Software for the OpenPLC - an open source industrial controller
Allows to play vehicle engine sounds on an ESP32. Additional sounds can play in parallel with the engine sound! Controls your lights as well. compatible with SBUS, IBUS, PWM, PPM and SUMD signals.
Direct communication between esp devices without home assistant
Adafruit parts, components, breakouts, Fritzable format!
FW for ESP8266/ESP8285/ESP32 used with 3D printer
An Arduino/AVR based flight controller for RC fixed wing.
IoT door lock based on Wemos D1 mini and RC522 RFID module
This is a working copy of Rogério Brito's neat little 'usbmount' package for Debian
A component that allows you to controll Home Assistant via Tmall Genie
An Arduino 2.4GHz and IR remote controller with OLED display