Babashka pods are programs that can be used as Clojure libraries by babashka.
This is the library to load babashka pods. It is used by babashka but also usable from the JVM and sci-based projects other than babashka.
The word pod means bridge in Romanian.
Pods are standalone programs that can expose namespaces with vars to babashka or a JVM. Pods can be built in Clojure, but also in languages that don't run on the JVM.
Some terminology:
- pod: a program that exposes namespaces with vars via the pod protocol.
- pod client: the program invoking a pod. When babashka invokes a pod, babashka is the pod client. When a JVM invokes a pod, the JVM is the pod client.
- message: a message sent from the pod client to the pod or vice versa, encoded in bencode format.
- payload: a particular field of a message encoded in a payload format
(currently only JSON or EDN). Examples are
. _ - pod protocol: the documented way of exchanging messages between a pod client and pod.
Pods can be created independently from pod clients. Any program can be invoked as a pod as long as it implements the pod protocol. This protocol is influenced by and built upon battle-tested technologies:
- the nREPL and LSP protocols
- bencode
- composition of UNIX command line tools in via good old stdin and stdout
The name pod is inspired by boot's pod feature. It means underneath or below in Polish and Russian. In Romanian it means bridge (source).
For a list of available pods, take a look here.
The protocol should be considered alpha. Breaking changes may occur at this
phase and will be documented in
Using pod-babashka-hsqldb as an example pod.
On the JVM:
(require '[babashka.pods :as pods])
(pods/load-pod "pod-babashka-hsqldb")
(require '[pod.babashka.hsqldb :as sql])
(def db "jdbc:hsqldb:mem:testdb;sql.syntax_mys=true")
(sql/execute! db ["create table foo ( foo int );"])
;;=> [#:next.jdbc{:update-count 0}]
To use pods in a sci based project, see test/babashka/pods/sci_test.clj.
Babashka pods allow you to leverage functionality from other programs regardless of the technology they were implemented in. As such, pods can be a light weight replacement for native interop (JNI, JNA, etc.).
When developing pods, this library can be used to test them on the JVM.
Beyond the already available pods mentioned above, eductional examples of pods can be found here:
- pod-lispyclouds-sqlite: a pod that allows you to create and fire queries at a sqlite database. Implemented in Python.
If you are looking for libraries to deal with bencode, JSON or EDN, take a look at the existing pods or nREPL implementations for various languages.
When choosing a name for your pod, we suggest the following naming scheme:
where <user-id>
is your Github or Gitlab handle and <pod-name>
what your pod is about.
- pod-lispyclouds-sqlite: a pod to communicate with sqlite, provided by @lispyclouds.
Pods created by the babashka maintainers use the identifier babashka
- pod-babashka-hsqldb: a pod to communicate with HSQLDB
Exchange of messages between pod client and the pod happens in the bencode format. Bencode is a bare-bones format that only has four types:
- integers
- lists
- dictionaries (maps)
- byte strings
Additionally, payloads like args
(arguments) or value
(a function return
value) are encoded in either JSON or EDN.
So remember: messages are in bencode, payloads (particular fields in the message) are in either JSON or EDN.
Bencode is chosen as the message format because it is a light-weight format
which can be implemented in 200-300 lines of code in most languages. If pods are
implemented in Clojure, they only need to depend on the
bencode library and use pr-str
for encoding and decoding payloads.
So we use bencode as the first encoding and choose one of multiple richer encodings on top of this, similar to how the nREPL protocol is implemented. More payload formats might be added in the future (e.g. transit). Other languages typically use a bencode library + a JSON library to encode payloads.
When calling the babashka.pods/load-pod
function, the pod client will start
the pod and leave the pod running throughout the duration of a babashka script.
The first message that the pod client will send to the pod on its stdin is:
{"op" "describe"}
Encoded in bencode this looks like:
(bencode/write-bencode System/out {"op" "describe"})
;;=> d2:op8:describee
The pod should reply to this request with a message in the vein of:
{"format" "json"
[{"name" "pod.lispyclouds.sqlite"
"vars" [{"name" "execute!"}]}]
"ops" {"shutdown" {}}}
In this reply, the pod declares that payloads will be encoded and decoded using
JSON. It also declares that the pod exposes one namespace,
with one var execute!
The pod encodes the above map to bencode and writes it to stdoud. The pod client reads this message from the pod's stdout.
Upon receiving this message, the pod client creates these namespaces and vars.
The optional ops
value communicates which ops the pod supports, beyond
and invoke
. It is a map of op names to option maps. In the above
example the pod declares that it supports the shutdown
op. Since the
op does not need any additional options right now, the value is an
empty map.
As a pod user, you can load the pod with:
(require '[babashka.pods :as pods])
(pods/load-pod "pod-lispyclouds-sqlite")
(some? (find-ns 'pod.lispyclouds.sqlite)) ;;=> true
;; yay, the namespace exists!
;; let's give the namespace an alias
(require '[pod.lispyclouds.sqlite :as sql])
When invoking a var that is related to the pod, let's call it a proxy var, the pod client reaches out to the pod with the arguments encoded in JSON or EDN. The pod will then respond with a return value encoded in JSON or EDN. The pod client will then decode the return value and present the user with that.
Example: the user invokes (sql/execute! "select * from foo")
. The pod client
sends this message to the pod:
{"id" "1d17f8fe-4f70-48bf-b6a9-dc004e52d056"
"var" "pod.lispyclouds.sqlite/execute!"
"args" "[\"select * from foo\"]"
The id
is unique identifier generated by the pod client which correlates this
request with a response from the pod.
