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Lesson Builder is a way to structure content. Use cases include * Online courses, which often want to structure material by unit or week. It must be easy to link to quizes and assignments, and to handle common types of content. * Online training, which needs to define sequences of material. * Online certification, which needs to require certain items to be done, and sometimes to limit access until prerequistes are met. Our thanks go to Joshua Ryan, whose Simple Page Tool is the basis for this code. (You may note that some files and classes are still named SimplePage. We have changed the package name and enough other things that this shouldn't conflict with the original tool.) It has only been tested on mysql, though I would expect it to work with the other databases. SECURITY WARNING In order to prevent "cross-site scripting" attacks, Sakai takes two precautions that would interfere with Lessons: 1) When you prepare content using an HTML editor, most of Sakai will remove Javascript and other "dangerous" types of content 2) When you upload an HTML file to resources, and a user clicks on its link, the Resource tool will download the HTML file rather than displaying it. Default settings: Sakai: both checks Lessons before 2.9.2: neither check Lessons starting 2.9.2: 1 but not 2 Sakai's behavior is configurable. To get both checks: lessonbuilder.filterhtml=true lessonbuilder.inlinehtml=false To get neither check (which we strongly recommend): lessonbuilder.filterhtml=false lessonbuilder.inlinehtml=true If you do the checks, you can change the behavior for individual instances of Lessons: * To control showing removeing "dangerous" HTML from "add text" blocks, add the property filterHtml with value true or false to the instance of Lessons As an administrator, use the Sites tool to find the site. Use the "pages" button to show the pages in the site. That will show a list of pages. Click on the pageid for the specific instance of Lessons. Click "Properties". Add the property "filterHtml" with value "true" or "false". * To allow specific HTML files to be displayed rather than downloaded, as an administrator, go to Resources. Find the site's resources. Do "edit details" for the specific HTML file or for the folder in which it is located. Click the box that says "Allow HTML file" and save (or clear it to prohibit). Starting with Sakai 2.9.2 lessonbuilder.filterhtml and the filterhtml instance property can also be set to explicit antisamy filter levels: default, none, high, low. true is equivalent to low, false to none. The default is false before Sakai 2.9.2, true starting with 2.9.2. BUILDING To build, the normal Sakai maven commands will work. However you'll probably need to edit pom.xml to change versions. You'll need to change 2 things, and consider a third: 1) Near the top, in the <parent> declaration, the version should match your version of Sakai. Currently it is 2.10-SNAPHOT. For 2.8 you'd use 2.8.0, 2.8.1, etc. 2) Look for the <profile> declaration. There are two profiles. The default is set for 2.10. You'll want to choose the profile for your version of Sakai. Move the <activiation> lines <activation> <activeByDefault>true</activeByDefault> </activation> to the appropriate profile. You can also use this sakai-2.8 profile with 2.7. 3) If you want support for several contrib tools, (Assignment2, and partial support for YAFT and Mneme), activate the "optional" profile in tool/pom.xml. DATABASE SETUP If you have auto.ddl on, you'll get a reasonable database creation of update automatically. All you might be missing is a few text fields that should really be made longer. But see below for more detailed instructions. NEW INSTALLATIONS Hibernate will normally set up the database for you if this is a new Sakai installation, or if you are adding Lessons for the first time. If you choose not to use hibernate, before you start the system use the primary database setup file, which is hbm/src/ddl/mysql/lessonbuilder.sql using oracle rather than mysql if appropriate. Index creation will be done automatically, from ./components/src/ddl/mysql/simplepage.sql which is always done by the system UPDATES BETWEEN OFFICIAL RELEASES We supply update scripts between official Sakai releases. Currently these go only between Lessons 1.4.x versions associated with 2.9.x. So they are not yet relevant to trunk. DATABASE UPDATES INVOLVING TRUNK WITH HIBERNATE In general you need three things: 1) Adding new tables and columns to tables is handled by Hibernate. If you run with autoddl off, we supply a script that will add all tables needed to go from 2.9.x to trunk: 2) Creating indices. Hibernate doesn't do this. Files of the form ./components/src/ddl/mysql/simplepage.sql contain the CREATE INDEX commands. They should happen automatically, even if autoddl is off. But you may want to review them manually to make sure all indices have been created. 