- #12611 Change on from string to array, consistent with other definitions (@stefandoorn)
- #13187 issue/12985-migration-in-corebundle (@coldic3)
- #13202 [Core][Checkout] fixed #13201 (@acornforth, @SirDomin)
- #14435 Include 1.13 branch in the PR template (@Zales0123)
- #14474 ⬆️ Upgrade gaufrette version (PHP 8+ compat) (@Nek-, @coldic3)
- #14486 [Cart] Set the created_by_guest flag as false if the cart was created by a customer authenticated via access token (@nicolalazzaro)
- #14488 [Maintenance][CI] Remove deprecations (@NoResponseMate)
- #14489 [Api] Sorting products by price should be per channel (@j92)
- #14500 [Docs] Update inventory source resolving (@NoResponseMate)
- #14501 [Maintenance] Removal of direct unneeded dependency on proxy manager LTS (@lchrusciel)
- #14514 [Behat][API] Add missing channels suite to imports (@GSadee)
- #14516 [Docs] Update release cycle with 1.12 and 1.13 info (@Zales0123)
- #14523 Product taxon position don't affect parent taxon (@everwhatever)
- #14527 [GitHub Actions] Add 1.13 branch to "Refactor" workflow (@coldic3)
- #14536 [Maintenance][Fixture] Allow using default values with optional array nodes (@NoResponseMate)
- #14538 [Product] Fix product variant choice labels (@NoResponseMate)
- #14543 [Maintenance] Fix type casting in migrations (@NoResponseMate)
- #14544 [Doc] Fix Supported versions table (@oallain)
- #14545 [Migrations] Remove usage of non existent AbstractMigration (@GSadee)
- #14548 Fix removing the root taxon, when the second one is Menu Taxon of the channel (@TheMilek)
- #14554 Fix service definition at custom-payment-gateway (@diimpp)
- #14563 Add repository option to product_image node (@TheMilek)
- #14567 [Core] Fix invalid catalog promotion repository service id (@NoResponseMate)
- #14570 [CS][DX] Fix ECS refactoring (@coldic3)
- #14573 [API] Fix ProductReview normalization context (@NoResponseMate)
- #14574 [API] Fix missing address serialization for phone number and company name (@andrehoffmann30, @coldic3)
- #14586 [DX] Unify default repo classes for resources (@coldic3)
- #14595 [Fix] Filtering out disabled channel scenario (@Rafikooo)
- #14596 [Orders] Cart not found for registered user (@Rafikooo)
- #14600 [ProductAssociation] Show product associations within current channel only (@coldic3)
- #14602 [GitHub Actions] Restrict "Refactor" workflow to Sylius/Sylius repo (@coldic3)
- #14614 Run behat using dual session as javascript scenario (@Rafikooo)
- #14618 Use MakerBundle instead of SensioGeneratorBundle (@hmonglee)
- #14144 [Documentation] Fix incorrect translation domain in implementation (@anned20)
- #14156 [DOCS] Cookbook of how to modify placed order (@arti0090)
- #14197 [Docs] Describe Sylius architectural drivers (@Zales0123)
- #14246 [DOCS] Add note about min node version (@arti0090)
- #14247 [DOCS] Add info about mailer in installation doc (@arti0090)
- #14362 Using the new template namespace syntax in the doc (@mamazu)
- #14384 [API] Use tokenValue instead of id (@Prometee)
- #14397 [Docs] Fix 1.12 release dates (@Zales0123)
- #14402 [Api] fix order normalization groups (@mtarld)
- #14410 [Documentation] Remove the tip about ShopApiPlugin from the architecture page (@GSadee)
- #14415 [Behat] Add calendar hook to suites using calendar (@GSadee)
- #14421 [DOCS] Add info about supervisors (@arti0090)
- #14442 [Hot-fix] Conflict with the newest AP that changes a Customer->User response (@GSadee)
- #14445 [Hot-fix] Conflict with the SymfonyMockerContainer 1.0.6 due to incompatible version with Symfony 4.x (@GSadee)
- #14454 [Behat] Move scenario from Plus (@TheMilek)
- #14471 [Api] fixed normalization/denormalization resources groups (@mtarld)
- #14476 Delay 1.12 release for a few days (@Zales0123)
- #14479 [Maintenance] Allow APIP 2.7.2 (@NoResponseMate)
- #14482 Adding batching to the expired carts remover v2 (@mamazu, @lchrusciel)
- #14496 [README] Switch Sylius naming from platform to framework (@lchrusciel)
- #14243 Revert temporary build fix (@TheMilek)
- #14310 [Docs] Release cycle changes (@Zales0123)
- #14321 [CS][DX] Refactor ()
- #14324 [Admin] Improve highlighting menu items (@GSadee)
- #14331 [Docs] Add conventions for Template Events (@coldic3)
- #14346 [Maintenance] Bump doctrine/orm minimal version to 2.13 (@jakubtobiasz)
- #14377 [Products][Admin][UI] Display the channel name instead of the channel code in the variant list (@Rafikooo)
- #14390 [GitHub Actions] Add builds for API Platform ~2.6.0 (@GSadee)
- #14196 [Documentation] Add naming conventions to contributing section (@GSadee)
- #14202 [Bundle][Attribute]It will also listen on the product attribute objec… ()
- #14211 [Behat] Extract javascript driver check (@Zales0123)
- #14212 Adjust PR template file for 1.11 and 1.12 branches (@Zales0123)
- #14213 [bug]Send request to GUS with https (@Ferror)
- #14214 [API] Remove redundant validation config for the command that does not exist (@GSadee)
- #14216 [Documentation] Minor fixes to naming conventions page (@GSadee)
- #14217 [CatalogPromotion] Fix too early data setting during catalog promotion form submission (@lchrusciel)
- #14220 [CS][DX] Refactor ()
- #14223 [Maintenance] Use getObject instead of getEntity on doctrine events (@lchrusciel)
- #14225 [Minor][Behat] Attributes deletion scenario improvements (@lchrusciel)
- #14233 [CS][DX] Refactor ()
- #14236 [API] Remove problematic mapping path (@coldic3)
- #14237 Add coupon channel eligibility checker (@TheMilek, @PILLOWPET)
- #14240 [Checkout][Addressing] Fix duplicated email validation errors (@NoResponseMate)
- #14245 [DOCS] How to run async task added in installation (@arti0090)
- #14248 [UI] Fix autocomplete empty value (@NoResponseMate)
- #14250 [docs]Recommend cron jobs values (@Ferror)
- #14254 [Adjustment] Adjustment cloning resets ID and timestamps (@coldic3)
- #14277 [ProductAttributes] Change translatable status to yes/no in ProductAttributes grid (@TheMilek)
- #14295 [Config] Mark SenderInterface as excluded in psalm.xml (@Rafikooo)
