Similar to Eclipse behavior: cycles through possible word completions from opened documents.
Default key: <alt>slash
Provides features for easy text editing.
deletes the line under the cursor, copying it into the clipboard.<ctrl><alt>o
shows cursor offset and cursor column position. Huh? I simply need some offsets (column and line) when I'm writing tests (text parsing, code analyzing, etc.).<alt>w
smart select. Selects semantic blocks. Just try it. I'm sure you regularly want to select a whole function definition or a quoted string or function parameters or function call with parameters or any statement block? There is only one function for such tasks in Snaked. In conjunction with stock gtksourceview2 selection moving (<alt>Up
) you will quickly forget about copy-and-paste.<shift><alt>w
shrinks smart selection back.<alt>f
reformats selection to current right margin width.
That's all for now. Planed feature functionality:
- Smart string literals edit.
- Automatic brackets and quotes pairing.
- Automatic text wrap.
- Maybe vertical selection.
- Vim-like numbers incrementing/decrementing (
). - Vim-like above line symbols copying (
). - Vim-like... Over 9000 other features. In order of first need. Maybe implement vim mode? Damn.
Default shortcut <crtl><alt>l
opens the folder containing the current document in your file manager.
popups a dialog allowing you to jump to the specified line number.
Toggle hash #
commenting. Only useful for languages allowing that kind of comments
Default key <ctrl>slash
Background python code linter. Highlights problems like unused or undefined imports or variables. Also gives some feedback about syntax errors. This is a time saver plugin.
Remembers latest position in file for the next time.
Simple search (and replace), like other editors do.
When Regex
is on, replace entry supports back references:
for the first group
for name
shows dialog.Escape
hides it.Enter
in search or replace text entry will initiate the search.<ctrl>j
jumps to next/previous match.<ctrl>h
highlights selection occurrences.
To control ignore case, regex checkboxes and activate Replace/Replace
all buttons you can use the following mnemonics: <alt>c
, <alt>x
, <alt>p
Plugin allowing to run commands, optionally piping selection or whole buffer's content. stdout processing is also supported (for instance, you can get the external program output back into your buffer).
: tool's name. You can use underscore ("_") to define mnemonic key and pango markup too.Langs
: comma separated list of languages compatibles with this tool. Leave the field empty if the tool should be available on all editors.Command
: Shell command to execute. Following variables are supported:%f
— current filename%d
— current filename's directory%p
— current project directory
You don't have to quote it!
should be self-explanatory.
The default key to activate the "run" menu is <alt>x
. Then, the specific tool can be selected by
pressing it's mnemonic key or by moving into the list and pressing Enter
It is similar to vim's SnipMate plugin which is a clone of TextMate's snippets, you may refer to these projects for syntax documentation.
User snippet files are read from ~/.config/snaked/snippets
. You can
configure it via preferences (<ctrl>p
) item Snippets
There is ability to attach several snippet sets to one editor via multiple
contexts (preferences File types
Missing features:
- Variable/python commands/shell commands expansion via backticks.
Attaches spell checker to current editor. You need pygtkspell
(look at gnome-python-extras package for your distro).
Spell check is activated/deactivated by pressing F7