An HLS server and client written in node.
The HLS proxy client uses node to stream any changes to a live HLS stream to an HLS server. Useful for streaming from a non-static IP to a server on a static IP.
The HLS server uses node to stream the segments and playlist file from a static IP. For browsers which don't support HLS the VideoJS library is used. The segments are stored in memory and retrieved from the HLS Proxy Client.
This is a work in progress. I created this tool to live stream my sister's wedding from a cell phone. Support for other clients will be added as people need to utilize other software or hardware. I used a Logitech 920C HD Webcam for the current version.
node client.js --host= --port=8081 --auth=123somehash321
node server.js --port=8081 --auth=123somehash321