- #14301 [Behat][Fix] Check notification expectation in JavaScriptTestHelper (@Rafikooo)
- #14309 Conflict api-platform/core 2.7.0 (@loic425, @Rafikooo)
- #12773 [API][FIX] Remove code attribute of OrderItem in API serialization (@oallain, @lchrusciel)
- #13874 [Product] Render disabled main taxon without link in breadcrumb (@hbsfaria, @GSadee)
- #13918 Changing templates with Sylius Event (@arti0090, @coldic3)
- #14112 [Documentation][Plus] Add missing step for updating security file during installation (@GSadee)
- #14114 Move login events on Ui bundle (@loic425)
- #14116 [Docs] Fix logo customization guide (@coldic3)
- #14120 [Docs] Drop security support for Sylius 1.9 (@Zales0123)
- #14123 Removed version specification (@vjandrea)
- #14130 [Maintenance] Fix package build (@lchrusciel, @jakubtobiasz)
- #14140 [GitHub Actions] Replace master branch with 1.12 in "Refactor" workflow (@coldic3)
- #14146 Allow to set zero tax rate (@jakubtobiasz)
- #14155 [BUG] The hostname resolver does not check for the channel status (@lruozzi9, @jakubtobiasz)
- #14180 [CS] ECS configuration updated (@Rafikooo)
- #14190 [CS][DX] Refactor (@bot@@sylius.@org)
- #13573 [UI] Disable session storage for autocomplete dropdowns ()
- #13987 Remove custom error level on Phpspec (@loic425)
- #13998 Split Sylius packages in Github Actions (@Zales0123)
- #14000 fix
api docs (@sad270) - #14002 [maintenance]Upload Dark and Light version of Sylius logo (@Ferror)
- #14004 Specifications should be final (@loic425)
- #14020 [Dependencies] Removed unused registered Sonata bundles (@Rafikooo)
- #14023 [DOCS] Add docs about deploy platforms (@arti0090, @CoderMaggie)
- #14024 [DOCS] Fix github link on search doc (@arti0090)
- #14027 [CS][DX] Refactor ()
- #14029 [CS][DX] Refactor ()
- #14030 [DOCS] Update image with installation requirements (@arti0090)
- #14031 [DOCS] Change the github link on search page (@arti0090)
- #14032 [Maintenance] Remove 1.10 branch from scheduled ECS refactor (@GSadee, @Rafikooo)
- #14033 [Documentation] Remove section about CurrencyProvider that does not exist (@GSadee)
- #14038 [Behat] Refactor to use PHP 7.4 syntax (@GSadee)
- #14039 [Behat] Introduce PHP 8.0 syntax (@GSadee)
- #14041 [Addressing] Prevent deleting zones and provinces that are zone members (@coldic3)
- #14045 [Rector] Configure PHP version up to 8.0 (@loic425)
- #14046 Mention 1.10 full support drop in the documentation (@Zales0123)
- #14047 Remove auto commenting feature on 1.10 & 1.11 as well (@lchrusciel)
- #14049 Revert "Split Sylius packages in Github Actions" (@Zales0123)
- #14058 [Admin][Zones] Choosing disabled country as a zone member made possible for admin user (@TheMilek)
- #14059 [Addressing] Enable orphan removal for zone members (@coldic3)
- #14061 [Addressing] Fix adding and removing zone members again (@coldic3)
- #14065 [Symfony 6] Fix zone member integrity listener (@loic425)
- #14067 [Addressing] Fix adding and removing zone members again (with API coverage only) (@coldic3)
- #14070 [Maintenance] Fix Version20220407131547 migration (@coldic3)
- #14071 [Addressing] Minor refactor (@coldic3)
- #14081 Change deprecated PHPStan config (@Zales0123)
- #14082 Revert ReflectionExtractor hot-fix (@Zales0123)
- #14085 [Migrations] Minimum price migration fixed (@TheMilek)
- #14090 Fix calculate order item subtotal (@vvasiloi, @AdamKasp)
- #14091 [Docs] Upgrade Plus installation guide (@ernestWarwas)
- #14095 [Fixtures] Add a fixture listener for removing images (@GSadee)
- #14101 [Template][Events] Part of new UI bundle events for security and grid (@ernestWarwas)
- #14102 [Fixtures] Fix removing images before suite (@GSadee)
- #14103 Tweet automatically about every new Sylius release (@Zales0123)
- #14105 Fix @javascript scenarios about channels menu taxon (@Zales0123)
- #14106 [Maintenance] Composer allow plugins finally sorted out + removal of symfony thanks (@lchrusciel)
- #14108 [Templates] Move grid events to UI bundle (@GSadee)
- #12868 Fix zone cannot contain itself validator (@vvasiloi)
- #13847 [Maintenance]Run schema validation on mysql pipeline (@Ferror)
- #13894 Using Sylius template event to change logo (@arti0090)
- #13898 [maintenance][mailer]Assert that email is not null (@Ferror)
- #13903 [Documentation] Improve and fix the release cycle documentation (@Zales0123)
- #13905 [AUTO] Updated translations from Crowdin (1.11) (@SyliusBot)
- #13907 [Docs] Updated Sylius Plus installation guide - optional PDF Generator (@Rafikooo)
- #13908 [DX] General refactor using ECS (@coldic3)
- #13909 [Maintenance] Specify the default path in the ECS configuration (@coldic3)
- #13919 [Maintenance][CI] Add Refactor workflow (@coldic3)
- #13920 [Maintenance] Fix missing import in ECS config (@coldic3)
- #13921 [1.11][User] Reduce usage of deprecated
interface #13642 (@sad270) - #13929 Specify rough 1.12 release term and its planned content (@Zales0123)
- #13933 Bump flex to ^1.17, v1.13 - old infrastructure shutdown (@em411)
- #13938 [CS][DX] Refactor (@github-actions)
- #13940 [CS][DX] Refactor (@github-actions)
- #13948 [Docs] add info about subresources (@SirDomin, @GSadee)
- #13959 [Docs] Favicon (@Rafikooo)
- #13961 [GH] Store composer lock and generate diff (@lchrusciel)
- #13966 Update orders.rst (@groupecomplus)
- #13601 Use the Gaufrette FilesystemInterface instead of a concrete implementation (@GSadee, @mbabker)
- #13841 [Maintenance] Add note to UPGRADE file about dropping Symfony 5.2 support (@GSadee)
- #13844 [API][Swagger] Accept language header in SwaggerUI (@ernestWarwas)
- #13848 [DOCS] Update index tip (@arti0090)
- #13849 [API] Fix sorting products by price of their first variant (@coldic3)
- #13852 [Maintenance] Run the build on tags rather than on releases (@Zales0123)
- #13857 [DOC] Bump minimal PHP version needed to install Sylius (@Roshyo)
- #13865 [Cart] Add Validator for localeCode (@SirDomin)
- #13866 [Maintenance] Relax conflict on liip imagine bundle - rebased version (@Nek-)
- #13867 [Template][Events] Sylius template events - improvements (@ernestWarwas)
