Last Updated: October 1st 2020
Hacktoberfest Goal: Add 100 District Attorneys
This October, hundreds of beginner, intermediate, & advanced developers will be contributing to open-source projects across the world. The U.S. Prosecutor Database is one of many repos open to open-source contributions from people of all skill levels & backgrounds.
For Hacktoberfest 2020, our goal is to ADD 100 DISTRICT ATTORNEYS to the web app. Here's how you can help.
- View the live web app
- View the Hacktoberfest issue
- What do Prosecutors have to do with Police Brutality?
- Our History
- Read the Docs
Would you like to help maintain this project? Email me (link in profile).
As of October 1st, 2020. Email me if I missed you (link in profile).
Interested in contributing to the web app? You'll find dev notes in the Our stack is: Node.js, Meteor.js, MongoDB, Heroku.
We also need help with documentation for the GitHub page: You can use the & the Hacktoberfest Issue as references to update our outdated GitHub page.
Post-Carceral is a digital community group of volunteers working on civic tech projects (like the US Prosecutor Database) in service of working toward a post-carceral ("beyond prison") world.
- Sign up for our mailing list.
- You can also find USPD updates on our Twitter: @USProsecutorDB.
- To get involved in a remote Sunday session, follow @postcarceral. This is our general prisoners' rights group responsible for housing the USPD project.
You don't have to be a developer or a prisoners' rights activist to join. We're looking for all types of people with all types of interests & expertise to collaborate with.
Datathons: On Sundays, we hang out remotely and discuss recent prosecutor news, primary results, & campaigns. We also brainstorm new ways to collect data (considering the strange logic of the prosecutorial system, especially as it differs between localities & regions). If you'd like to join, send me an email.
The USPD is an open-source community project built to house data about current and previous US Prosecutors (copyright (c) 2017 - 2020 Billimarie Lubiano Robinson). It is licensed under GNU GPLv3. This means you are able to use, modify, & distribute USPD as long as the following conditions are met:
- Acknowledge the original source (this repository & its contributors)
- Apply the same license & copyright usage
- Make public any changes, updates, or improvements upon USPD
For more information, please view the file.