3) Updating existing colums. Typically these are changes to make a text field longer. Hibernate won't do this. The commands are in ./components/src/ddl/mysql/simplepage.for-2.9.2.sql ./components/src/ddl/mysql/simplepage.for-2.9.3.sql Only mysql has one for 2.9.2. All 3 databases have one for 2.9.3. DATABASE UPDATES INVOLVING TRUNK MANUALLY If you are moving from 2.9.0 or later to trunk, or between versions of trunk, the following should have all command you need: hbm/src/ddl/mysql/lessonbuilder-2.9.0-trunk.sql Depending upon which version you're coming from, some of the commands will not be needed. Nothing is deleted by them, so it should be safe to do all of them, as long as you understand that you'll get errors such as duplicate index or things already existing. DATABASE UPDATES FROM OLDER VERSIONS If you have been using a copy of Lessons from before 2.9.0 was released, we strongly recommend enabling auto.ddl the first time you start with the new version. In that case see the section above on updating with Hibernate. But in this case you should also use components/src/ddl/*/simplepage.pre29-to29.sql for your database before doing anything else. If you really can't use auto-ddl, there is a process for generating an update script, but it's a bit complex to document here. TOMCAT We strongly recommend using "-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8" in JAVAOPTS for Tomcat. Without this you may get strange failures when importing Common Cartridge files. Lesson Builder is not the only application that requires this. Problems have been reported in Samigo as well. This option goes on the command line in or start-sakai.bat in the demo. Normally for production setups JAVAOPTS is set in tomcat/bin/ or tomcat/bin/ BLTI A note on the two sakai.blti properties, sakai.blti.version and sakai.blti.scope. Lesson Builder supports BLTI. However it requires the version from Sakai 2.9, which is BLTI version 2. If you are using 2.8 (and haven't added the 2.9 version of BLTI), you will want to leave the sakai.blti properties in pom.xml as they are set for the 2.8 profile. In order to compile and start, you must have the BLTI API file. By using a scope of "compile" the 2.9 version of that API file will be fetched from a repository and included in the WAR file. Since you won't have the actual implementations, when Lesson Builder looks up the implementations at startup, it will get a null, and will disable BLTI. But the API file has to be there, or it won't start properly. The 2.9 profile defines the scope as "provided", because you want to use the actual API file from your system. With 2.9, you'll also want the version number to match the version of BLTI you are using, which will probably be shown in master/pom.xml. INSTALLATION The most recent version of Lesson Builder is set up so that it should be usable without any setup after simply installing the code. However some work will be needed to get full functionality. How much work that is depends upon the version of Sakai. FOR A MORE PERMANENT SETUP: 1) As an admin, using the Realm tool. Check your template realms to make sure that the right permissions are set. This is !site.template, !site.template.course, and templates for any other site type that will use Lesson Builder. The templates apply only to new sites. However for existing sites, if Lesson Builder is started by someone with the maintain or Instructor role, they will be given the opportunity to fix up permissions for their site. * for maintain-type roles, typically maintain and Instructor, set lessonbuilder.upd and * for other roles, set just That's enough to try Lesson Builder. For real you, there are a few more things: 2) Integrating Lesson Builder with other tools may require some changes, depending upon the version of Sakai you are running: * You will probably want to install SAK-20799. This allows people to hide tools without disablign them. A lot of faculty want to hide the assignments and tests tool so students can only go through Lesson Builder. The problem with hiding a tool in page order is that it disables the tool. This patch give you two options, one that disables the tool but one that just hides it. * 2.8.1 and 2.9 -- OK otherwise * 2.8 - may need both Samigo changes and a fix to Forums, and also fixes to the Sakai kernel. See below for Samigo and kernel fixes. * before 2.8 - like 2.8, except Forums is probably OK The rest of this document talks about other things you might want to know about. However you can try out Lesson Builder without doing anything beyond this point. THE PDA PORTAL If you want to use iPhones, etc, Sakai gives you a separate UI. This UI turns out to cause problems for certain internal operations. In order go get web resources to open properly, and grading screens to work properly on an Iphone, you'll want to add the following line to your