- #13870 [ShippingMethod] Change shipping rule to be based on items total instead of order total (@GSadee, @mdevlamynck)
- #13875 [Swagger] Enum with available locale codes in Accept-Language header (@ernestWarwas)
- #13876 [API] Refactor FilterEagerLoadingExtension (@coldic3)
- #13878 [Template] Variant name instead of product name (@ernestWarwas)
- #13886 [Templates][Admin] Refactor order payments template to use events (@coldic3)
- #13888 [Documentation] Fix the description of items total shipping rules (@GSadee)
- #13890 [maintenance]Fix ECS HeaderCommentFixer (@Ferror)
- #13891 [maintenance]Run ECS in parallel (@Ferror)
- #11850 Fix redirection when there is a trailing slash in the products list path (@loic425)
- #12538 [Behat] Allow to use some useful methods on Order show page (@loic425)
- #13724 Fix disappearing products in Admin Panel when translation for current locale is missing (@jakubtobiasz)
- #13736 [Maintenance] Testing with PHP 8.1 (@loic425)
- #13744 [Maintenance]Ignore phpstan.neon file (@Ferror)
- #13745 [Promotion] Add validation of coupon usage limit per customer (@coldic3)
- #13753 [UI] Replacing the placeholder avatar with an icon (@mamazu)
- #13759 [Behat] Use "When" for user actions where possible (@coldic3)
- #13767 Change sylius.behat.context.ui.email context to sylius.behat.context.api.email (@Ferror)
- #13768 Bump Psalm version to 4.19 (php 8.1 support) (@loic425)
- #13769 [Core][Shipping] Fix estimated shipping costs (@coldic3, @lchrusciel)
- #13770 [ADR] Clean up existing ADRs mostly by updating their statuses (@GSadee)
- #13772 [ADR][API] Update ADR for providing locales after changing the approach (@GSadee)
- #13775 [Behat][API] Change the undefined step to create a configurable product instead of simple one (@GSadee)
- #13779 [Documentation][Plus] Update cookbook about restricting access to the entity (@GSadee)
- #13782 [Plus] Fix Sylius installation guide (@lchrusciel)
- #13787 [ADR] Use raw data in commands and events (@ernestWarwas)
- #13790 [Maintenance] Update UPGRADE-1.11.md (@coldic3)
- #13795 [ADR] Remove flush() from handlers. (@ernestWarwas)
- #13798 [Events] Sylius template event forms (@SirDomin)
- #13799 [Core][Shipping] Deprecate processing shipments before recalculating prices (@coldic3)
- #13801 [Behat] added context to manage non-collection subresources (@emmanuel-tilleuls)
- #13802 [Docs] Add a guide on how to deal with file access problems in the wkhtmltopdf (@coldic3)
- #13803 [Admin][JS] Applying all the options selected for an attribute of type multiple select fixed (@TheMilek)
- #13805 [JS] Not render empty value in multi select autocompletes (@ernestWarwas)
- #13809 [Documentation] Fix build by specifying jinja2 version requirement (@GSadee)
- #13811 [Documentation][Plus] Adjust installation guide after entities refactor (@GSadee)
- #13817 [Admin] Clean up and refactor new template events (@GSadee)
- #13818 [Maintenance] Bump copyright year in docs and license files (@coldic3)
- #13828 [Maintenance] Fix a misleading description (@GSadee)
- #13839 Limit the number of packages build run on 1.10 (@Zales0123)
- #13840 [GitHub Actions] Fix symfony/flex in workflows and invalid EngineInterface namespace (@coldic3)
- #13432 Update SalesDataProvider.php (@remoteclient)
- #13723 [Docs] Deployment on artifakt (@AdamKasp)
- #13731 [Taxation] Add validation of negative tax rate (@coldic3)
- #13734 [JS] add empty value to autocomplete selects (@SirDomin)
- #13735 [Docs] add note to translation (@AdamKasp)
- #13737 [Admin] Fix undefined labels in taxon autocomplete (@ernestWarwas)
- #13738 [Docs] Synchronous messenger transport (@Rafikooo)
- #13750 [Admin][Shop] placehold.it replaced to local placeholders (@ernestWarwas)
- #13751 [Docs] Blank line removed (@Rafikooo)
- #13756 [GitHub Actions] Change PHP ini values + clear cache (@GSadee)
- #13765 [Security] Fixes for SVG XSS, wrong cache for logged in users and clickjacking (@ernestWarwas, @lchrusciel, @GSadee, @Zales0123, @Rafikooo)
- #13766 [Security][API] passwordResetToken nulled after password is changed (@lchrusciel, @ernestWarwas, @GSadee, @TheMilek)
- #13575 [DX] add correct return type to getAdjustments method (@PILLOWPET)
- #13641 [ADR] Declaring services as public in container (@lchrusciel)
- #13647 Update Sylius supported versions (@Zales0123)
- #13650 [Documentation] Update installation guide for Plus (@GSadee)
- #13651 [Admin][API] Catalog promotion actions validation fixed (@ernestWarwas)
- #13658 [Documentation] Adjust installation guide for Plus on 1.11 (@GSadee)
- #13660 [CLI] Cancel unpaid orders command (@rafalswierczek)
- #13673 [Psalm] Configuration - totallyTyped replaced according to docs to avoid deprecation problem (@ernestWarwas)
- #13676 [Cart] Fix retrieving/overriding cart of logged in user by guest (@SirDomin, @GSadee)
- #13679 [Docs] [AdminBundle] fix minor typo (@gigamarr)
- #13683 Improve verbosity of canceling unpaid orders test (@rafalswierczek)
- #13684 [Product][API][Bug] Fixed product sorting by translated names (@Rafikooo)
- #13687 [Behat][API] Remove duplicated steps in ProductContext (@GSadee)
- #13691 [Docs] Force user to login during checkout (@ernestWarwas)
- #13692 [Admin] Fix for floating point amount on fixed action in catalog promotion. (@ernestWarwas)
- #13695 [Order] Change getters and setters to use a proper flag name (@GSadee)
- #13698 [Docs] Path fix for validator in API force login cookbook (@ernestWarwas)
- #13699 [Documentation] Add reference to the cookbook about forcing login in API (@GSadee)
- #13700 [Order] Fix getters and setters to use a proper flag name after upmerge issue (@GSadee)
- #13704 Update PHP Version in installation doc (@sad270)
- #13708 [Locale] Add header based locale context (@AdamKasp)
- #13715 add dependency injection conflict (@SirDomin)
- #13716 [Documentation] Fix start date of development 1.12 version (@GSadee)
- #13725 [PaypalExpress] Dont take shipping tax adjustment to shipping cost (@SirDomin)
