LibXML bindings for Google's v8 javascript engine.
It also plays nicely with node.js
To build the node.js plugin use:
scons libxmljs.node
Standalone version is coming soon
Move libxmljs.node to your project's directory and throw this into your script: var libxml = require('libxmljs.node');
There are two main ways to use the builder. The first:
var doc = new libxml.Document(function(n) {
n.node('root', function(n) {
n.node('child', {foo: 'bar'}, function(n) {
n.node('grandchild', {baz: 'fizbuzz'}, 'grandchild content');
n.node('sibling', 'with content!');
Calling doc.toString() will yield the following XML:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<root><child foo="bar"><grandchild baz="fizbuzz">grandchild content</grandchild></child><sibling>with content!</sibling></root>
The other way is through chaining (indentation is meant to represent location in the tree):
var doc = new libxml.Document();
.node('child', {foo: 'bar'})
.node('grandchild', {baz: 'fizbuzz'}, 'grandchild content')
.node('sibling', 'with content!');
This will yield the same results.
By file: var doc = libxml.parseFile([filename]); By String: var doc = libxml.parseString([xmlString]);
Callbacks for SAX are created during the instantiation of the parser object. You can omit any callback you're not interested in. Below is just a list of callbacks currently supported with the arguments they'll be sent.
var parser = new libxml.SAXParser(function(cb) {
cb.onStartDocument(function() {});
cb.onEndDocument(function() {});
cb.onStartElementNS(function(elem, attrs, prefix, uri, namespaces) {});
cb.onEndElementNS(function(elem, prefix, uri) {});
cb.onCharacters(function(chars) {});
cb.onCdata(function(cdata) {});
cb.onComment(function(msg) {});
cb.onWarning(function(msg) {});
cb.onError(function(msg) {});
// Parse a string:
// Parse a file:
Push parsers are created the same way DOM parsers are, but take input a chunk at a time:
var parser = new libxml.SAXPushParser(function(cb) {
cb.onStartDocument(function() {});
cb.onEndDocument(function() {});
cb.onStartElementNS(function(elem, attrs, prefix, uri, namespaces) {});
cb.onEndElementNS(function(elem, prefix, uri) {});
cb.onCharacters(function(chars) {});
cb.onCdata(function(cdata) {});
cb.onComment(function(msg) {});
cb.onWarning(function(msg) {});
cb.onError(function(msg) {});