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React Native Push Down Alert

npm version

A customizable pushdown alert component for React Native applications. It provides a simple way to display success, error, and warning notifications with a unique pushdown animation that pushes down the entire content of app to show the notification.



  • Display success, error, and warning notifications.
  • Customizable alert appearance and behavior.
  • Queue or cancel current alerts based on configuration.
  • Supports custom icons and styles.


To install the library, use npm or yarn:

npm install react-native-pushdown-alert
# or
yarn add react-native-pushdown-alert


Here's a basic example of how to use the react-native-pushdown-alert in your application:

import { PushDownAlertPortal, showNotification} from 'react-native-pushdown-alert';
import { View, Button } from 'react-native';

const MyApp = () => {
  return (
        title="Show Notification Success"
        onPress={() => {
            type: 'success',
            message: 'Hi a message body',
            title: 'Hello World',

const config = {}

const App = () => {
  return (
    <PushDownAlertPortal config={config}>
      <MyApp />

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Import the Components : Import PushDownAlertPortal and showNotification from the library.

    import { PushDownAlertPortal } from 'react-native-pushdown-alert';
  2. Place the Portal : Place the PushDownAlertPortal component as high as possible in your component tree. This ensures that alerts can be displayed over all other components.

    const App = () => {
    return (
     <PushDownAlertPortal config={config}>
       { of your app}
  3. Trigger Notifications : Use the showNotification function anywhere in your app to trigger alerts. You can call this function in response to events, such as button presses or API responses.


If a notification is already showing, subsequent showNotification calls will be queued based your chosen queuing behavior.

  type: 'success',
  message: 'Hi a message body',
  title: 'Hello World',



  • Parameters :
    • type : Type of the alert ( success , error , warning ).
    • title : Title of the alert.
    • message : Message body of the alert.


  • Props :
    • config : Configuration object for customizing alert behavior and appearance.


You can customize the alert behavior and appearance by passing a configuration object to the PushDownAlertPortal component. Here are some of the available options:

  • alertDisplayDuration : Duration for which the alert is displayed.
  • openAnimationDuration : Duration of the open animation.
  • closeAnimationDuration : Duration of the close animation.
  • alertQueueBehaviour : Determines how alerts are handled when a notification is already showing. Options include:
    • queue : New alerts are added to a queue and displayed sequentially.
    • cancelCurrent : The current alert is dismissed, and the new alert is displayed immediately.
  • titleTextStyle : Custom style for the alert title.
  • messageTextStyle : Custom style for the alert message.
  • successConfig , errorConfig , warningConfig : Custom configurations for each alert type, including icons and background colors.

Sample Configuration

Here's an example of how you can customize the alert configurations:

const config = {
  alertDisplayDuration: 4000,
  openAnimationDuration: 500,
  closeAnimationDuration: 500,
  alertQueueBehaviour: 'queue',
  titleTextStyle: { fontSize: 18, fontWeight: 'bold', color: '#fff' },
  messageTextStyle: { fontSize: 16, color: '#fff' },
  successConfig: {
    icon: <CustomSuccessIcon />, // Replace with your custom icon component
    backgroundColor: '#4CAF50', // Green background for success alerts
  errorConfig: {
    icon: <CustomErrorIcon />, // Replace with your custom icon component
    backgroundColor: '#F44336', // Red background for error alerts
  warningConfig: {
    icon: <CustomWarningIcon />, // Replace with your custom icon component
    backgroundColor: '#FFC107', // Yellow background for warning alerts


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