is a more up-to-date OpenJsCAD frontend where you can edit .jscad files either locally or online via JS editor (built-in). A few functions are available to make the transition from OpenSCAD to OpenJSCAD easier (scad-api built-in), as well CLI (command-line interface) for server-side computations with NodeJS.
Go to (Tested browsers include Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari)
cd base-directory-of-website
git clone
<start a web server here>
And then access the contents via the URL of the web-site.
- index.html for the standard version
- viewer-minimal.html for the barebones viewer
- viewer-options.html for the 'all options' variant of the above
NOTE: You might need configuration changes to allow access to the some of the contents (examples etc).
if you want the capability , just like the official site, to load remote projects/files directly from the web based user interface, but without the hassle with CORS issues, you can use a proxy file (see & remote.php): this is a server side script that does the following
- caches the remote file locally on the server
- returns the local path to the downloaded file for OpenJSCAD to use
use and path of the proxy can be set by:
- changing the
value in src/ui/index.js - since this is hardcoded , if you do not use the provided dev server, rebuild your main file (npm run build-web etc, see Development)
then you can use it like so: https:///?uri= or https:///#
Note: a PR with a node.js based proxy would be a welcome addition :)
IMPORTANT: you need a recent , LTS version of Node.js > 6.x.x we test OpenJSCAD on node.js version 6.x.x & 7.x.x all other versions are not guaranteed to work !
An easy way to install any Node.js version is to use NVM
- after installing nvm type
nvm install v6
(recomended) - then
nvm use v6
CLI(command-line interface) use
npm install -g @jscad/openjscad
you can now turn the examples (or your own designs) into stl etc files as follows :
% cd examples/
% openjscad example005.jscad # -- creates example005.stl as default
% openjscad example001.jscad -o test.stl
% openjscad example001.scad -o example001scad.jscad # -- convert .scad into .jscad
% openjscad frog.stl -o test.jscad # -- convert .stl into .jscad
% openjscad logo.jscad -of amf # -- convert logo.jscad into logo.amf
Note: you need a recent , LTS version of Node.js > 6.x.x, see here for more details) all the same installation & version recomendation as for the use as command-line also apply
npm install --save @jscad/openjscad
and then simply import and use openjscad:
const jscad = require('@jscad/openjscad')
const fs = require('fs')
var script = `function main() {
return [
// generate compiled version
var params = {}
var compiled = jscad.compile(script, params)
// generate final output data, choosing your prefered format
var outputData = jscad.generateOutput('stlb', compiled)
// hurray ,we can now write an stl file from our OpenJsCad script!
fs.writeFileSync('torus.stl', outputData.asBuffer())
you can also use the 'generateOutput' function directly with CSG/CAG objects ie :
const csg = require('csg').CSG
const input = csg.cube([1, 1, 1]) // one of many ways to create a CSG object
const outputData = jscad.generateOutput('stlb', input)
// hurray ,we can now write an stl file from our raw CSG objects
fs.writeFileSync('torus.stl', outputData.asBuffer())
compile(params, source)
compile OpenJsCad code and generates CSG representation this returns a promise that gets resolved with the CSG object.
(the ordering of parameters was created with currying in mind)
params the set of parameters to use source the OpenJsCad script we want to compile
generateOutput(outputFormat, csgs)
generate output data from a CSG/CAG object or array of CSG/CAG objects
outputFormat the output file format csgs the CSG/CAG object or array of CSG/CAG objects
Note: for now you need to use outputData.asBuffer() to get a Node.js buffer for writing to disk etc
From version 1.0.0 onwards, almost all the individual parts of this project are available directly as scoped NPM modules , and can be used independently from this repo. The full list of these is available here:
One example of what can be achieved with this can be found here This means you can :
- easily create your own renderer for the CSG/Cag data structures
- create custom UIs
- use the different parts in Node.js or the Browser
- cherry pick what formats you want to use for input/output without needing the dependencies of all packages
- lots more !
This will be expanded upon in the future, and is the backbone of the newer, modular Jscad
We offer pre-built versions of OpenJSCAD to be uses directly here :
but you can also rebuild them manually if you need :
- standard:
npm run build-web
- minimalist:
npm run build-min
- with options:
npm run build-opt
Since OpenJSCAD is made up of multiple dependent modules (csg.js, openscad-openjscad-translator etc),
the easiest method is to use npm link
to have a 'live' updating development version of OpenJSCAD:
For example for CSG.js
- create a base directory
- clone this repository
git clone [email protected]:jscad/
- go into folder
- install dependencies
npm install
- start dev server :
npm run start-dev
- go back to base directory
cd ..
- clone CSG.js
git clone [email protected]:jscad/csg.js.git
- go into folder again
- now type
npm link ../csg.js/ @jscad/csg
You can now make changes to the CSG.js code and see it impact your locally running copy of OpenJSCAD live. is part of the JSCAD Organization, and is maintained by a group of volunteers. We welcome and encourage anyone to pitch in but please take a moment to read the following guidelines.
If you want to submit a bug report please make sure to follow the Reporting Issues guide. Bug reports are accepted as Issues via GitHub.
If you want to submit a change or a patch, please see the Contributing guidelines. New contributions are accepted as Pull Requests via GithHub.
We only accept bug reports and pull requests on GitHub.
If you have a question about how to use the, then please start a conversation at the User Group. You might find the answer in the User Guide.
If you have a change or new feature in mind, please start a conversation with the Core Developers and start contributing changes.
Small Note: If editing this README, please conform to the standard-readme specification.
See for more details
- G+ Announcements
- G+ OpenJSCAD Community to discuss with other user and developers.
OpenJSCAD and its sub components are built upon great open source work, contribution & modules
- csg.js core & improvements by Evan Wallace, Eduard Bespalov, Joost Nieuwenhuijse, Alexandre Girard
For input/output
and many more!
The MIT License (MIT) (unless specified otherwise)
Simple JSCAD example (logo.jscad) try it:
More sophisticated JSCAD example, with functions dedicated to object generation and with interactive parameters (gear.jscad) try it :
Import of STL models (frog-OwenCollins.stl) try it:
Drag & drop multiple files (Chrome & Firefox) or a folder (Chrome):
- OpenJsCAD, starting point of
-, another place of inspiration, where the OpenSCAD translator was adapted from
- CoffeeSCad, JavaScript simplified (no more {}) (defunct)
- stl2pov to convert .stl to .pov, and then render via
- P3D STL/AMF/OBJ viewer
That's all for now,
Rene K. Mueller, Jeff Gay, Mark Moissette & JSCAD Organization