- #13730 [Maintenance] Add conflict to symfony/framework-bundle to fix problem with solving path prefix in API scenarios (@GSadee)
- #13732 [Hot-fix] Conflict with symfony/dependency-injection even more (@Zales0123)
Final-final fixes for CatalogPromotions' system
- #13632 Add time for start and end date in catalog promotions index ()
- #13638 [CatalogPromotion] Code improvements (@Rafikooo)
- #13639 [UI][CatalogPromotion] Fix to not displaying duplicated validation message for fixed discount action (@GSadee)
- #13644 [Maintenance] Minor clean up of UPGRADE files for Sylius 1.11 (@GSadee)
Final fixes for Catalog Promotions' system
- #13431 FIX: Avoid passing empty needle to strpos() (@rimas-kudelis)
- #13588 Use semantic ui view instead of deprecated semantic_ui_translated (@loic425)
- #13604 [CatalogPromotion][UI][Shop] Fixed label displaying after option change (@Rafikooo)
- #13606 [Catalog Promotion] Add exclusive flag to UI (@AdamKasp)
- #13607 [Catalog Promotion][UI] Fixed error when trying to save catalog promotion with empty percentage discount value (@ernestWarwas)
- #13608 [Catalog Promotion] Improve fixtures (@AdamKasp)
- #13611 Optimize variant autocomplete selector (@rafal.@swierczek@@drophub.@pl)
- #13614 [Maintenance] Add info about messenger transport and api_platform directory to UPGRADE files (@GSadee)
- #13616 [Behat][API] Fixed adding simple product scenarios (@ernestWarwas)
- #13620 Changes in Catalog Promotions validation (@Zales0123)
- #13623 [Core] Reorganize namespaces of services related with catalog promotions (@GSadee)
- #13624 [CatalogPromotions] Refactor processing catalog promotions states to use commands (@GSadee)
- #13626 [Behat][Api] Second part of fixing simple product creation in api tests (@ernestWarwas)
- #13627 Move ScopeValidatorInterface to PromotionBundle (@Zales0123)
- #13629 [Catalog Promotion] Fix priorities fixtures (@AdamKasp)
- #13630 [Docs][Catalog Promotion] Warning added to docs (@AdamKasp)
- #13633 [UPGRADE] Add more details about PHP, mocker container and api platform folder (@lchrusciel)
- #13635 [Docs] Drop warning about active, not applied promotions as states are handled in async manner as well (@lchrusciel)
- #13637 [CatalogPromotion] Move scope validator and constraint to PromotionBundle (@GSadee
- process variants instead of promotions to allow easier batching and performance improvements
- general improvements and fixes for Catalog Promotion and Shop API
- #13466 move default criteria to catalog promotion provider (@AdamKasp, @Rafikooo)
- #13523 Improving the documentation (@mamazu)
- #13535 [Minor] Removal of logic duplication in shipping charges processor (@lchrusciel)
- #13536 Refactor catalog promotions - process variants instead promotion (@AdamKasp)
- #13538 [CatalogPromotion] Apply catalog promotions for product created in catalog promotions scope (@ernestWarwas, @GSadee)
- #13542 Specify explicit priorities for all form type extensions (@rimas-kudelis)
- #13545 [Core][Optimalization] Assign fallback locale for command based requests (@SirDomin)
- #13546 [Admin][UI] Catalog promotions UI fixes (@SirDomin)
- #13547 [Promotion] Fix js errors associated with actions/rules/scopes (@GSadee)
- #13548 [Maintenance] Remove phpstan exclude for PHP7.4 (@lchrusciel)
- #13550 [CatalogPromotion] Process all catalog promotions when catalog promotion is created (@SirDomin)
- #13551 [UI][Admin] add divider after form elements (@SirDomin)
- #13552 Fixing the documentation (1.10) (@mamazu)
- #13553 [Fixtures] USA deleted from the World zone (@TheMilek)
- #13555 [Core][Optimalization] Assign fallback locale for command based requests (@lchrusciel)
- #13556 [Behat] Scenario for creating an exclusive catalog promotion (@TheMilek)
- #13557 [Promotion] Use sylius/calendar instead of the existing Calendar (@GSadee)
- #13558 [Shipping][Behat] Use sylius/calendar instead of the existing Calendar (@GSadee)
- #13561 [Docs] Mention autoconfiguration case when extending the form (@Zales0123)
- #13562 PHP 8.0 syntax in bundles (without CoreBundle and ApiBundle) (@Zales0123)
- #13563 [API][UI][Behat][Refactor] OriginalUnitPrice property on the OrderItem entity (@Rafikooo)
- #13565 PHP 8.0 syntax in Core Bundle (@Zales0123)
- #13566 [Catalog Promotion] Privatize function in CP clearer and remove redundant channelPricing repository (@AdamKasp)
- #13567 [Catalog Promotion] ProductVariantForCatalogPromotionEligibility refactored (@AdamKasp)
- #13569 [Catalog Promotion] Catalog promotion states refactor (@ernestWarwas)
- #13570 PHP 8.0 syntax in ApiBundle (@Zales0123)
- #13576 [Catalog Promotion] Select more data during processing to avoid inefficient db calls (@lchrusciel)
- #13577 [Catalog Promotion] Removal of unused function (@lchrusciel)
- #13578 [Catalog Promotion] add update variant event to messenger routing (@AdamKasp)
- #13579 [Catalog Promotion] Move catalog promotion processing after the fixture execution (@lchrusciel)
- #13580 Bump Psalm version to 4.19 (php 8.1 support) (@loic425)
- #13581 [Catalog Promotion] Refactor - rename AllCatalogPromotionsProcessor (@ernestWarwas)
- #13584 Update catalog promotion instantly if date is set on future (@SirDomin)
- #13585 [Catalog Promotion] [Docs] docs updated (@AdamKasp)
- #13587 [CatalogPromotion] batch configuration size made a part of config (@TheMilek)
- #13589 [Catalog Promotion] remove redundant method (@AdamKasp)
- #13591 [Catalog Promotion][Docs] update CP scopes docs (@AdamKasp)
- #13592 [Migration] add migration to messenger if transport is configured to doctrine (@SirDomin)
- #13593 [Catalog Promotions] State processing after fixtures load (@ernestWarwas)
- #13594 [Catalog Promotion][Test] Assert proper batch size configuration (@lchrusciel)
- #13595 [Docs] Configuring catalog promotions batch sizes explained (@TheMilek)
- #13596 [Cookbook] Minor fixes in custom catalog promotion scope (@GSadee)
- #13597 Core Configuration style and tests improvements (@Zales0123)
Improvements and fixes in Catalog Promotion and Shop API