An example response from the pod could look like:
{"id" "1d17f8fe-4f70-48bf-b6a9-dc004e52d056"
"value" "[[1] [2]]"
"status" "[\"done\"]"}
Here, the value
payload is the return value of the function invocation. The
field status
contains "done"
. This tells the pod client that this is the last
message related to the request with id
Now you know most there is to know about the pod protocol!
When the pod client is about to exit, it sends an {"op" "shutdown"}
message, if the
pod has declared that it supports it in the describe
response. Then it waits
for the pod process to end. This gives the pod a chance to clean up resources
before it exits. If the pod does not support the shutdown
op, the pod process
is killed by the pod client.
Pods may send messages with an out
and err
string value. The Pod Client prints
these messages to *out*
and *err*
. Stderr from the pod is redirected to
{"id" "1d17f8fe-4f70-48bf-b6a9-dc004e52d056"
"out" "hello"}
{"id" "1d17f8fe-4f70-48bf-b6a9-dc004e52d056"
"err" "debug"}
If format
is edn
then the pod may describe reader functions:
{"readers" {"my/tag" "clojure.core/identity"}}
so payloads containing tagged values like #my/tag[1 2 3]
are read correctly as
[1 2 3]
Responses may contain an ex-message
string and ex-data
payload string (JSON
or EDN) along with an "error"
value in status
. This will cause the pod client to
throw an ex-info
with the associated values.
{"id" "1d17f8fe-4f70-48bf-b6a9-dc004e52d056"
"ex-message" "Illegal input"
"ex-data" "{\"input\": 10}
"status" "[\"done\", \"error\"]"}
To debug your pod, you can write to stderr of the pod's process or write to a log file. Currently, stderr is sent to stderr of the pod client.
The pod client will set the BABASHKA_POD
environment variable to true
invoking the pod. This can be used by the invoked program to determine whether
it should behave as a pod or not.
Added in v0.0.94.
Pods may implement functions and macros by sending arbitrary code to the pod
client in a "code"
field as part of a "var"
section. The code is evaluated
by the pod client inside the declared namespace.
For example, a pod can define a macro called do-twice
{"format" "json"
[{"name" "pod.babashka.demo"
"vars" [{"name" "do-twice" "code" "(defmacro do-twice [x] `(do ~x ~x))"}]}]}
In the pod client:
(pods/load-pod "pod-babashka-demo")
(require '[pod.babashka.demo :as demo])
(demo/do-twice (prn :foo))
When your pod exposes multiple namespaces that can be used independently from
each other, consider implementing the load-ns
op which allows the pod client
to load the namespace and process the client side code when it is loaded using
. This will speed up the initial setup of the pod in load-pod
In describe
the pod will mark the namespaces as deferred:
{"name" "pod.lispyclouds.deferred-ns"
"defer" "true"}
When the user requires the namespace with (require '[pod.lispyclouds.deferred-ns])
the pod client will then send a message:
{"op" "load-ns"
"ns" "pod.lispyclouds.deferred-ns"
"id "..."}
upon which the pod will reply with the namespace data:
{"name" "pod.lispyclouds.deferred-ns"
"vars" [{"name" "myfunc" "code" "(defn my-func [])"}]
"id" "..."}
If a deferred namespace depends on another deferred namespace, provide explicit
s in code
{"name" "pod.lispyclouds.another-deferred-ns"
[{"name" "myfunc"
"code" "(require '[pod.lispyclouds.deferred-ns :as dns])
(defn my-func [] (dns/x))"}]
"id" "..."}
Asynchronous functions can be implemented using callbacks.
The pod will first declare a wrapper function accepting user provided callbacks as client side code. An example from the filewatcher pod:
(defn watch
([path cb] (watch path cb {}))
([path cb opts]
[path opts]
{:handlers {:success (fn [event] (cb (update event :type keyword)))
:error (fn [{:keys [:ex-message :ex-data]}]
(binding [*out* *err*]
(println "ERROR:" ex-message)))}})
The wrapper function will then invoke babashka.pods/invoke
, a lower level
function to invoke a pod var with callbacks.
The arguments to babashka.pods/invoke
- a pod identifier string derived from the first described namespace.
- the symbol of the var to invoke
- the arguments to the var
- an opts map containing
containing callback functions::success
The return value of babashka.pods/invoke
is a map containing :result
. When
not using callbacks, this is the return value from the pod var invocation. When
using callbacks, this value is undefined.
The callback :success
is called with a map containing a return value from the
pod invocation. The pod can potentially return multiple values. The callback
will be called with every value individually.
The callback :error
is called in case the pod sends an error, a map
: an error message:ex-data
: an arbitrary additional error data map. Typically it will contain:type
describing the type of exception that happened in the pod.
If desired, :ex-message
and :ex-data
can be reified into a
using ex-info
The callback :done
is a 0-arg function. This callback can be used to determine
if the pod is done sending values, in case it wants to send multiple. The
callback is only called if no errors were sent by the pod.
In the above example the wrapper function calls the pod identified by
. It calls the var
. In :on-success
it pulls out received
values, passing them to the user-provided callback. Additionally, it prints any
errors received from the pod library in :on-error
to *err*
A user will then use pod.babashka.filewatcher/watch
like this:
$ clj
Clojure 1.10.1
user=> (require '[babashka.pods :as pods])
user=> (pods/load-pod "pod-babashka-filewatcher")
user=> (require '[pod.babashka.filewatcher :as fw])
user=> (fw/watch "/tmp" (fn [result] (prn "result" result)))
user=> (spit "/tmp/foobar123.txt" "foo")
user=> "result" {:path "/private/tmp/foobar123.txt", :type "create"}
To run the tests for the pods library:
$ script/test
Copyright © 2020 Michiel Borkent
Distributed under the EPL License. See LICENSE.