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Privacy-Preserving Distributed Data Mining modules of the FAIR4Health Project.


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FAIR4Health Privacy-Preserving Distributed Data Mining (PPDDM) Framework

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This is the data mining framework of the FAIR4Health Project ( which allows data scientists to train statistical/machine learning models using the FAIRified datasets of different healthcare data and health research data sources.

This framework is composed of two main modules:

  • ppddm-agent
  • ppddm-manager

And supporting modules which are referenced from the ppddm-agent and ppddm-manager modules:

  • ppddm-core


Privacy-Preserving Distributed Data Mining (PPDDM) Agent

  • An Agent is a part of the FAIR4Health Agent.
  • Agents are deployed within the boundaries of data source and the services exposed by the Agent can only be accessed by the PPDDM Manager
  • An Agent requires an HL7 FHIR Repository to extract data to be used for the machine learning algorithms.
  • ML algorithms are executed using the data extracted from the FHIr Repository and only the trained models leave the data source boundaries. No data is allowed to leave.


Privacy-Preserving Distributed Data Mining (PPDDM) Manager

  • The Manager is a part of the FAIR4Health Platform.
  • The Manager needs to be deployed centrally (possibly as a Cloud service) so that it can interact with all Agents.
  • The Manager orchestrates the execution of the training algorithms in the distributed environment of several Agents.
  • The Manager creates a common final training model by executing the algorithms on each Agent sequentially.
  • The services of the Manager is to be consumed by a data scientist and the data scientist will be using a web-based GUI


Core components and libraries shared by other modules of the FAIR4Health PPDDM such as the REST model or machine learning libraries.


  • This project utilizes Apacke Spark and Spark has a dependency on Windows OS as described on Stackoverflow. If you will use on Windows, you need the winutils as desribed in the link.
  • Tests of the ppddm-agent requires an HL7 FHIR Repository (prefereably an onFHIR Repository) to be running at the host and port configured in the application.conf of the Agent.

Deployment (Docker)

PPDDM-Agent Deployment (Docker)

Privacy-Preserving Distributed Data Mining (PPDDM) Agent is the agent part of the distributed data mining framework of the FAIR4Health Project. A PPDDM-Agent requires an HL7 FHIR Repository which implements the FHIRPath specification. is the FHIR Repository used within the FAIR4Health Project, hence PPDDM-Agent runs peacefully on an onFHIR instance.

This image contains the ppddm-agent under the ppddm framework of the FAIR4Health project. To run a ppddm-agent, the required onFHIR instance can be used as another container which is also available on Dockerhub.

How to use PPDDM-Agent image

Since this image requires another container (which runs an onFHIR instance), the most convenient way to run is a docker-compose file.

version: '2'
    image: mongo:4.4
      - './volumes/mongo:/data/db'
      - 27017:27017
    container_name: f4h-mongo
    restart: always
    image: fair4health/onfhir:latest
      - mongo
      APP_CONF_FILE: 'fair4health.conf'
      LOGBACK_CONF_FILE: 'logback.xml'
      FHIR_ROOT_URL: ''
      DB_EMBEDDED: 'false'
      DB_HOST: 'f4h-mongo:27017'
      - 8080:8080
    container_name: f4h-onfhir
    restart: always
    image: fair4health/ppddm-agent:latest
      - onfhir
      AGENT_ID: agent-srdc
      SERVER_PORT: 8001
      FHIR_HOST: f4h-onfhir
      FHIR_PORT: 8080
      - 8001:8001
      - './volumes/ppddm-agent-srdc:/usr/local/ppddm/ppddm-store'
    container_name: f4h-ppddm-agent-srdc
    restart: always

Environment Variables

The PPDDM-Agent image of the FAIR4Health uses several environment variables.

APP_NAME: This environment variable can be used to set the name of the ppddm-agent instance. It is also used as the Spark App Name.

SERVER_HOST: Hostname (or IP address) that the ppddm-agent will bind. Using will bind the server to both localhost and the IP of the server that you deploy it.

SERVER_PORT: Port number that the ppddm-agent will listen.

SERVER_BASEURI: Base URI for the ppddm-agent e.g. With the default configuration, the root path of the ppddm-agent server will be http://localhost:8000/agent in which /agent is the SERVER_BASEURI.

AGENT_ID: Unique (within the PPDDM framework) identifier for this ppddm-agent so that it can be identified among other ppddm-agents.

FHIR_PROTOCOL: http or https, the protocol used by the FHIR server to be accessed.

FHIR_HOST: The hostname of the FHIR server to be accessed.

FHIR_PORT: The port number of the FHIR server to be accessed.

FHIR_BASEURI: The base URI of the FHIR server to be accessed.

AUTH_ENABLED: If it is enabled, PPDDM-Agent requires authentication of the client (i.e. the PPDDM-Manager) who invokes the services of this PPDDM-Agent instance.

AUTH_CLIENT_ID: The identifier (username) of the client to be authenticated by this PPDDM-Agent instance.

AUTH_CLIENT_SECRET: The secret (password) of the client to be authenticated by this PPDDM-Agent instance.

PPDDM-Manager Deployment (Docker)

Privacy-Preserving Distributed Data Mining (PPDDM) Manager is the manager part of the distributed data mining framework of the FAIR4Health Project, manager is the coordinator of the PPDDM-Agent instances. A PPDDM-Manager needs a MongoDB as its backend database, however it is possible to start an embedded MongoDB while starting up the PPDDM-Manager using the appropriate configuration parameters.