- #12549 [Product Variant] Price Calculator fixed to return always int (@lruozzi9)
- #12759 Use phpspec ^7.1 and avoid custom error reporting level in its configuration (@pamil)
- #13214 Replace
type as requested by the deprecation (@Prometee) - #13251 Change all MasterRequest calls to MainRequest (@Roshyo)
- #13379 [Bug][Migrations] Add missing
check for our migrations to ensure proper syntax is available (@lchrusciel) - #13386 [Docs] Catalog promotion label customization (@AdamKasp)
- #13389 [Catalog Promotion] Moved labels to separate twig (@AdamKasp)
- #13392 [Minor] Update possible branch version in GitHub PR template (@lchrusciel)
- #13393 [BUG] Check action type for fixed promotion (@SirDomin)
- #13396 [API] Doctrine extension parameter names and aliases refactor (@TheMilek)
- #13397 [CatalogPromotion][Admin] Fix displaying fixed discount action on catalog show page (@GSadee)
- #13398 [Documentation][CatalogPromotion] Add cookbook about creating a custom action + minor improvements (@GSadee)
- #13400 [API][SHOP] serialization of ShippingMethod and ProductOption - dynamic translation refactor (@TheMilek)
- #13401 [Translations][Shop][API] Dynamic serialization of translations for a Product, ProductVariant and Taxon entities (@Rafikooo)
- #13403 [RFC][CatalogPromotion] Refactor actions and scopes to dynamically set parameters with types without obligatory getType method (@GSadee, @lchrusciel)
- #13405 Class name typo (@TheDevilOnLine)
- #13407 Remove invalid PHP version from PHPSpec build (@Zales0123)
- #13408 [CatalogPromotion] Add compiler pass tests for setting action/scope types parameters (@GSadee)
- #13409 [Shop][API] Contract tests for an Address resource, customer authorization refactor (@Rafikooo)
- #13410 [Test][API][Refactor] CardContext, ProductVariant and Taxon resource (@Rafikooo)
- #13412 [API][SHOP] serialization of Payment and PaymentMethod - dynamic translation refactor (@TheMilek)
- #13415 [Shop][Api] Translatable resources api docs, included slug field in a Taxon and Product responses (@Rafikooo)
- #13421 [Docs] How to customize the invoice logo - updated cookbook (@Rafikooo)
- #13423 [Docs] Customizing Credit Memo's logo (@TheMilek)
- #13426 Architecture tests initialization (@Zales0123)
- #13427 [Minor] Lineup documentation (@lchrusciel)
- #13428 Symfony2 is no more 💃 (@Zales0123)
- #13430 [Maintenance] Do not skip auto-configuration tests (@lchrusciel)
- #13435 [Behat] [Taxons] Fixed issue with asserting Taxons (@TheDevilOnLine)
- #13436 [CatalogPromotion] Fix dates in contract tests (@GSadee)
- #13439 Recalculate cart on remove item (@SirDomin)
- #13451 [docs] fix catalog promotion async tip (@AdamKasp)
- #13453 [Order][API] Translation deleted from payment patch response (@TheMilek)
- #13454 Using phparkitect github actions (@AlessandroMinoccheri)
- #13455 Delay 1.11 one more time (@Zales0123)
- #13458 Applied promotion information formatter service configuration cleanup (@Rafikooo)
- #13459 [API] Bring back SwaggerUI overriding (@lchrusciel)
- #13464 Bugfix: display full cart promotion rule form when adding a new rule (@rimas-kudelis)
- #13465 Catalog promotion priority (@Rafikooo)
- #13468 [CatalogPromotion] Rename actions and scopes (@SirDomin)
- #13469 [CatalogPromotions] Refactor CatalogPromotionsScopeType to remove dup… (@SirDomin)
- #13471 [CatalogPromotion] refactor action type (@AdamKasp)
- #13472 [Docs] add info about hardcoded translations (@SirDomin)
- #13473 [CatalogPromotion] Introduce CatalogPromotionCreated event (@GSadee)
- #13477 Validation deleted from PercentageDiscountActionConfigurationType (@TheMilek)
- #13479 [CatalogPromotion] Refactor names of listeners to be consistent with others (@GSadee)
- #13480 [Minor][Behat] Change feature name to reflect convention and reality (@lchrusciel)
- #13484 [CI] bin/console lint:container - command added to workflow (@Rafikooo)
- #13490 Unify latest CHANGELOGs format with the previous ones (@Zales0123)
- #13491 [API][Minor] Archiving shipping methods filter rename to maintain naming convention (@lchrusciel)
- #13495 [API] Doctrine filters moved below filters namespace (@lchrusciel)
- #13498 [Docs] Sylius 1.8 is not supported anymore (@Zales0123)
- #13499 Refactor catalog promotion applicator (@SirDomin)
- #13502 Move to PHP8.0 syntax in Components (@Zales0123)
- #13504 Postpone 1.10 end of maintenance date (@Zales0123)
- #13506 [Docs] How to customize the invoice logo - neatly cut invoice image (@Rafikooo)
- #13512 [CatalogPromotion] Extract dispatching catalog promotion events from listeners to a separate service (@GSadee)
- #13513 [Architecture] Do not double install PHP dependencies (@lchrusciel)
- #13514 [Documentation] Update Core Team in our documentation (@lchrusciel)
- #13515 [Maintenance] Replace
with native GH Actions (@lchrusciel) - #13516 [Maintenance] Remove NelmioAlice from the main packages config (@lchrusciel)
- #13517 [Docs] Change the template path in customization (@Roshyo)
- #13519 [Docs] Altered custom invoice logo path (@Rafikooo)
- #13520 change suggested path in refund docs (@AdamKasp)
- #13527 [Minor] Typo fixes in github packages config (@lchrusciel)
- #13530 [Build fix] Remove unneeded test package binary step (@Zales0123)
- NEW FEATURE 🎉🎉🎉 Catalog promotions management: CRUD, asynchronous application on variants, different scopes, priorities management, exclusiveness and many more
- New API improvements: especially the Shop part, reaching ~80% of UI features coverage
- Bump required PHP version to 8.0, due to the end of life of PHP 7.4
- Bump required Symfony 5 version to 5.4 LTS
- #12029 [BC BREAK] [API][BC-Break] Move commands and handlers to common namespace (@lchrusciel)
- #12177 [Behat][API] Programitically generate API autorization token (@lchrusciel)
- #12202 Feat: Add breadcrumb var in CRUD template for AdminBundle (@toofff)
- #12689 [API][Country] Initialize contract tests for api/v2 (@GSadee)
- #12693 [API] allow extending and overwrite api in yaml + test (@SirDomin)
