All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See Conventional Commits for commit guidelines.
0.4.9 (2021-06-08)
Note: Version bump only for package
0.4.0 (2021-02-20)
- bitfield: add row/column extracts, popcounts, rename factories (0c4c112)
- bitfield: rename factory fns to follow umbrella-wide naming conventions
- rename bitField() => defBitField()
- rename bitMatrix() => defBitMatrix()
- add BitMatrix.row()/column() bitfield extraction
- add BitMatrix.popCountRow/Column()
- add BitField.popCount()
- update masks in bit accessors
- update BitField ctor & accessors to allow numbers (not just booleans)
0.3.0 (2020-03-06)
- bitfield: add and/or/xor/not() methods, add IClear, ICopy impls (52d3005)
- bitfield: add toggleAt(), setRange(), update ctor (6ed20c1)
0.2.0 (2019-09-21)
- bitfield: update BitMatrix to support non-squared sizes, update docstrings (0fd8620)