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Use default values for manual flags when summarizing dependencies. (c…
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grayjay committed Jul 20, 2015
1 parent 781b132 commit 34254d6
Showing 1 changed file with 47 additions and 19 deletions.
66 changes: 47 additions & 19 deletions Distribution/Server/Packages/Render.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ module Distribution.Server.Packages.Render (

import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, isJust, maybeToList)
import Control.Monad (guard)
import Control.Arrow (second)
import Control.Arrow (second, (&&&))
import Data.Char (toLower, isSpace)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Vector as Vec
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -161,40 +161,51 @@ categorySplit xs = map (dropWhile isSpace) $ splitOn ',' xs
-- Flatten the dependencies of a GenericPackageDescription into a
-- simple summary form. Library and executable dependency ranges
-- are combined using intersection, except for dependencies within
-- if and else branches, which are unioned together.
-- if and else branches, which are unioned together. Skip
-- dependencies introduced by manual flags.
flatDependencies :: GenericPackageDescription -> [Dependency]
flatDependencies =
sortOn (\(Dependency pkgname _) -> map toLower (display pkgname))
. pkgDeps
flatDependencies pkg =
sortOn (\(Dependency pkgname _) -> map toLower (display pkgname)) pkgDeps
pkgDeps :: GenericPackageDescription -> [Dependency]
pkgDeps pkg = fromMap $ Map.unionsWith intersectVersions $
map condTreeDeps (maybeToList $ condLibrary pkg)
++ map (condTreeDeps . snd) (condExecutables pkg)
pkgDeps :: [Dependency]
pkgDeps = fromMap $ Map.unionsWith intersectVersions $
map condTreeDeps (maybeToList $ condLibrary pkg)
++ map (condTreeDeps . snd) (condExecutables pkg)
fromMap = map fromPair . Map.toList
fromPair (pkgname, Versions _ ver) =
Dependency pkgname $ fromVersionIntervals ver

condTreeDeps :: CondTree v [Dependency] a -> PackageVersions
manualFlags :: FlagAssignment
manualFlags = map assignment . filter flagManual $ genPackageFlags pkg
where assignment = flagName &&& flagDefault

condTreeDeps :: CondTree ConfVar [Dependency] a -> PackageVersions
condTreeDeps (CondNode _ ds comps) =
Map.unionsWith intersectVersions $
toMap ds : map fromComponent comps
fromComponent (_, then_part, else_part) =
unionDeps (condTreeDeps then_part)
(maybe Map.empty condTreeDeps else_part)
fromComponent (cond, then_part, else_part) =
let thenDeps = condTreeDeps then_part
elseDeps = maybe Map.empty condTreeDeps else_part
in case evalCondition manualFlags cond of
Just True -> thenDeps
Just False -> elseDeps
Nothing -> unionPackageVersions thenDeps elseDeps

toMap = Map.fromListWith intersectVersions . map toPair
toPair (Dependency pkgname ver) =
(pkgname, Versions All $ toVersionIntervals ver)

unionDeps :: PackageVersions -> PackageVersions -> PackageVersions
unionDeps ds1 ds2 = Map.unionWith unionVersions
(Map.union ds1 defaults) (Map.union ds2 defaults)
defaults = (const notSpecified) $ Map.union ds1 ds2
notSpecified = Versions Some $ toVersionIntervals noVersion
-- Note that 'unionPackageVersions Map.empty' is not identity.
unionPackageVersions :: PackageVersions -> PackageVersions -> PackageVersions
unionPackageVersions ds1 ds2 = Map.unionWith unionVersions
(Map.union ds1 defaults)
(Map.union ds2 defaults)
defaults = (const notSpecified) $ Map.union ds1 ds2
notSpecified = Versions Some $ toVersionIntervals noVersion

-- | Version intervals for a dependency that also indicate whether the
-- dependency has been specified on all branches. For example, package x's
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -239,6 +250,23 @@ combineDepsBy f =
. Map.fromListWith f
. map (\(Dependency pkgname ver) -> (pkgname, toVersionIntervals ver))

-- | Evaluate a 'Condition' with a partial 'FlagAssignment', returning
-- | 'Nothing' if the result depends on additional variables.
evalCondition :: FlagAssignment -> Condition ConfVar -> Maybe Bool
evalCondition flags cond =
let eval = evalCondition flags
in case cond of
Var (Flag f) -> lookup f flags
Var _ -> Nothing
Lit b -> Just b
CNot c -> not `fmap` eval c
COr c1 c2 -> eval $ CNot (CNot c1 `CAnd` CNot c2)
CAnd c1 c2 -> case (eval c1, eval c2) of
(Just False, _) -> Just False
(_, Just False) -> Just False
(Just True, Just True) -> Just True
_ -> Nothing

-- Same as @sortBy (comparing f)@, but without recomputing @f@.
sortOn :: Ord b => (a -> b) -> [a] -> [a]
sortOn f xs = map snd (sortBy (comparing fst) [(f x, x) | x <- xs])
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