All notable changes are kept in this file. All changes made should be added to the section called
. Once a new release is made this file will be updated to create a new Unreleased
section for the next release.
For more information about this file see also Keep a Changelog .
- Added cron job and script for the sync of the database.
- Added PEcAn.utils::download.file() to allow for use of alternative FTP programs
- Updated downloadAmeriflux and downloadNARR to make use of PEcAn.utils::download.file()
- Added -w flag to script to specify the URL to fetch the data from
- Add new table sites_cultivars to betydb sync scripts (dump and load)
- Added docker container scrips (.yml) to create docker container for PEcAn
- Added the configuration edit page to allow easy modification of config via web interface
- Thredds server documentation and catlog generating script
- upscale_met now accepts ~any valid CF file (not just full years), retains correct time units, and respects the previously ignored
parameter - Better date handling in BioCro functions
- Bugfix in Fluxnet2015
- Update Git workflow in Documentation
- download.CRUNCEP now uses CF-compliant time units (days since start of year instead of "secs")
- Bugfixes in met.process
- Source Rmarkdown and deploy scripts for PEcAn documentation
- Autocorrelation correction in PDA and scaling factor in emulator
- now dumping/loading experiments, cultivars_pfts, current_posteriors, experiments_sites experiments_treatments, trait_covariate_associations BETY #403 BETY #491
- Ameriflux is no longer selectable from the web gui #1291
Benchmarking, code cleanup
- benchmarking code
- no more, using Makefile
- Lots of code cleanup thanks to @bpbond
Camp PEON: Assimilation, multi-site, soil params, Maespa, LPJ-GUESS, improvements to web & tutorials
CMIP5, Shiny, FLUXNET2015, Global Sensitivity