git add -A -v
      • git commit -m <message>
      • git push origin master