based on
$ npm i -g npm-check-updates
$ ncu -u
$ npm install
$ npx @next/codemod next-image-to-legacy-image ./pages --force
$ npx @next/codemod next-image-experimental ./pages --force
$ npx @next/codemod new-link ./pages --force
no need to update Script and Font. we don't use them in the project
in local .env file add:
NEXT_PUBLIC_APP_URL=http://localhost:3000 NEXTAUTH_URL=http://localhost:3000 NEXTAUTH_SECRET=somethingsecret
in production server add the correct url in the env variables
replace getSession with getToken
for example in pages/api/auth/update.js
import { getToken } from 'next-auth/jwt' ... const user = await getToken({ req }) if (!user) { return res.status(401).send({ message: 'signin required' }) }
or in pages/api/admin/summary.js
import { getToken } from 'next-auth/jwt' ... const user = await getToken({ req }) if (!user || (user && !user.isAdmin)) { return res.status(401).send('signin required') }
cart.js replace:
// cart.js
-import { XCircleIcon } from '@heroicons/react/outline'
+import XCircleIcon from '@heroicons/react/24/outline/XCircleIcon'
// Layout.js
-import { SearchIcon } from '@heroicons/react/outline'
+import SearchIcon from '@heroicons/react/24/outline/MagnifyingGlassIcon'
// search.js
-import { XCircleIcon } from '@heroicons/react/outline'
+import XCircleIcon from '@heroicons/react/24/outline/XCircleIcon'
// remove w-full in this line and add className="flex items-center z-10"
<form onSubmit={submitHandler} className="mx-auto hidden justify-center md:flex">
<div className="flex items-center z-10">
- DropdownLink.js
- other files has inside
It's in beta. I will update to appDir when it gets stable.