- #12695 [API][PaymentMethod] Add contract test for available payment methods endpoint (@GSadee)
- #12700 [Docs] Docs customization (@SirDomin)
- #12703 [Api] Denying usage of unexisting promotion coupon (@Tomanhez)
- #12704 [API] Denying usage of coupon for invalid promotion (@Zales0123)
- #12713 [API] Use serializer instead of custom view for shipping methods (@GSadee)
- #12716 [API][ShippingMethod] Add contract test for available shipping methods endpoint (@GSadee)
- #12718 [POC] Add change of tax by address (@arti0090)
- #12719 [Api] Unnecessary addresses should not be saved to the database while addressing an order (@Tomanhez)
- #12742 [API] Serialize only shipment id and method as shipment in order response (@GSadee)
- #12743 [API] add final to clssess, cs fixes (@SirDomin)
- #12744 [Docs] fix unsetting filters (@SirDomin)
- #12745 [API] Add contract test to admin ProductVariant (@arti0090)
- #12746 [API] handle shipping without addressing (@SirDomin)
- #12749 [API] change error to violation (@SirDomin)
- #12750 [ApiBundle] Small CS fixes (@Zales0123)
- #12761 [API] contract test for get order collection by guest (@AdamKasp)
- #12766 [Locale]Available locales in channel by api (@AdamKasp)
- #12769 [API] Refactor converting arguments of commands from IRIs to identifiers (@Tomanhez, @GSadee)
- #12772 [ENHANCEMENT][API] Refactor Api Constraints to match rest of them (@arti0090)
- #12774 [API] Add Product Image type to responses (@arti0090)
- #12780 [Locale ][Api] Get locale refactor api (@AdamKasp)
- #12782 [API] Check payment amount (@Tomanhez, @AdamKasp, @GSadee)
- #12785 [API] Remove customer and serialize posted address (@arti0090)
- #12790 [ENH][API] Fixing naming issues after PR for serializing post on address (@arti0090)
- #12805 [Behat][API][Taxes] Turn on chunk of taxation related scenarios (@lchrusciel)
- #12806 [Behat][API][Promotion] Turn on chunk of promotion scenarios (@lchrusciel)
- #12830 [API] Exclude meaningless scenarios (@lchrusciel)
- #12834 [Docs] Customization docs + yaml customization (@SirDomin)
- #12841 [UPGRADE] Split API and non API upgrade files (@lchrusciel)
- #12842 [AUTO] Updated translations from Crowdin (master) ()
- #12846 [BC BREAK] [API] Unification of filtration namespaces (@lchrusciel)
- #12847 [API]Product image handling (@arti0090)
- #12851 [Order] Protect processors from execution if the order is in a state different than cart (@GSadee)
- #12854 [SM] Change priorities of State Machine callbacks (@arti0090)
- #12855 [API][Country] Improve endpoints serialization (@GSadee)
- #12856 [API] reduce customer update serialization (@SirDomin)
- #12858 [Core] Wrap resource update operation with a transaction (@GSadee)
- #12862 [API] Add liip image filters to API (@arti0090, @SirDomin)
- #12866 Update release-cycle.rst (@oallain)
- #12874 [ORM] add created at index to customer (@SirDomin)
- #12876 [Minor] Add missing license blocks (@lchrusciel)
- #12877 [API] add original price to product variant (@SirDomin)
- #12879 [DOCS] How to modify invoices (@arti0090)
- #12880 [Maintenance] Configure builds on postgressql & mariadb (@Arminek)
- #12883 [API] Rename original_price to originalPrice in api responses (@AdamKasp, @arti0090)
- #12884 [Docs] add registration/login examples (@SirDomin, @arti0090)
- #12887 [DOCS] Generating invoice after payment (@arti0090)
- #12888 [API] Fix formating for list in invoice cookbook (@arti0090)
- #12889 Original price behat fix (@arti0090)
- #12890 Fix to ordered list (@arti0090)
- #12963 Update swagger docs with product variants originalPrice (@arti0090)
- #12967 [API] Log in contract tests + minor fixes (@lchrusciel)
- #12968 [API] AddressOrderHandler refactored to use customer provider (@lchrusciel)
- #12969 [Maintenance] Dead code removal (@lchrusciel)
- #12970 [DX] Add sylius prefixes to normalizers ALREADY_CALLED consts values to avoid name collision (@lchrusciel)
- #12971 [DX] Adjust service names in ApiBundle (@lchrusciel)
- #12972 [DOCS] Update images in api authorization book (@arti0090)
- #12974 [Maintenance] Make all API Bundle services public and unify public notation (@lchrusciel)
- #12978 [API] Resend verification email refactor to take current user from the security context (@lchrusciel)
- #12979 [Minor] Adjust test class names to follow emerged convention (@lchrusciel)
- #12980 [API] Expose taxon children as IRI in menu endpoint (@lchrusciel)
- #12981 [API] Refactor current customer email aware commands (@lchrusciel)
- #12983 [Documentation] Change the order of pages in Getting Started section (@GSadee)
- #12986 [CatalogPromotion] Creating simple catalog promotion only with code and name (@Arminek, @Tomanhez)
- #12990 [CatalogPromotions] Catalog promotion event (@Tomanhez, @Arminek)
- #12994 Get, Update, Post and delete catalog promotions (@arti0090)
- #12997 [API] Add gender field to customer (@arti0090)
- #12998 [CatalogPromotion][API] Minor fixes to creating simple catalog promotion (@GSadee)
- #13001 [Catalog Promotions] add rule to catalog promotion (@AdamKasp, @SirDomin)
- #13002 [CatalogPromotion] Applying Catalog Promotion with hardcoded rule and action (@Tomanhez, @Zales0123)
- #13003 Fixes to endpoints and contract tests of CP (@arti0090)
- #13005 [CatalogPromotion][API] Create catalog promotion with translatable fields (@GSadee)
- #13008 [Catalog Promotions] Add behat scenarios for endpoints (@arti0090)
- #13009 [CatalogPromotion][API] Add channels to catalog promotion (@GSadee)
- #13010 [Catalog Promotion] Remove delete endpoint (@arti0090)
- #13011 [CatalogPromotion][API] Add simple validation for creating catalog promotion (@GSadee)
- #13013 [CatalogPromotion][API] Extend the possibility of editing catalog promotion (@GSadee)
- #13014 [CatalogPromotion] Use Catalog Promotion rule during application (@Zales0123)
- #13015 [CatalogPromotion] Add fixtures for catalog promotion entity (@GSadee)
- #13016 [CatalogPromotion][Behat] Minor improvements for catalog promotions scenarios (@GSadee)
