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OpenPAI Job Examples

Quick start: submit a hello-world job

Refer to how to submit a hello-world job. It's a good start for beginners.

List of off-the-shelf examples

Examples which can be run by submitting the json straightly without any modification.

List of customized job template

These user could customize and run these jobs over OpenPAI.

What if the example is failed

The example in the folder could be failed due to the following reasons:

  1. The format of json is incorrect. You may get error when you copy the json file to the webportal. It may due to version updating of webportal. You should refer to the latest version of it.
  2. The docker image is removed. You will find this error in your job tracking page. You should create an issue to report it, or you can build the image according to the dockerfile in the example's folder, then push it to another docker registry and modify the json file's image field. Just refer to the README or DOCKER in the folder of that example.
  3. If the example you submit contains a script shell, it may fail due to the source of the data or code changed or been unstable. You may get error in your job tracking page. Check and try to fix it.
  4. The version of the code, tools or library. You may get this error if you rebuild the docker image. Some example doesn't fix the version of its dependency, so, you should check the version.


If you want to contribute a job example that can be run on PAI, please open a new pull request.

  • Prepare a folder under pai/examples folder, for example create pai/examples/caffe2/

  • Prepare example files:

    Under Caffe2 example dir, user should prepare these files for an example's contribution PR:


  1. Example's introductions
  2. Dockerfile: Example's dependencies
  3. Pai job json file: Example's OpenPAI job json template
  4. [Optional] Code file: Example's code file