This is the source repository for Sky Map. You should see the following three directories:
- app: Application source
- test: Testing source (woefully out of date)
- tools: Source for generating binary data used by the app.
To build SkyMap, you can use Android Developer Studio or Gradle. Begin by
by creating a
file containing the location of your
Android installation:
sdk.dir=<path to your SDK>
Android Developer Studio can create this for you.
From the root directory execute
./gradlew assembleDebug
The apk can be found in app/build/outputs/apk/
(Sky Map team only)
Set the following environment variables:
export KEYPWD=<the key password>
export KSTOREPWD=<the key store password>
From the root directory execute
./gradlew assemble
./gradlew assembleRelease
The apk can be found in app/build/outputs/apk/
Note - at present the app built with these instructions will crash due to a mismatch between the R file and the strings constants in the data files. Fix coming soon.