This image contains the ppddm-manager under the ppddm framework of the FAIR4Health project.

How to use PPDDM-Manager image

This image requires MongoDB (either started embedded or as another Docker container) and may require PPDDM-Agent container(s) based on your preference, hence the most convenient way to run is a docker-compose file. This example starts three different PPDDM-Agent instances on the very same onFHIR repository.

version: '2'
    image: mongo:4.4
      - './volumes/mongo:/data/db'
      - 27077:27017
    container_name: f4h-mongo
    restart: always
    image: fair4health/onfhir:latest
      - mongo
      APP_CONF_FILE: 'fair4health.conf'
      LOGBACK_CONF_FILE: 'logback.xml'
      FHIR_ROOT_URL: ''
      DB_EMBEDDED: 'false'
      DB_HOST: 'f4h-mongo:27017'
      - 7070:8080
    container_name: f4h-onfhir
    restart: always
    image: fair4health/ppddm-manager:latest
      - mongo
      - ppddm-agent-1
      - ppddm-agent-2
      - ppddm-agent-3
      SERVER_PORT: 8000
      AGENTS_DEFINITION: 'agents-deployment.json'
      MONGO_EMBEDDED: 'false'
      MONGO_HOST: f4h-mongo
      MONGO_PORT: 27017
      - 7000:8000
    container_name: f4h-ppddm-manager
    restart: always
    image: fair4health/ppddm-agent:latest
      - onfhir
      AGENT_ID: agent-srdc-1
      SERVER_PORT: 7001
      FHIR_HOST: f4h-onfhir
      FHIR_PORT: 8080
      - './volumes/ppddm-agent1:/usr/local/ppddm/ppddm-store'
    container_name: f4h-ppddm-agent-1
    restart: always
    image: fair4health/ppddm-agent:latest
      - onfhir
      AGENT_ID: agent-srdc-2
      SERVER_PORT: 7002
      FHIR_HOST: f4h-onfhir
      FHIR_PORT: 8080
      - './volumes/ppddm-agent2:/usr/local/ppddm/ppddm-store'
    container_name: f4h-ppddm-agent-2
    restart: always
    image: fair4health/ppddm-agent:latest
      - onfhir
      AGENT_ID: agent-srdc-3
      SERVER_PORT: 7003
      FHIR_HOST: f4h-onfhir
      FHIR_PORT: 8080
      - './volumes/ppddm-agent3:/usr/local/ppddm/ppddm-store'
    container_name: f4h-ppddm-agent-3
    restart: always

Environment Variables

The PPDDM-Manager image of the FAIR4Health uses several environment variables.

APP_NAME: This environment variable can be used to set the name of the ppddm-manager instance. It is also used as the Spark App Name.

SERVER_HOST: Hostname (or IP address) that the ppddm-manager will bind. Using will bind the server to both localhost and the IP of the server that you deploy it.

SERVER_PORT: Port number that the ppddm-manager will listen.

SERVER_BASEURI: Base URI for the ppddm-manager e.g. With the default configuration, the root path of the ppddm-manager server will be http://localhost:8000/manager in which /manager is the SERVER_BASEURI.

MONGO_EMBEDDED: ppddm-manager requires a MongoDB instance. The application can be run on an embedded MongoDB instance if no external MondoDB is configured through the MONGO_HOST variable. If MONGO_EMBEDDED is true, then the MongoDB instance will be automatically started on MONGO_HOST:MONGO_PORT values.

MONGO_HOST: Host for the MongoDB database. Default is localhost.

MONGO_PORT: Port number for the MongoDB database. Defaule is 27017.

MONGO_DBNAME: The name of the database to be created for running the ppddm-manager.

AUTH_CLIENT_ID: The identifier (username) to get this ppddm-manager authenticated by the ppddm-agent instances as a client.

AUTH_CLIENT_SECRET: The secret (password) to get this ppddm-manager authenticated by the ppddm-agent instances as a client.

AUTH_ENABLED: If it is enabled, PPDDM-Manager authenticates itself on the provided AUTH_SERVER_HOST so that any received service invocations to this ppddm-manager instance are authenticated on the AUTH_SERVER_HOST using token authentication for token introspection.

AUTH_SERVER_HOST: The authentication server to authenticate/introspect the received service invocations.

AUTH_SERVER_USERNAME: The username to authenticate this ppddm-manager instance on the AUTH_SERVER_HOST. Only after this ppddm-manager instance is authenticated, it can introspect the tokens within the received requests.

AUTH_SERVER_PASSWORD: The username to authenticate this ppddm-manager instance on the AUTH_SERVER_HOST.

AUTH_SERVER_LOGINPATH: The path to be appended to the AUTH_SERVER_HOST to authenticate this ppddm-manager instance.

AUTH_SERVER_INTROSPECTIONPATH: The path to be appended to the AUTH_SERVER_HOST to introspect the tokens received with the requests.


This research has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 824666, FAIR4Health Project (Improving Health Research in EU through FAIR Data).


Privacy-Preserving Distributed Data Mining modules of the FAIR4Health Project.







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  • Scala 98.8%
  • Other 1.2%