Figure out what custom changes you made to an xTuple database.
This is a simple Node.js app that allows you to compare a standard default
xTuple database against your database and find out what changes you have made.
This app will look for any custom, missing, or overwritten Views and Functions.
It will also backup all Schemas in your database that do not exist in the
default xTuple database. This app will write out a DROP statement for all
Schemas, Views and Functions that are custom to drop_all_custom.sql
git clone git://
cd wtf-did-you-do
npm install
# Or run that as root if you have problems.
# sudo npm install
# Copy the sample_config.js to config.js
cp sample_config.js config.js
# Use your favorite text editor to modify the config.js file.
# Using Vi to edit the config file:
vi config.js
Modify the config.js file to connect to your databases and specify if you want to run the sql files created by this app through's API.
This app will look at one default xTuple database and compare it to your custom database. To ensure best result it is recommended you create a default xTuple database that is on the same release and version of xTuple as your custom database.
For example, if your custom database is on xTuple release "Distribution" and version "4.3.0", you should create the default xTuple database with the same release and version; "Distribution" "4.3.0". This default xTuple database should be a restored copy of xTuple's "demo", "quickstart" or "masterRef" database.
If you have the xTuple Mobile Client/Server installed on your custom database, you should also install it on the default xTuple database so the comparison is more accurate. Be sure to install any Mobile Extensions on the default xTuple database that you have in your custom database.
The goal is to make the default xTuple database as close to a fresh install of your custom database as possible. This will reduce the number of changes this app will find to just the important stuff.
You may need to edit you pg_hba.conf file or add a .pgpass
file to this
directory to ensure the app will run without prompting you for a password.
It should still work fine, but you will be prompted to enter your postgres
password once for each schema it backups up. You can avoid this with a
file or allowing access in pg_hba.conf.
Please see these sites for more details:
node app.js
Log messages will be output to the console. Everything this app finds will be
backup up to ./backup/
. Each time you run this app, the ./backup/
and all of it's contents will be removed. Make sure you copy the ./backup/
direcotry to a safe location before running this app again.
This app will not modify either database. The commands in
can be ran to remove all custom objects from
your custom database. This is very useful if you are having issues upgrading
your custom database. However, it is very likely that PostgreSQL will complain
of referenced dependencies when dropping these objects. You will most likely
need to re-order the DROP statements in the drop_all_custom.sql
to drop them
all cleanly at once. For example, you may find that you do not need to drop any
of your custom function for the upgrade to work. You will also need t add
to the DROP SCHEMA statements if you really want to remove them:
Here is an example of the output this app will generate if you run the
tree backup\
+-- mydb_custom_functions
¦ +-- public.createplannedorder(integer, integer, integer, numeric, date, date, boolean, boolean, integer, text, text, integer).sql
¦ +-- public.defaultps(integer, integer).sql
¦ +-- public.defaultps(integer).sql
¦ +-- public.freightcost(integer).sql
¦ +-- public.getactcost(integer, date).sql
¦ +-- public.temp(integer, integer).sql
+-- mydb_custom_views
¦ +-- public.invhist_month.sql
¦ +-- public.invhist_week.sql
¦ +-- public.inv_var.sql
¦ +-- public.itemconv.sql
¦ +-- public.last_two_po.sql
¦ +-- public.margin.sql
¦ +-- public.rpt_saleshist_invc_detail.sql
¦ +-- public.rpt_saleshistsum_detail.sql
+-- mydb_missing_functions
¦ +-- public.armor(bytea).sql
¦ +-- public.crypt(text, text).sql
¦ +-- public.dearmor(text).sql
¦ +-- public.decrypt(bytea, bytea, text).sql
¦ +-- public.decrypt_iv(bytea, bytea, bytea, text).sql
¦ +-- public.digest(bytea, text).sql
¦ +-- public.digest(text, text).sql
¦ +-- public.encrypt(bytea, bytea, text).sql
¦ +-- public.encrypt_iv(bytea, bytea, bytea, text).sql
¦ +-- public.gen_salt(text, integer).sql
¦ +-- public.gen_salt(text).sql
¦ +-- public.hmac(bytea, bytea, text).sql
¦ +-- public.hmac(text, text, text).sql
¦ +-- public.pgp_key_id(bytea).sql
+-- mydb_overwritten_functions
¦ +-- custom
¦ ¦ +-- public.insertsalesline(api.salesline).sql
¦ ¦ +-- public.saveipsitem(integer, integer, integer, numeric, numeric, integer, integer).sql
¦ ¦ +-- public.saveipsprodcat(integer, integer, integer, numeric, numeric, numeric).sql
¦ ¦ +-- public.updateprice(integer, character, numeric).sql
¦ ¦ +-- public.updateprice(integer, numeric).sql
¦ +-- default
¦ +-- public.insertsalesline(api.salesline).sql
¦ +-- public.saveipsitem(integer, integer, integer, numeric, numeric, integer, integer).sql
¦ +-- public.saveipsprodcat(integer, integer, integer, numeric, numeric, numeric).sql
¦ +-- public.updateprice(integer, character, numeric).sql
¦ +-- public.updateprice(integer, numeric).sql
+-- mydb_overwritten_views
¦ +-- custom
¦ ¦ +-- public.address.sql
¦ ¦ +-- public.saleshistorymisc.sql
¦ ¦ +-- public.saleshistory.sql
¦ +-- default
¦ +-- public.address.sql
¦ +-- public.saleshistorymisc.sql
¦ +-- public.saleshistory.sql
+-- mydb_schemas
¦ +-- audit.backup
¦ +-- mydb.backup
¦ +-- custom_integration.backup
¦ +-- custom_label.backup
¦ +-- pre380.backup
+-- drop_all_custom.sql
10 directories, 50 files
Copyright (c) 2012-2013 xTuple