- #13017 [CatalogPromotion][API] Add scenarios for browsing catalog promotions (@GSadee)
- #13022 [Bug] Fix default sylius config file path in Sylius master branch (@lchrusciel)
- #13026 [CatalogPromotion][Admin] Add browsing catalog promotions (@GSadee)
- #13028 [CatalogPromotion][Admin] Add creating catalog promotion (@GSadee)
- #13029 Catalog promotions action (@SirDomin, @Zales0123)
- #13030 Add validation for Catalog Promotion Rules (@AdamKasp)
- #13033 [Catalog Promotion] refactor rule configuration change iri with code (@AdamKasp)
- #13034 [CatalogPromotion][Admin] Add editing catalog promotions (@GSadee)
- #13035 [CatalogPromotions] Inform about promotions applied on variants (@Zales0123)
- #13036 [CatalogPromotions] Use actions for discount application (@Zales0123)
- #13041 [CartPromotion][Admin] Change label of promotion to cart promotion (@GSadee)
- #13048 [CatalogPromotions] Move variant-related CatalogPromotionRule constant to Core (@Zales0123)
- #13052 [CatalogPromotions] Manage rules and actions from UI (@Zales0123)
- #13055 [CatalogPromotions] Add fixtures for catalog promotions rules and actions (@Tomanhez)
- #13060 [CP] Add scenario for
Inform about promotions applied on variant
(@arti0090) - #13061 [UI][Behat] tests for editing catalog promotion with rule and action (@SirDomin)
- #13064 [Behat] move actions redirect to different step (@SirDomin)
- #13066 [CatalogPromotion] refactor cp rule to be consistent with cp action (@SirDomin)
- #13067 Fix persisting of Catalog Promotion data on create (@arti0090)
- #13068 [CatalogPromotions][Api] Add test for creation rule (@Tomanhez)
- #13071 [CatalogPromotion][API] Add validation for creating catalog promotion with actions (@Arminek, @GSadee)
- #13072 [CatalogPromotion] Improve names and namespaces of catalog promotion rule form types (@GSadee)
- #13073 [CatalogPromotion][Behat] Improve steps names (@GSadee)
- #13075 [CatalogPromotion][API] Refactor validation of rules (@GSadee)
- #13077 [CatalogPromotion] Fix configuration of fixtures for actions and rules (@GSadee)
- #13079 [DOCS] Rename promotions to cart promotions (@arti0090)
- #13080 [Catalog Promotions] Fixing issues with multiple variants (@arti0090)
- #13081 [CatalogPromotion][API] Apply catalog promotion in proper channels (@GSadee)
- #13082 [API] [Catalog Promotion] validate action amount (@AdamKasp)
- #13084 [DOCS]Add Catalog Promotion documentation (@arti0090)
- #13085 [CatalogPromotions] Modify AppliedPromotionInformationFormatter (@Tomanhez)
- #13086 [CatalogPromotion][API] Add examples of rules and actions to Swagger (@GSadee)
- #13089 [CatalogPromotions] Add missing description to applied promotions (@arti0090)
- #13091 [CatalogPromotions] Add api behat for multiple catalog promotions (@Tomanhez)
- #13092 [CatalogPromotion][Behat] Add scenarios for reapplying catalog promotions after editing its channels (@GSadee)
- #13093 [CatalogPromotions][Validation] add validation to catalog promotion, … (@SirDomin)
- #13094 [Catalog Promotions][Docs] Add a section about how promotions are applied (@arti0090)
- #13096 [DOCS] Fix catalog promotions docs reference (@arti0090)
- #13098 [CatalogPromotions] Add product to cart with discounted catalog price (@Tomanhez, @arti0090)
- #13100 [CatalogPromotion] Clear applied catalog promotions after updating (@GSadee)
- #13101 [CatalogPromotions] Showing catalog promotions in Products index and show page (@SirDomin, @Zales0123)
- #13103 [UI][Catalog Promotion] Add discounted product to cart (@AdamKasp)
- #13104 [API] Use POST action to add new item to cart (@lchrusciel)
- #13105 [Catalog Promotions] Reapplying Catalog Promotion on Action Edit (@arti0090)
- #13107 [Api] Customer add product with discounted catalog price (@Tomanhez)
- #13110 [Fixtures] Extract promotions to a separate file to fix applying catalog promotions (@GSadee)
- #13111 [ChannelPricing] Improve query for finding discounted pricings (@GSadee)
- #13112 [Catalog Promotion] Cart catalog promotion becomes ineligible (@GSadee, @AdamKasp)
- #13114 [CatalogPromotions] Do not display applied promotion description in label if not set (@Zales0123)
- #13117 [API] Remove phoneNumber from Customer command and handler (@lchrusciel)
- #13121 [AUTO] Updated translations from Crowdin (master) (@bot@@sylius.@org)
- #13124 [CatalogPromotion][API] Reapplying catalog promotions after update its channel (@AdamKasp)
- #13128 [API][CatalogPromotion] Reapplying catalog promotion on variant once its data changes (@GSadee)
- #13129 [API][CatalogPromotion] Reapplying catalog promotions on rule update (@SirDomin, @GSadee)
- #13130 [CatalogPromotion][Behat] Cover scenarios for reapplying catalog promotions (@Tomanhez, @GSadee)
- #13131 [CatalogPromotions][API] Reapply promotions after action removal (@arti0090)
- #13132 [API][UI] Toggle catalog promotion (@AdamKasp)
- #13133 Reorganize flushes in Catalog Promotions processing (@Zales0123)
- #13137 [CatalogPromotions] Add behats for CatalogPromotions based on taxon (@Tomanhez, @AdamKasp)
- #13138 [Build] ignore string inflector phpstan (@SirDomin)
- #13141 [UI][CatalogPromotion] Reapplying catalog promotion on variant once its data changes (@GSadee)
- #13145 [API][CatalogPromotion] refactor Variants Provider to strategy Pattern (@AdamKasp)
- #13146 [Api] CatalogPromotionRule per taxon (@AdamKasp, @Tomanhez, @Zales0123)
- #13147 [API] Fix admin path in swagger (@arti0090)
- #13150 [API] Refactor path removal with (unset) (@Zales0123)
- #13152 [CatalogPromotion] Refactor to not listen on Doctrine events (@GSadee)
- #13153 [UI][CatalogPromotion] Reapply catalog promotions after editing their rules and actions (@GSadee)
- #13155 [Documentation][CatalogPromotion] Adjust docs after removing usage of Doctrine events (@GSadee)
- #13156 [CatalogPromotion] change change channel with toggle in UI (@AdamKasp)
- #13161 [CatalogPromotions] Rename CP Rule to Scope (@arti0090)
- #13164 Rename behat file from rule to scope on catalog promotion (@arti0090)