portal.pda.bypass.sakai.lessonbuildertool=linktracker$|/uvbview$|\.jpg$|\.gif$|\.js$|\.png$|\.jepg$|\.css$|\.zip$|\.pdf\.mov$|\.json$|\.jsonp$\.xml$|\.ajax$|\.xls|\.xlsx|\.doc|\.docx The first two alternatives, i.e. linktracker$|/uvbview$, are the critical ones. The rest are the defaults. It's not clear whether they're actually used. If you are using a Sakai version older than 2.8.0 (even a beta of 2.8) you will need a minor change to the portal to make this property functional. You should be able to do the following patch ../portal/portal-impl/impl/src/java/org/sakaiproject/portal/charon/handlers/ < That is, the file in this directory contains the patch, which should be applied to the file portal/portal-impl/impl/src/java/org/sakaiproject/portal/charon/handlers/ in your source tree. MNEME, YAFT, ASSIGNMENT2, BASIC LTI AND JFORUM DEPENDENCIES LessonBuilder will support quizes from Mneme, topics from JForum or YAFT, assignments from Assignment 2 and external tools using Basic LTI. If your system doesn't use them, you can ignore this section. Mneme, Assignment 2, and YAFT are disabled in the build, to comply with Sakai rules about contrib tools. To enable them, look in tool/pom.xml, find the "optional" profile, and change "activebydefault" to "true". If you enable the optional profile, check in the main pom.xml, looking for <sakai.yaft.version>, <sakai.yaft.scope>, <sakai.mneme.version>, <sakai.mneme.scope>, <sakai.assignment2.version>, and <sakai.assignment2.scope>. For tools you have, change the version to match the version you have. For tools you don't have, change the scope from "provided" to "compile". The Mneme, Jforum, Assignment 2, YAFT and BLTI code starts by checking whether those modules are actually present. If not, it disables itself. Thus there's no obvious reason to remove any of it, although you can do so. Note however that the jForum and YAFT interfaces are not currently able to create topics when importing Common Cartridge documents, nor do they support releasing a topic to a specific group. In Common Cartridge import, It will leave a place holder in the page. You will need to create the topic and choose it in Lesson Builder. The problem is that jForum does not have an API that allows another tool to create items, and YAFT isn't group-aware. Note that the version number of Mneme, YAFT, Assignment 2, and BLTI are defined in the main pom.xml, in the declarations for sakai.mneme.version, sakai.yaft.version and sakai.blti.version. If you are using using Mneme, YAFT or BLTI in your site, then you will need to change the version numbers in the file to match the version number you are using locally. Otherwise there could be problems with Lesson Builder using the wrong version of the interface code. Of course the Mneme and YAFT version numbers are irrelevant unless you uncomment the code that uses them. Note that basiclti.version is set to a version for Sakai 2.9, even with the 2.8 build profile. Lesson Builder's LTI support will not work with the Sakai 2.8 version, and in fact Lesson Builder won't even build. So you'll need to leave the BLTI version number at 2.0 or higher, even if you are actually using a lower version of BLTI on your system. If you are using an older BLTI, then the BLTI will be built with the 2.9 version, but at runtime BLTI support will be disabled. SAKAI VERSIONS This code has been used at Rutgers in 2.7.0, 2.7.1, and 2.8. It should work in 2.5 or 2.6, though some changes in the pom.xml files may be needed. To pick your version, you will need to change the version number in the <parent> declaration for pom.xml here. This is, in <parent> <artifactId>master</artifactId> <groupId>org.sakaiproject</groupId> <relativePath>../master/pom.xml</relativePath> <version>2.9-SNAPSHOT</version> <!-- <version>M2</version>--><!-- 2.5.x --> </parent> Instead of 2.9-SNAPSHOT, use your version of Sakai. You may also need to change the profile. Lesson Builder is distributed for use with Sakai 2.9. To use it with 2.7 or 2.8, look for the <profiles> section in pom.xml. There are two profiles, named "default" and "sakai-2.8". Move the declaration <activation> <activeByDefault>true</activeByDefault> </activation> from default to sakai-2.8. The 2.8 profile should also work for 2.7. If you are using Mneme, check the version number for org.etudes.mneme in tool/pom.xml. Make sure the version number matches the version of Mneme that you are using. Similarly if you are using YAFT, check the yaft version number. SAMIGO FIXES You can skip this section when you're first trying out Lesson Builder, or if you are using Sakai 2.8.1 or later. There are two things you'll want to do to Samigo: * fix some of its HTML so that it doesn't "escape" its frame * add a JSP to allow Lesson Builder to edit quizes and settings SAMIGO FIXES, Part 1. FIX SAMIGO SO IT WON'T ESCAPE ITS FRAME As distributed, Samigo (Tests and Quizes) has a problem: when you get to the end of a test, the "Continue" button will take you back to the main page of