The most popular HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web.
Resumes generated using the GitHub informations
Ember.js - A JavaScript framework for creating ambitious web applications
jQuery plugin to fire events when user's cursor aims at particular dropdown menu items. For making responsive mega dropdowns like Amazon's.
A Dark Room - A Minimalist Text Adventure
Extends the default Bootstrap Modal class. Responsive, stackable, ajax and more.
The official @github repository of the Trovebox frontend software. A photo sharing and photo management web interface for data stored "in the cloud" (i.e. Amazon S3, Rackspace CloudFiles, Google St…
An editable jQuery Gantt chart plugin.
xuijs / xui
Forked from brianleroux/xuiA tiny javascript framework for mobile web apps.
This is an awesome solution for responsive tables with complex data.
JSON Blob was created to help parallelize client/server development. Mock JSON responses can be defined using the online editor and then clients can use the JSON Blob API to retrieve and update the…
A Git Repo for storing the Xcode Keyboard Shortcuts as well as being able to keep track of forks
NPM package to automatically fetch gitignore files from github
A customizable Macintosh Twitter client, built with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Fluid.
A tool to find upgrade availability on United Airlines.