This project is an implementation of paper
If sage is not installed, look_here
There are four files, cloud_server.sage, data_owner.sage, query_user.sage
python3 > database.txt
sage data_owner.sage
sage cloud_server.sage
sage query_user.sage
The cloud server will ask for "k" the number of nearest indices to be sent to query_user and the latter will print this indices.
Socket Already in use a common error that occurs while running data_owner.sage or cloud_server.sage.Simply change the Socket numbers in the required codes. Sometimes data_owner.sage shows another error due to other sockets running and unusal transer of data, kindly restart the running process again.
In the code of query_user.sage, I've generated random numbers in range [0,10], if you want to give it as input, please, open and go to 136 and 137 line of the code and replace the lines with "integers = [1,5,..(50 elements)]" try to keep the elements in range [1,10] for better results.