Samigo. We run Samigo in an Iframe, and supply a link to return to the Lesson. However Samigo's "Continue" completely replaces the top-level web page, thus escaping from the Iframe. This will leave most students confused. There's another problem: for many error situations, Samigo will send you to the main Sakai login page. Most users will think this means that Sakai has lost track of their session, and will login again. In fact their session is just fine, but logging in will give them a new session and lose anything that's in progress. These problems have been reported to the Samigo team. OPTION 1: The file "sam.diff" has patches that will fix both of these problems. Unfortunately it only works if you are willing to build Samigo from source. I strongly recommend that you do this. OPTION 2: If you can't build Samigo from source, there's a script that should fix the Samigo binary. Wait until the Samigo WAR file has deployed, and then go to .../tomcat/webapps/samigo-app/jsf/ and run the file fix-samigo. Note that this script has only been tested in OS X, but it should also work for Unix and Linux. If the script doesn't work for you, you can go to .../tomcat/webapps/samigo-app/jsf/delivery, look for all .jsp files containing _top, and replace it with _self. This will prevent Samigo from escaping from the iframe. The student will always have an easy way to return to the lesson. But what's in the frame may be inappropriate or confusing both at the end of a test and in some error situations. OPTION 3: There's another more aggressive fix that can be done without building from source: Go to .../tomcat/webapps/samigo-app/jsf/delivery, look for all .jsp files with _top in them, and remove the entire h:commandButton XML object in which _top appears. That will produce less confusion for the student, and is essentially equivalent to the source patch. For exanple, in beginTakingAssessment.jsp, remove this entire section. The section starts with <h:commandButton and ends with /> <h:commandButton accesskey="#{deliveryMessages.a_cancel}" value="#{deliveryMessages.button_cancel}" type="button" style="act" onclick="'#{delivery.portal}/login','_top')" onkeypress="'#{delivery.portal}/login','_top')" rendered="#{delivery.actionString=='takeAssessmentViaUrl'}" disabled="#{delivery.actionString=='previewAssessment'}"/> SAMIGO FIXES, part 2. ALLOW LESSON BUILDER TO EDIT ASSESSMENTS Lesson Builder will let you create and edit items directly from Lesson Builder. Tools other than Samigo have URLs Lesson Builder can call to do this. Samigo does not. Thus I supply a jsp that will add this ability to Samigo. editLink.jsp should be installed as tomcat/webapps/samigo-app/jsf/author/editLink.jsp You don't need source to do this. The jsp can be moved into place once Sakai haS been installed. If you build from source it can be put into the source tree as .../sam/samigo-app/src/webapp/jsf/author/editLink.jsp Once you've done this, you'll need to add this property to lessonbuilder.samigo.editlink=true Without the property, Lesson Builder will call the Samigo main page when you ask to edit an assessment. VIDEO PLAYERS Aside from Youtube (which uses a special player), Lessons handles video with three different approaches * the HTML5 video and audio tag * the Strobe player, from Adobe * the normal OBJECT and EMBED tags We normally try them in that order. That is, if the MIME type is one that HTML5 might be able to handle, we ask the browser whether its HTML video player handles this MIME type. If so, we use HTML5. If that fails (or if the HTML5 player isn't recognized, despite the browser claiming it is), and if the MIME type is one that Srobe might handle, we try the Strobe player. If that fails, we use a normal OBJECT or EMBED tag, allowing the browser to pick a player. Unforunately this approach is less than foolproof. The API for HTML5 lets us ask whether the player can handle the MIME type, but several browsers response "maybe". Hence we only try for types we think should work. That is currently MP4, webm, and ogg for video and MP3, ogg and WAV for audio. The list may be configured in lessonbuilder.html5.types=video/mp4,video/m4v,video/webm,video/ogg,audio/mpeg,audio/ogg,audio/wav Similarly, we only try Strobe for things we think will likely work. Currently lessonbuilder.mp4.types=video/mp4,video/m4v,audio/mpeg plus Flash (video/x-flv). In fact, Strobe claims to handle MOV files as well, but it seems safer to let Quicktime handle that. This does require users to have quicktime installed. If you want to let Strobe handle Quicktime files, add their MIME types to lessonbuilder.mp4.types. For further information on Strobe, see Support for JW Player, present in previous versions, has been removed for licensing reasons. OPTIONS FOR MULTIMEDIA SUPPORT This section covers things you might need to do to support multimedia options. These are not things I'm doing at Rutgers, and I don't think you'll