- 16/10/2024: Presenting two papers at O-COCOSDA 2024 in Hsinchu, Taiwan. One paper is entitled "UNCERTAINTY-BASED ENSEMBLE LEARNING FOR SPEECH CLASSIFICATION", another is "Uncertainty-Based Ensemble Learning For Speech Classification".
- 31/05/2024: A paper was published online in "Journal of Applied Data Science", Title: Performance Improvement of Covid-19 Cough Detection Based on Deep Learning with Segmentation Methods
- 31/10/2023: Attending APSIPA 2023 in Taipei, Taiwan. I present two papers on speech emotion recognition. It was the first time I had become chair of a conference.
- 04/06/2023: Attending ICASSP 2023 at Rhodes Island, Greece. In the poster session, I will present my work entitled "EVALUATING VARIANTS OF WAV2VEC 2.0 ON AFFECTIVE VOCAL BURST TASKS"
- 27/02/2023: Attending Joint ICTP-IAEA Advanced School/Workshop on Machine Learning in Citizen Science at ICTP, Triete, Italy
- 01/01/2023: I changed my status at AIST from Postdoctoral researcher to Project researcher
- 20/11/2022: Our paper entitled "Evaluating SSLs for Speech Emotion Recognition" has been accepted on IEEE Access. This is the fifth journal of this year.
- 07/11/2022: Presented two papers in APSIPA-ASC 2022 in Chiang Mai, Thailand.
- 17/10/2022: Presented one paper in ACII 2022. First in-person conference after COVID-19.
- 01/04/2022: My postdoc position in signal processing group, AIRC, AIST Japan will be extended for one year to 30 March 2022.
- 23/03/2022: Create this