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% NOTE TO SELF: always boot from "P0" in production, not "P2" ("P2" is my old fedora install on the big 8TB drive, I want to boot from SSD) % NOTE TO SELF: drusillas, hippodrome, camber, and bodiam are attractions just outside Brighton, in case I want to rename my external drives and continue the Brighton-based naming scheme %% TODO: consider virutalization so I can reset to default state w/o having to reinstall (this might be a little faster?) %% TODO: resort (or "subroutinize") this file to be in the actual order I bring things up %% TODO (for self): consider dropping my personal version of bc-daemon-checker2.pl since the bc version should now do it all [if not dropping it, modify it for brighton] %% TODO (for self): test audio %% TODO (for self): Consider using strong passphrases since I'm upgrading anyway % NOTE: you can sometimes ssh to brighton even before the boot process has 100% completed; this can be useful if the boot process itself "hangs" %% TODO: briefly writeup how to remove multiple boot options CentOS creates each time it's installed (efibootmgr) %% TODO: give remote machine a name like "dullon" or something so I don't keep have to say "remote" and "brighton" (+ mention when complete) %% TODO: add disclaimer re these are my experiences AND you should not follow instructions blindly AND especially not run commands blindly AND especially not as root. No intentional malicious code, but blindly running stuff hurts you and other-- botnet %% TODO: does keepcache=1 in yum.conf/dnf.conf mean yum/dnf keeps RPMs around even if I uninstall them? I'd like to minimize external redundant dls %% TODO: If I do a minimal install of CentOS (whatever) but using the 7GB (or whatever) image, and then add packages, do those packages come off the image, or is a minimal install of a 7GB image pretty much a waste of 6.2 GB? %% TODO: can rsync move over multiple files to multiple destinations in a single command to avoid pw repeat typing? %% TODO: tweak bc-fake-ntp.pl to print out an "info" message for bg NOTE: any reference to "this directory" or "here" refers to https://github.com/barrycarter/bcapps/blob/master/CENTOS/ NOTE: during graphical boot, hit ESC to see what system is actually doing This document describes my attempt to setup a CentOS-7 system the way I want it with minimal unnecessary daemons running. I downloaded and installed %% TODO: fix this -- I dld's maximal but installed minimal first % On dullon (machine from which you are installing), add the machine's IP address to /etc/hosts something like this: brighton This will let you refer to the machine as "brighton" instead of having to type out the IP address each time. Of course, make sure you use the machine's actual IP address, which probably won't be in your case. % "ssh root@brighton" to login remotely as root % OPTIONAL: If you want to move /home and create swapspace on an encrypted non-boot drive, see "move-root.txt" % rsync over BCGIT to brighton, since I will use symlinks to get things in their proper place : NOTE: in theory, could use scp which is installed by default, but : too inefficient if /home/user/ already exists on a separate drive : if this fails "sudo yum install openssh-clients rsync" on brighton and then try again rsync -Pav [email protected]:/home/barrycarter/BCGIT /home/user/ : and rsync over my private crontab, one of the few files not in this directory rsync -Pav [email protected]:/home/barrycarter/bc-private-crontab /home/user/ %% TODO: generalize above for private files in a dir perhaps? % OPTIONAL: since I install multiple times, move /var/cache to main 8TB drive that remains unchanged between reinstalls : if youve done this once, no need to do it again mkdir -p /mnt/kemptown/var/ sudo mv /var/cache/ /mnt/kemptown/var/ : if youve done this previously youll need to remove the pristine : /var/cache on every new install sudo ln -s /mnt/kemptown/var/cache /var/ % lets me be barrycarter and user at same time sudo ln -s /home/user /home/barrycarter % edit SELINUX to disabled and keep cache for yum printf '1,$s/keepcache=0/keepcache=1/\nwq\n' | ex /etc/yum.conf printf '1,$s/SELINUX=enforcing/SELINUX=disabled/\nwq\n'|ex /etc/selinux/config % Install X and other things I want as "groupinstall" yum grouplist hidden;: lists all available groups yum groupinstall "Hardware Monitoring Utilities" "X Window System" % OPTIONAL: # if you're using an older .fvwm2rc, this may help -- if # not, it doesn't hurt (also for some of my programs that use direct # paths) sudo mkdir -p /usr/lib/X11 /usr/X11R6/ sudo ln -s /usr/libexec/fvwm/2.6.6 /usr/lib/X11/fvwm2 sudo ln -s /bin /usr/X11R6/ % this is so my progs will work correctly sudo ln -s /home/barrycarter/BCGIT/bclib.pl /usr/local/lib/ % Makes the files in this directory "live" sudo ln -s /home/user/BCGIT/CENTOS/.xinitrc /home/user/BCGIT/CENTOS/brighton-procs.txt /home/user % Bootstraps the cron process sudo crontab -u user /home/user/BCGIT/FEDORA/bc-public-crontab %% EXPERIMENT: latest source versions of some stuff dosbox-0.74.tar.gz gnumeric-1.12.32.tar.xz https://fossies.org/all.html https://fossies.org/linux/privat/dosbox-0.74.tar.gz https://fossies.org/linux/privat/feh-2.18.tar.gz https://fossies.org/linux/privat/rdesktop-1.8.3.tar.gz https://fossies.org/linux/privat/recoll-1.22.4.tar.gz https://fossies.org/linux/misc/rxvt-unicode-9.22.tar.gz https://fossies.org/linux/privat/stella-4.7.3-src.tar.gz https://fossies.org/linux/misc/vice-2.4.33.tar.gz https://fossies.org/linux/misc/vlc-2.2.4.tar.gz https://fossies.org/linux/misc/MPlayer-1.3.0.tar.gz % Then run the commands in runme.sh : below SHOULD do everything automatically, but MAY require user intervention sudo sh -c '/home/user/BCGIT/CENTOS/runme.sh 1>/runme.out 2>/runme.err'& %% TODO: resume using chkconfig instead of systemctl % if desired, run "sudo yum -y upgrade", which will upgrade CentOS itself and many other things; however, it's best to install rpmfusion packages BEFORE upgrading % LOOK at /runme.out and /runme.err to see what packages were not installed, either due to dependencies or because the package was not available (look for "Skipped (dependency problems):" at the end of /runme.out) % These group installs can be done "by hand": : TODO: why are these things groups instead of simple installs? % I prefer the tcsh for both user and root though some believe this isn't a good idea (so not putting in runme.sh): sudo chsh -s /bin/tcsh root sudo chsh -s /bin/tcsh user % OPTIONAL: "shutdown -r now" to make sure everything comes up fine %% TODO: make user member of wheel and passwordless "sudo" %% TODO: add a "<never>" section to brighton-procs for things I can kill instantly w/o waiting 10m %% TODO: figure out which packages come from which repos, and see if I can minimize the number of required repos %% TODO: linuxtech.com may have an EL/CentOS 7 repo, look into this (but rpmfusion still doesn't, and linuxtech may not be enough) %% TODO: make sure screengrab firefox plugin works %% TODO: attempted kill after boot: : killing systemd-udevd and systemd-logind works but they come right back : same with systemd-journald and "agetty" : TODO: should be able to turn off anacron at a more fundamental level sudo kill anacron sudo pkill login sudo pkill mingetty %% TODO: setup xinetd properly %% TODO: currently running "sudo dhclient -d" manually at each reboot, fix %% TODO: note that yum skips over uninstallable packages, but deal with those %% TODO: copy notes from FEDORA/README as applicable