Start building LLM-empowered multi-agent applications in an easier way.
🚀 LangGraph for Java. A library for building stateful, multi-actor applications with LLMs, built for work jointly with langchain4j
APM, Application Performance Monitoring System
带有详细注释的 Redis 3.0 代码(annotated Redis 3.0 source code)。
A demonstration of UICollectionView and UIKit Dynamics
A beautiful photo browser with interactive dismissal animation.一个小而美的图片浏览器。
一句代码,圆角风雨无阻。A Category to make cornerRadius for UIImageView have no Offscreen-Rendered, be more efficiency.
ios多图选择,高仿微信发朋友圈的功能1, 照片选取预览,有相册UI 预览UI 详情UI 可以创建相册等 2, 预览UI 详情UI 可以通过3DTouch的方式进行查看 3, 可以删除照片 收藏照片 4, 可以通过3DTouch或者点击播放 Video gif livephoto等资源 5, 预览详情支持 单击 双击 缩合等手势处理照片查看 6, 支持国际化配置
Flat button with 9 different states using POP
Animated, customizable, and flexible pull-to-refresh framework for faster and easier iOS development.