Do the following from the unix prompt of your VM
- Go to the directory you "cloned" the module files last time
- Do `git pull origin master' to bring the new files
Do the following tasks using your windows share or your unix account in the VM
- Copy the lab files from the module directory into your own github lab directory, in "lab5" folder
- Remove everything from the copied README.md
- Start ipython/jupiter by typing
ipython notebook --ip='*'
- Start a browser and connect to
- You will need to input the token that was provided to you when you started ipython (looks like "c3fad33a4d227d5f395f6b2ce5de34c05b2dfa0ca516b36f" (NOT THIS ONE))
- Using the web page, go to lab5
you will see Rec_correct.ipynb and Rec_features.ipynb -
Create a new Ipython notebook
Load the data from the file ``jester-data-1.csv''
- The data is from http://eigentaste.berkeley.edu/dataset/ and it contains the ratings of 101 jokes from 24,983 users
- You can find the jokes in the website http://eigentaste.berkeley.edu/dataset/jester_dataset_1_joke_texts.zip
Split the data into validation, test and training set with 80:10:10 proportions
Use latent factor modelling to infer the hidden ratings of the users (they are labelled as "99" in the dataset) on the training set
Calculate the performance of the algorithm in the validation dataset by looping through the dataset without training
Change hyper-parameters (i.e. learning rates, number of iterations etc) as needed so you can get good results
Report the MSE on the test dataset
(if you have time) Use pandas to find the best and the worst rated jokes
Once you are done, save your changes in github
- Go inside your lab directory and do
git add -A -v
git commit -m <message>
git push origin master
- Go inside your lab directory and do