The ZCMD framework is a collection of bash and python utilities and configuration conventions that facilitate the operation and management of docker containers and collections of containers ("zcmd stacks").
The framework is intended to be appropriate for use in DEV, STAGE, and PROD environments.
You've installed the contents of this git repo into the following location ...
You have the following environment variable ...
export ZCMD_HOME=$HOME/zcmd
And your PATH has the following added to it ...
Also you copied the following templates from the $HOME/zcmd folder and filled them out:
- "team-profile-template.env" to the name "team-profile.env"
- "custom-profile-template.env" to the name "custom-profile.env"
Some of the commands assume you have the following installed on your host:
- docker <-- required for everything (you dont have this, you dont have docker)
- docker-compose <-- required for almost everything (how to build "zcmd stacks")
- aws utilities <-- required for S3 interactions (e.g., backup files to S3/restore files from S3)
- mysql-client <-- required for most database actions where mysql is persistend on the host
- python3 <-- required for some operations
Update your ".bashrc" file, or ".profile" and log back in.
export ZCMD_HOME="$HOME/zcmd"
alias cdutil=". ${ZCMD_HOME}/devutils/"
alias python="python3"
alias pip="pip3"
Copy the zcmd/custom-profile-template.env file to zcmd/custom-profile.env and set the values to be appropriate for your host computer and user details.
If you work in a team of people, consider sharing a single zcmd/team-profile.env based on the pattern shown in the zcmd/team-profile-template.env file.
Follow these steps to launch a simple demonstration stack using zcmd and then shut it down.
Create the place where we recommend placing your stacks...
- Step 1: Create ~/docker-repos folder
Clone the demonstration stack...
- Step 2: git clone
Go into the stack folder of your demonstration stack...
- Step 3: cd ~/docker-repos/zcmd-demo-stack/stack
Now, start the demonstration stack
- Step 4: zcmd up
Give the demonstration stack about a minute to start then have a look at the webpage available at localhost:11080 in your browser.
And finally, use one of the following commands to shut down your stack when you are done with it.
- zcmd down <--- shuts down just the current stack
- zcmd kill-all-containers <-- shuts down ALL stacks running
Tip: Edit the stack.env if you want to use a different port number. More details about that stack are available on the website.
The framework includes several user callable helper utilities, all located in the zcmd/devutils directory.
The main utility of the framework is invoked by typing zcmd at the command prompt of a properly configured host computer's terminal. Some command examples ...
- zcmd up <-- Starts a stack
- zcmd psa <-- Lists all existing container instances
- zcmd ct <-- Opens a terminal in a running container
- zcmd down <-- Shuts down a stack
- zcmd --help <-- Display all available options for the zcmd utility
- zcmd --help up <-- Display detailed help for the up command
Utilities that are helpful when working with Docker. Put it on your path!
This is where all the commands are defined as individual scripts in the
following subdirectories:
global -- commands that run from any folder
machine -- commands that only run in a machine image folder
NOTE: An image folder has a "machine.env" file.
stack -- commands that only run from a docker stack folder
NOTE: A stack folder has a "stack.env" file.
Scripts written in python that can be launched by zcmd directly.
Environment declarations for specific applications.
Docker compositions of a few core stacks to be shared by many applications.
Only core stacks should be here. All application specific stacks belong
in their own git repos elsewhere.
The framework has been successfully used in Linux and Mac OSX. It has not been tested using Docker in native Windows.
docker --version
Docker version 18.09.5, build e8ff056
docker-compose --version
docker-compose version 1.22.0, build f46880fe
You can find some installation tips at
You can start with the wiki content at
Contact us via this github site if you have ideas for refinements/enhancements or quirk fixes.