A simple interface for the MARY TTS system. Offers a service /ros_mary
and an actionlib interface /speak
that accepts a simple text argument and plays the audio using PulseAudio.
- launch it:
roslaunch mary_tts ros_mary.launch
- make the robot speak:
rosservice call /ros_mary 'Welcome to the school of computer science. Please follow me!'
- in order to use the actionlib cleint you can run
rosrun actionlib axclient.py /speak
- switching voices:
rosservice call /ros_mary/set_voice "dfki-obadiah-hsmm"
- switching languages:
rosservice call /ros_mary/set_locale "en_US"
Available languages and voices:
- it
- None
- te
- None
- en_US
- cmu-slt-hsmm (female)
- dfki-obadiah-hsmm (male)
- dfki-prudence-hsmm (female)
- dfki-poppy-hsmm (female)
- dfki-spike-hsmm (male)
- tr
- None
- ru
- None
- de
- bits1-hsmm (female)
- bits3-hsmm (male)
- dfki-pavoque-neutral-hsmm (male)
- sv
- None
Installing new voices: Use strands_hri/mary_tts/marytts-5.0/bin/marytts-component-installer.sh