Cellenium is a FAIR and scalable interactive visual analytics app for scRNA-Seq data. It allows to:
- explore cell types and other cell annotations in UMAP space
- find differentially expressed genes based on clusters of annotated cells
- view the expression of a single gene (or a few selected genes) in the UMAP plot or as grouped violin plots
- draw coexpression plots for pairs of genes
Link to publication: ...
Cellenium imports scRNA expression data and cell annotations in H5AD format. We provide jupyter notebooks for downloading some publicly available scRNA studies, normalize the data if necessary, and calculate differentially expressed genes, a UMAP projection and other study data that is needed for Cellenium's features to work.
Cellenium is a web application that accesses a PostgreSQL database via GraphQL API. Some API features, like server-side rendered plots, depend on Python stored procedures.
The setup steps below automate the download and creation of appropriate H5AD files, docker image build, database schema setup and data ingestion.
for CellO:
mkdir scratch/cello_resources
curl https://deweylab.biostat.wisc.edu/cell_type_classification/resources_v2.0.0.tar.gz >scratch/cello_resources/resources_v2.0.0.tar.gz
tar -C scratch/cello_resources -zxf scratch/cello_resources/resources_v2.0.0.tar.gz
docker-compose up
conda env create -f data_import/environment.yml
conda activate cellenium_import
# 'test_studydata' should contain data to cover all application features, but is small enough to be imported in a few minutes
make reset_database test_studydata_import
# 'normal_studydata': real life studies (i.e. with full amount of cells and genes)
make normal_studydata_import
The notebooks are run in headless mode by make
. To create new notebooks and explore datasets:
(cd data_import && PYTHONPATH=$(pwd) jupyter-lab)