Full-stack Todo application built with Spring Boot backend and React frontend. This application allows users to manage their tasks efficiently with features like user authentication, task creation, updating, and deletion.
├── backend/ # Spring Boot application
└── frontend/ # React application
- Java 17 or higher
- Node.js 16 or higher
- Maven 3.6 or higher
- Docker and Docker Compose (for containerized deployment)
Navigate to the backend directory:
cd backend/app
Build the application:
mvn clean install
Run the application:
mvn spring-boot:run
The backend server will start at http://localhost:8080
Navigate to the frontend directory:
cd frontend
Install dependencies:
npm install
Start the development server:
npm start
The frontend application will be available at http://localhost:3000
To run the backend tests, navigate to the backend directory and execute:
cd backend/app
mvn test
This will run all unit and integration tests.
The API documentation is available through Swagger UI when the backend is running:
- Swagger UI:
To run the entire application using Docker:
- Make sure Docker and Docker Compose are installed on your system
- From the root directory, build and start the containers:
docker-compose up --build
This will:
- Build and start the backend container
- Build and start the frontend container
- Set up the necessary network connections
The application will be available at:
- Frontend:
- Backend:
- Log in to Docker Hub:
docker login
- Tag the images:
docker tag todo-app YOUR_DOCKERHUB_USERNAME/todo-app:latest
- Push the images to Docker Hub:
docker push YOUR_DOCKERHUB_USERNAME/todo-app:latest
To pull and run the images from Docker Hub:
docker pull YOUR_DOCKERHUB_USERNAME/todo-app:latest
To run
docker run -p 3000:3000 -p 8091-8094:8091-8094 -p 8080:8080 -p 11210:11210 YOUR_DOCKERHUB_USERNAME/todo-app:latest
- User Authentication (Register/Login)
- Create, Read, Update, and Delete Todos
- Mark Todos as Complete/Incomplete
- Responsive Design
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.