Application programming interface to EOS blockchain nodes. This is for read-only API calls. If you need to sign transactions use eosjs instead.
- Install with:
npm install eosjs-api
- Html script tag, see releases for the correct version and its matching script integrity hash.
<meta charset="utf-8">
sha512-QhGZxYAobgbwwfLU/XJJGXnZIlryDmb+1UZhA7tXpQagDUMfQ5UpriwIVk8B3GpgU178MoEGZJXwDUWQtCkfUg== lib/eos-api.js
sha512-1vZNvckFHfp7QPyWbFt/Jqr0jKiQeBsS+7O1/KGmXD7Fpzv+cW6Cm4w7m9uN4pGBwJEAzkxPVzzZ0Q2QV5jN0g== lib/eos-api.min.js
sha512-55C/rD7i39x8mQHcKGaLYiRnAtZ5sldYMvvwGMHU+9RaLxT5FlhjpqgoubVWGHwPJM/9qVISF82ryYnlFxkwWQ== lib/
<script src="[email protected]/lib/eos-api.min.js"
See console object: EosApi
Run nodeos
EosApi = require('eosjs-api') // Or EosApi = require('./src')
eos = EosApi() // //
// Any API call without a callback parameter will print documentation: description,
// parameters, return value, and possible errors. All methods and documentation
// are created from JSON files in eosjs/json/api/v1..
// A Promise is returned if a callback is not provided.
eos.getInfo({}).then(result => console.log(result))
eos.getBlock(1).then(result => console.log(result))
// For callbacks instead of Promises provide a callback
callback = (err, res) => {err ? console.error(err) : console.log(res)}
// The server does not expect any parameters only the callback is needed
// Parameters are added before the callback
eos.getBlock(1, callback)
// Parameters can be an object
eos.getBlock({block_num_or_id: 1}, callback)
eos.getBlock({block_num_or_id: 1}).then(result => console.log(result))
EosApi = require('eosjs-api') // Or EosApi = require('./src')
// everything is optional
options = {
httpEndpoint: '', // default, null for cold-storage
verbose: false, // API logging
logger: { // Default logging functions
log: config.verbose ? console.log : '',
error: console.error
fetchConfiguration: {}
eos = EosApi(options)
During testing, an error may be expected and checked as follows:
options.logger = {
error: err => {
assert.equal(err, 'expected error')
options.fetchConfiguration = {
credentials: 'same-origin'
Every eosjs-api request will run fetch with this configuration:
fetch('', {
credentials: 'same-origin'
API methods and documentation are generated from:
Helper functions:
Node and browser (es2015)