This DynamoDB ORM for node.js aims to provide a beautiful, simple and complete implementation to work with dynamodb databases. You can easily select a table and start querying/writing data, from simple requests to conditional ones without prior knowledge.
Current features:
- Expression Abstraction : Condition, Attribute values/names
- Conditional Requests : Add, update, delete conditionally
- Attribute Functions : begins_with, contains, typeIs
- Incrementing Decrementing
- List, Set Append/Remove
- Attribute Removal
Please note this repository is a work in progress. Contributions are welcome.
Install package from npm or yarn
> npm install dynamo-node || yarn add dynamo-node
You can either set your AWS credentials as env variables or as a JSON file
// AWS credentials as JSON file
"accessKeyId": "myKey",
"secretAccessKey": "yourSecret",
# AWS credentials as ENV vars
Require module
const DynamoDB = require('dynamo-node')(region [, credit_path ]);
// e.g with json credentials
const DynamoDB = require('dynamo-node')('eu-central-1', './credits.json');
// e.g with env vars
const DynamoDB = require('dynamo-node')('eu-central-1');
Inits your table, or sets tablename for further creation
// "users" refers to the TableName we want to query from
const UserTable ='users');
Attribute types association
S | SS | N | NS | B | BS | BOOL | NULL | L | M |
String | String Set | Number | Number Set | Binary | Binary Set | Boolean | Null | List | Map |
KeySchema: [
{ AttributeName: "name", KeyType: "HASH"}, //Partition key
{ AttributeName: "uid", KeyType: "RANGE" } //Sort key
AttributeDefinitions: [
{ AttributeName: "uid", AttributeType: "N" },
{ AttributeName: "name", AttributeType: "S" }
ProvisionedThroughput: {
ReadCapacityUnits: 10,
WriteCapacityUnits: 10
name: "abdu", // Primary Key
participants: ["A", "B", "C", "D"],
last: "D"
UserTable.get({ name: "abdu" });
// if "abdu" doesn't exist, it will be added (upsert)
UserTable.update({ name: "abdu" }, {
friends: ["abdu", "chris"],
points: 450,
// nested properties, assuming clothes is set and is of type Map
UserTable.update({ name: "abel" }, {
'clothes.shirts': 10,
'clothes.polos': 3
UserTable.delete({ name: "abdu" });
UserTable.query('name', '=', 'abdu');
// Using global secondary index
UserTable.useIndex('age-index').query('age', '=', 5);
Returns all items from table
Check if attribute exists
const newUser = { name: "abel", age: 34 };
UserTable.exists( ['name', 'age'] ).add(newUser);
UserTable.notExists( ['name', 'age'] ).add(newUser);
Attribute comparison
const hector = { name: "hector" };
UserTable.add({ name: "hector", last_connection: 50, age: 10, friends: { nice: 0, bad: 10 } });
// Deletes it
.if('last_connection', '>', 30 )
.if('last_connection', '<', 100)
.if('age', '<>', 90) // different than
// Updates it
.if('last_connection', '=', 50)
.if('friends.bad', '>=', 0)
.if('age', '<=', 10)
.update(hector, { candy: 1 });
Attribute functions
const momo = { name: "momo" };
UserTable.where('name', 'beginsWith', 'm').update(momo, { nickname: "momomo" });
UserTable.where('nickname', 'contains', 'mo').update(momo, { friends: ["lololo"] });
// Please refer to "Attribute types association" section for the list of type attributes
UserTable.where('friends', 'typeIs', 'N').update(momo, { friends: 0 }); // Won't update
Increment/Decrement attribute
const burger = { name: 'burger' };
FoodTable.add({ name: 'burger', sold: 0, sellers: [5,8], ingredients: { cheese: 2 } });
FoodTable.increment('sold', 10).update(burger); // { sold: 10 }
FoodTable.decrement('sold', 1).update(burger); // { sold: 9 }
FoodTable.increment('ingredients.cheese', 4).update(burger);
FoodTable.decrement('ingredients.cheese', 1).update(burger);
Remove attribute
FoodTable.removeAttribute(burger, [ 'ingredients.cheese' ]);
FoodTable.removeAttribute(burger, [ 'sold', 'ingredients' ]);
// burger is now { name: burger, sellers: [5,8] }
Add to/Remove from list attribute
FoodTable.addToList({ sellers: [9] }).update(burger) // { ..., sellers: [5,8,9] }
FoodTable.removeFromList({ sellers: [8, 5] }).update(burger) // { ..., sellers: [9] }
// No need to provide a table name this time
const Batch =;
const batchGet = {
'table1': {
// 'name' is the primary key of table1
Keys: { 'name': ['myItem', 'myItem2', 'myItem3', 'myItem4'] }
'table2': {
// 'pid' is the primary key of table2
Keys: { 'pid': [1101, 1110, 1010] }
const batchPut = {
'table1': [ { name: 'a'}, { name: 'b' }, { name: 'c' }, { name: 'd' } ],
'table2': [ { pid: 1 }, { pid: 2 }, { pid: 3 }, { pid: 4 } ],
const batchDelete = {
'table1': [ { name: 'b' }, { name: 'c' } ],
'table2': [ { pid: 3 }, { pid: 4 } ],
Following previous examples, here's how you handle return values from each methods.
Note: All methods return promises
// outputs "Abdu"
UserTable.get({ name: "abdu" })
.then(item => console.log(;
// outputs "26"
UserTable.update({ name: "abdu" }, { age: "26" })
.then(item => console.log(item.age));
// both outputs "{}"
UserTable.delete({ name: "abdu" })
.then(item => console.log(item));
UserTable.add({ name: "Chris", age: "65" })
.then(item => console.log(item));
Tests are located in the ./tests folder Note that you have to create two Tables named "aws.table.for.testing" and "aws.table.combined.for.testing" in order for them to run correctly.
Here's full testing process using npm scripts
> npm run createTable // can take a few seconds to be created even after process exits
> npm run test