Donwload the latest version from latest releases
Feel free to use this repository to build it yourself or to use the latest on from the *releases* folder but this is on your own risk.
- New Status page using the Rest API
- Disabled WebSockets
- Reduced max backlight brightness
- Home battery integration
- Enabling or disable 3 phases using the C2 contactor
- Endpoint to send L1/2/3 data, this removed the need for a SensorBox
- Note: Set MainsMeter to the new 'API' option in the config menu when sending L1/2/3
- Callable API endpoints for easy integration (e.g. Home Assistant) - (See API Overview)
- Change charging mode
- Override charge current
- Pass in current measurements (p1, battery, ...) - this eliminates having to use additionalhard
- Switch between single- and three phase power (requires extra 2P relais on the 2nd output)
In a normal EVSE setup a sensorbox is used to read the P1 information to deduce if there is sufficient solar energy available. This however can give unwanted results when also using a home battery as this will result in one battery charging the other one.
For this purpose the settings endpoint allows you to pass through the battery current information:
- A positive current means the battery is charging
- A negative current means the battery is discharging
The EVSE will use the battery current to neutralize the impact of a home battery on the P1 information.
Regular updates from the consumer are required to keep this working as values cannot be older than 60 seconds.
- Home battery is charging at 2300W -> 10A
- P1 has an export value of 230W -> -1A
- EVSE will neutralize the battery and P1 will be "exporting" -11A
The sender has several options when sending the home battery current:
- Send the current AS-IS -> EVSE current will be maximized
- Only send when battery is discharging -> AS-IS operation but EVSE will not discharge the home battery
- Reserve an amount of current for the home battery (e.g. 10A) -> Prioritize the home battery up to a specific limit
View API
Have an idea for the API? Edit it here and copy/paste it in a new issue with your request (