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Wanderlust Deployment on Kubernetes

In this project, we will learn about how to deploy wanderlust application on Kubernetes.

Pre-requisites to implement this project:

  • Create 2 AWS EC2 instance (Ubuntu) with instance type t2.medium and root volume 29GB.
  • Setup Kubeadm

Steps for Kubernetes deployment:

  1. Become root user :
sudo su

  1. Clone code from remote repository (GitHub) :
git clone -b devops

  1. Verify nodes are in ready state or not :
kubectl get nodes

Alt text

  1. Create kubernetes namespace :
kubectl create namespace wanderlust


  1. Update kubernetes config context :
kubectl config set-context --current --namespace wanderlust

Update context

  1. Enable DNS resolution on kubernetes cluster :
  • Check coredns pod in kube-system namespace and you will find Both coredns pods are running on master node
kubectl get pods -n kube-system -o wide | grep -i core

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  • Above step will run coredns pod on worker node as well for DNS resolution
kubectl edit deploy coredns -n kube-system -o yaml

Make replica count from 2 to 4

replica 4

  1. Navigate to frontend directory :
cd frontend

  1. Edit .env.docker file and change the public IP Address with your worker node public IP :
vi .env.docker


  1. Build frontend docker image :
docker build -t madhupdevops/frontend-wanderlust:v2.1.8 .

Dockerfile frontend

  1. Navigate to backend directory :
cd ../backend/

  1. Open .env.docker file and edit below variables :

    • MONGODB_URI: <your-mongodb-servicename>
    • REDIS_URL: <your-redis-servicename>
    • FRONTEND_URL: <your-workernode-publicIP>

Note: To get service names, check mongodb.yaml, redis.yaml

Backend env file

  1. Build backend docker image :
docker build -t madhupdevops/backend-wanderlust:v2.1.8 .

Backend dockerfile

  1. Check docker images:
docker images

docker images

  1. Login to DockerHub and push image to DockerHub
docker login

docker login

docker push madhupdevops/frontend-wanderlust:v2.1.8
docker push madhupdevops/backend-wanderlust:v2.1.8

  1. Once, Image is pushed to DockerHub, navigate to kubernetes directory
cd ../kubernetes

  1. Apply manifests file the below order:

    • Create persistent volume :
    kubectl apply -f persistentVolume.yaml 

    Peristent volume

    • Create persistent volume Claim :
    kubectl apply -f persistentVolumeClaim.yaml 

    Peristent volume Claim

    • Create MongoDB deployment and service :
    kubectl apply -f mongodb.yaml 


    • Create Redis deployment and service :

    Note: Wait for 3-4 mins to get mongodb, redis pods and service should be up, otherwise backend-service will not connect.

    kubectl apply -f redis.yaml 


    • Create Backend deployment and service :
    kubectl apply -f backend.yaml 


    • Create Frontend deployment and service :
    kubectl apply -f frontend.yaml


  1. Check all deployments and services :
kubectl get all

all deployments and services

  1. Check logs for all the pods :

Note: This is mandatory to ensure all pods and services are connected or not, if not then recreate deployments

kubectl logs <pod-name>
  1. Navigate to chrome and access your application at 31000 port :