need them. While I haven't seen the problem yet, in theory some player could get confused by the fact that Sakai sets most multimedia types so they download rather than play in line. If this becomes an issue I believe the following in might help. This lists a reasonable set of types as being inline. I do NOT suggest using this unless you need it. content.mime.inline.count = 7 content.mime.inline.1=video/mp4 content.mime.inline.2=video/quicktime content.mime.inline.3=video/3gpp content.mime.inline.4=video/x-ms-wmv content.mime.inline.5=audio/mpeg content.mime.inline.6=audio/wav content.mime.inline.7=audio/x-wav Lesson Builder has two ways to display multimedia content: IFRAME and OBJECT. IFRAME is appropriate for web pages, OBJECT for videos, Flash, etc. When a multmedia object is added we can normally tell its MIME type. However if a URL is added, and for some reason we can't connect to the server to look at it, we fall back to a check based on file extension. The following extensions will be displayed with OBJECT: mp4,mov,m2v,3gp,wmv,mp3,swf,wav Everything else will use IFRAME. You can change the list in, e.g. lessonbuilder.multimedia.types=mp4,mov,m2v,3gp,wmv,mp3,swf,wav If this property is present the list will override the builtin list, so make sure you include those of the default types that you want used. However this whole test should only rarely be used, because we normally make decisions based on MIME types. Lesson Builder uses icons for various resource types. It has its own list of icons, in sakai-lessonbuildertool-tool/WEB-INF/applicationContext.xml When it doesn't have a specific icon, it will use generic Sakai icons. If you prefer to use Sakai icons all the time, you may set lessonbuilder.use-sakai-icons=true in SECURITY ISSUE: By default, Lesson Builder allows any HTML to be added using FCK. I believe for this application it is important to let authors use Javascript. If you don't like this, there are two ways to adjust it: In sakai/, you can add lessonbuilder.filterhtml=true|false That will change the default. For individual sites, in the admin sites tool you can set the tool property filterhtml to true or false. It defaults to "default", which will have no effect. If you set it to true or false, that will override whatever the sets as the default. KERNEL BUGS: If you want to be able to copy instances from site to site, you must install the fix for SAK-18616, if your copy of Sakai doesn't have it already. You'll need SAK-19686 if you want the "Duplicate" function in Site Info to properly copy Lesson Builder instances. If you want import from archive to work, in common/archive-impl/pack/src/webapp/WEB-INF/components.xml add to mergeFilteredSakaiServices <value>LessonBuilderEntityProducer</value> Restrictions on copying and importing: * You should also copy resources, or you'll have dead links. And you should make sure you have the assignments and tests/quizes tools in your site if any of the page you're copying uses them. * Currently assignments and assessments are not copied. Placeholders are put where an assignment or assessment was. They are fairly clearly labelled, and its easy to update the place holders to real items once you have your assignments and quizes published. * If any units are hidden, that fact is not copied. This is intentional. Copying typically copies data but not status. ------------------------------------------------------------------ The rest of this document has nothing to do with installation. It's advice for people using Lesson Builder, primarily in the area of multimedia content. BROWSERS I have tested on current (as of Nov, 2010) Mac Safari, Mac Firefox, XP IE 6, Vista IE 7, Windows 7 IE 8, and iPhone Safari. Things should work on all. The only misbehavior I see is that there are unnecessary scroll bars on IE 7 for the dialog boxes. There are no browser-specific hacks, so authoring should work on any browser that supports jQuery. The student side uses very straightforward HTML, with no jQuery, so it should work pretty much anywhere. I have also tested with Voiceover (the Macintosh screen reader), and slightly with JAWS 12. While Firefox 2 seems to function, I've faked the buttons. jQuery's buttons don't work with Firefox 2, and won't be fixed, because FF 2 is too old. See My current hack works, but isn't as pretty as I would like. The dialog boxes will fit themselves to the screen width, but they do this when the page loads. So if someone loads a page and makes the window narrower without redisplaying, the dialog boxes may be cut off or scroll. The application is intended to be accessible, to the extent that FCK and jQuery are accessible. However it hasn't been tested for that. Authoring supports alt tags and textual description, to make it easier to author accessible content. However that requires authors that are sensitive to accessibility. The application is intended to be internationalized. Please tell me