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The BeeWare Project has stopped using BeeKeeper for CI; we have migrated all our CI to Github Actions.


BeeKeeper is a tool for running Docker containers on demand, with GitHub status reporting. As a side effect, this makes it very effective as an automated code review tool, a CI system, an automated deployment system, and many other things.

Getting started


To deploy a new BeeKeeper instance, clone this repo, and then run:

$ heroku create
$ git push heroku master
$ heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql:hobby-dev
$ heroku addons:create heroku-redis:hobby-dev
$ heroku config:set BEEKEEPER_URL=https://<your domain>
$ heroku scale worker=1
$ heroku run ./ migrate
$ heroku run ./ createsuperuser

Local Development

To get started developing on BeeKeeper locally, use docker-compose. Unfortunately, these steps have only been tested on MacOS.

  • Install docker-compose
  • Clone the beekeeper repo.
  • Create your own config: cp docker-compose.yml.example docker-compose.yml
  • In the beekeeper repo directory: docker-compose up
  • You should be able to browse to http://localhost:8000 and see beekeeper working!

To get an admin user:

  • ctrl-c to quit the server
  • docker-compose run web python createsuperuser

You can also change the docker-compose.yml to use a local .env instead of docs/sample.env, and add your own secret variables


Configure a SECRET_KEY for the Django instance:

>>> from import get_random_secret_key
>>> get_random_secret_key()

Then set a SECRET_KEY configuration variable in your Heroku instance, and put:

SECRET_KEY=<your key here>

in the .env file in the project home directory.


Sign up for a Sendgrid account, then get an API key. Create a SENDGRID_API_KEY configuration value on Heroku, and put:

SENDGRID_API_KEY=<your key here>

In the .env file in the project home directory.

Amazon AWS

Log into (or sign up for) your Amazon AWS account, and obtain an access key and secret access key. Create the AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_REGION and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY Heroku configuration variables, and put:

AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<your key here>
AWS_REGION=<your AWS region>
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=<your secret key here>

In the .env file in the project home directory.

Go to the ECS panel and create an EC2 cluster in an AWS region of your choice. If you create an "empty" cluster, BeeKeeper will spin up new instances whenever build tasks are submitted. If you create a non-empty cluster, those resources will be permanently available for builds - but you'll also be paying for that availability.

Once you've created your cluster, set the AWC_EC2_KEY_PAIR_NAME, AWS_ECS_AMI, AWS_ECS_CLUSTER_NAME, AWS_ECS_SUBNET_ID and AWS_ECS_SECURITY_GROUP_IDS Heroku configuration variables, and put:

AWS_EC2_KEY_PAIR_NAME=<your keypair name>
AWS_ECS_AMI=<your prefered AWS image; 'ami-57d9cd2e' by default>
AWS_ECS_CLUSTER_NAME=<your cluster name here>
AWS_ECS_SUBNET_ID=<your ECS subnet>
AWS_ECS_SECURITY_GROUP_IDS=<colon separate list of security key IDs>

In the .env file in the project home directory.

Docker images

Check out a Comb, (BeeWare uses this one). Create a file named .env in the root of that checkout, and create a file called .env that contains the following content:

AWS_REGION=<Your AWS region (e.g., us-west-2)>
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<Your AWS access key>
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=<Your AWS secret access key>

Then waggle the tasks in the comb:

$ pip install waggle
$ waggle waggler


Log into the admin, and create an AWS profile with the slug of default. This is the machine type that will run tests by default. A reasonable starting point is:

  • Instance type: t2.micro
  • CPU: 0
  • Memory: 200

The value for CPU specifies how many compute units will be reserved by a task running with that profile; 1 CPU represents 1024 compute units. The value for memory indicates how much RAM (in MB) will be reserved for the task.

You may also want to add other profile types (e.g., a hi-cpu type). The slug you specify for the profile can then be referenced by build tasks deployed on the BeeKeeper cluster.


Last, go to the repository you want to manage with BeeKeeper, go to Settings, then Webhooks, and add a new webhook for https://<your app name>>. When prompted for a secret, you can generate one using Python:

>>> from django.utils.crypto import get_random_string
>>> get_random_string(50)

Once the webhook has been created, create a GITHUB_WEBHOOK_KEY Heroku configuration variable to this string, and put:

GITHUB_WEBHOOK_KEY=<your key here>

in the .env file in the project home directory.

Then, generate a personal access token, create GITHUB_USERNAME and GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN Heroku configuration variables with that value, and put:

GITHUB_USERNAME=<your github username>
GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN=<your token here>

in the .env file in the project home directory.

When the webhook is created, it will ping your BeeKeeper instance. This should result in BeeKeeper responding and recording the existence of the project. Any user logged in as an admin should see the project listed on the BeeKeeper homepage. If you approve the project, any PR or repository push will start a build as described in the beekeeper.yml file in the project home directory.


Documentation for BeeKeeper can be found on Read The Docs.


BeeKeeper is part of the BeeWare suite. You can talk to the community through:

We foster a welcoming and respectful community as described in our BeeWare Community Code of Conduct.


If you experience problems with BeeKeeper, log them on GitHub. If you want to contribute code, please fork the code and submit a pull request.