- #13168 [CatalogPromotion] Minor fixes after renaming rule to scope (@GSadee)
- #13169 [Catalog Promotions] Reapply CP after changing its taxons (@arti0090)
- #13174 [CatalogPromotion] Refactor scope validators to be more extendable (@GSadee)
- #13175 [CatalogPromotions] "For taxons" scope in UI with dynamic form configurations (@Zales0123)
- #13179 [CatalogPromotions] Start and end date (@Zales0123)
- #13181 [CatalogPromotion][UI] Reapply catalog promotions after product's taxon changes + refactor (@GSadee)
- #13182 [CatalogPromotions] Display taxons with names in scope (@Zales0123)
- #13183 [DOCS][Catalog Promotions] Making new CP scope (@arti0090)
- #13184 [CatalogPromotion][UI][Behat] Implement scenarios for reapplying catalog promotions after editing their for taxons scope (@GSadee)
- #13186 [CatalogPromotion][API][UI] Introduce states with state machine for catalog promotion (@GSadee)
- #13189 [CatalogPromotions] Take into account CP dates during processing (@Zales0123)
- #13190 [CatalogPromotion] Minor improvements in EligibleCatalogPromotionsProvider (@GSadee)
- #13191 [CatalogPromotion][Behat] Add scenario for applying catalog promotion with different scopes defined (@GSadee)
- #13192 [DOCS] Refactor from promotion to cart promotion (@arti0090)
- #13195 [CatalogPromotion] Secure that the catalog promotion cannot be edited (@GSadee)
- #13196 [CatalogPromotions] async workers introduction (@SirDomin)
- #13206 [API][UI] Sort products by their discounted price (@arti0090, @GSadee)
- #13208 [CatalogPromotion] fix pricing clearer (@AdamKasp)
- #13209 Move channel pricing to separate tab (@AdamKasp)
- #13212 [Hot-fix] Conflict doctrine/dbal 3.* in ApiBundle (@Zales0123)
- #13217 [Docs] Add description of prices (@AdamKasp)
- #13218 [CatalogPromotion] Add show page for catalog promotion (@GSadee)
- #13219 [ChannelPricing] fixes after merge (@AdamKasp)
- #13220 Add note about time delay (@AdamKasp)
- #13221 [CatalogPromotions] Prevent editing start and end date (@Zales0123)
- #13222 [UI][Catalog Promotions] Set default time for CP dates if not provided (@Zales0123)
- #13226 [CatalogPromotions] Handle failed catalog promotions (@SirDomin)
- #13227 [CatalogPromotions] Always prevent CP dates editing - even if they're not set during creation (@Zales0123)
- #13228 [Conflict] add conflict to new release of fos-rest (@SirDomin)
- #13229 [CatalogPromotion] docs about async messages (@AdamKasp)
- #13230 [CatalogPromotion] change DateRange criteria + functional tests (@SirDomin)
- #13231 [CatalogPromotion] Make criteria services public in container by default (@lchrusciel)
- #13234 Update Typo in Performance section (@zairigimad)
- #13235 [CatalogPromotion] Changing state after toggling catalog promotion (@GSadee)
- #13236 [CatalogPromotion] fix service typo, stateMachine error fixed (@SirDomin)
- #13248 [CatalogPromotion] Small fixes to
docs about async messages
(@arti0090) - #13256 [CatalogPromotion] dates are editable and validated (@AdamKasp)
- #13260 [CatalogPromotions] Add priorities (@Zales0123, @GSadee)
- #13262 Remove conflict with fos/rest-bundle (@Zales0123)
- #13264 [AUTO] Updated translations from Crowdin (master) (@bot@@sylius.@org)
- #13266 Specify minimum price of product and apply it on catalogPromotions (@SirDomin)
- #13271 Fix composer.json file after rebase (@Zales0123)
- #13273 [CatalogPromotion] Add "for products" scope (@GSadee)
- #13279 [Behat] Remove deprecated whitespace from behat tags on master (@GSadee)
- #13280 Get products by slug api endpoint (@paullla)
- #13287 List of channel currencies endpoint (@paullla)
- #13291 [MinimumPrice] Handle minimum price cart (@SirDomin, @lchrusciel)
- #13294 [Minimum Price] documentation (@AdamKasp)
- #13295 [Github] clear cache before phpunit (@SirDomin)
- #13297 [Actions] disable xdebug for actions (@SirDomin)
- #13299 [Adr] Fix customization api documentation url (@SebLours)
- #13303 [CatalogPromotion] Add exclusiveness flag (@AdamKasp)
- #13305 [Behat] Skip ui based checkout steps in api coverage (@lchrusciel)
- #13306 [Minor][Behat] Style and type refactor (@lchrusciel)
- #13311 Code cleanup - user password reset (@antonioperic)
- #13325 [CatalogPromotion][API][UI] Fixed discount action (@GSadee)
- #13328 [CartPromotion][API][UI] Apply on discounted flag added (@SirDomin, @AdamKasp)
- #13329 Addressing, locale update and apply coupon code unified to one endpoint (@paullla)
- #13333 Replace data providers with doctrine extensions (@paullla)
- #13337 [AUTO] Updated translations from Crowdin (master) (@bot@@sylius.@org)
- #13338 Drop support for PHP 7.4 (@AdamKasp)
- #13339 Add Support for Symfony 5.4 (@AdamKasp)
- #13343 [Documentation] Update required version of PHP (@GSadee)
- #13344 Doctrine Extensions upgrade info & code cleanup (@paullla)
- #13349 [CartPromotion][CatalogPromotion] Receiving discount only on non discounted products (@GSadee, @SirDomin)
- #13350 Order items list and order/item adjustments serialization groups (@paullla)
- #13352 Use QueryNameGenerator for extension query parameters (@paullla)
- #13367 [Maintenance] Remove Sf6.0 conflicts (@lchrusciel)
- #13368 [UI] change time format to 24H, autocomplete times on data change (@SirDomin)
- #13369 [Command] add command to generate jwt (@SirDomin)
- #13373 Revert "Move "polishsymfonycommunity/symfony-mocker-container" into dev dependencies" due to the BC break (@lchrusciel)
- #13375 Catalog promotion channel pricing relation (@Rafikooo)
- #13377 Move "polishsymfonycommunity/symfony-mocker-container" into dev dependencies (@stloyd, @lchrusciel)
- #13378 [CatalogPromotion] change icon on show page (@AdamKasp)
- #13380 [Bug][Migrations] Add missing mysql check for our migrations to ensure proper syntax is available - master edition (@lchrusciel)
- #13381 Drop support for older
versions (@mbabker) - #13387 Explanation note about minimum price in product variant creation form (@TheMilek)
- #13388 [Migrations] Remove invalid NOT NULL usage (@Zales0123)
- #13391 [Maintenance] Conflict with Symfony 6 packages (@lchrusciel)