if there are English strings that I haven't caught. There is documentation in English. Pointer to that documentation are in, so you can supply a version in another language, and have your version of point to that version. Note that the initial documentation is located in WEB-INF/resources, which is referred to as classpath: in, because of how that file is loaded. The multimedia instructions are specified as a location relative to the templates directory, because it is opened from the HTML. ISSUES [hints for authors having trouble] If you set a quiz or assignment to have prerequisites, we modify the setup of the quiz or assignment so that it can only be accessed through Lesson Builder. Otherwise students could access it directly through the Tests and Quizes or Assignments tools. Because the setup of the quiz or assignment itself is changed, this means that all references to that quiz or assignment must be consistent. That is, if you use the same quiz or assignment in several lessons, all must be set to have prerequisites or none must. (Similar controls are used for Forums starting in the next version of Lsson Builder.) There's one danger here: once we set the quiz or assignment to have a prerequisite, we create a special group, and add the user to it as he meets the prequisites. If the instructor goes into the tool, they'll see the assignment as being released to a special group named "Access: .....". if they modify the groups in the assignment, Lesson Builder's prerequisite system will no longer work properly. It is possible to change which groups can see an assignment, quiz or forum in Lesson Builder itself. Once an item has been added to Lesson Builder, it is best to adjust groups through the Lesson Builder "Edit". (This applies to Assignments, Tests and Quizzes / Samigo, and Forums. It does not apply to Mneme and jForum. Lesson Builder currently is not group-aware for those tools.) It's really nice to be able to include things like Flash and movies in a lesson. Unfortunately it's surprisingly hard to make it work for everyone. All students need the right plugins, and there may still be random failures, depending upon the browser and other things. Some problems I've seen are listed below. The implication is that if you want to include multimedia content, you'll need to do the following: * Test it carefully in at least Firefox and the older version of IE you intend to support (probably 6 or 7) * Supply a unit at the beginning that shows tests of all formats you will use, and gives instructions on installing the necessary plugins. * Give download links somewhere on the page for people who can't see the embedded content. You might consider verifying that the setup of each item is correct. Except for Youtube content (which is always shown using the recommended combination of tags), when you edit an object, the edit dialog will show you (in a gray box) which tag is being used, and the MIME type. If the MIME type is missing, this means that Lesson Builder was unable for some reason to find the type. While Lesosn Builder will normally guess the right way to handle it, if it doesn't you should be able to fix it by correcting the MIME type. For the OBJECT tag, it's safest to if the MIME type is specified. The browser will try to guess it, but a missing MIME type may cause problems streaming some media types. The OBJECT tag normally used by lesson Builder for multimedia content makes provisions for giving an alternate in case the normal player fails. We use this provision. If the user doesn't have an appropriate plugin, they will get a sensible message, and a download link. However if they have the plugin but it doesn't work, they may end up with a blank square where the content is supposed to be, and no error message. This is most likely to happen with IE, but I've also seen it with Safari. Here are some notes on the kinds of failutres I've seen: Some players will not play content if you are using SSL and the certificate is invalid. I saw one case where including a file from Resources failed, and it worked when I made the file public. This shouldn't happen, and I was unable to duplicate the problem. The default width for multimedia types is 100%. In most cases this is the safest default. However it is possible that with some players it could result in the bottom not showing. You may have to adjust the size of the player to be appropriate for the contents. Unfortunately I don't know of any way to do that automatically for all content types. Note that Flash, Quicktime and Windows Media will all scale the movie to fit the space you have defined. This will probably result in the movie being shown at a different resolution from the one at which it was recorded. If you need more control over the details of how a movie is shown, you can use "Add Text", and insert the file with the "Movie" button in the HTML editor. This will result in HTML that is very similar to what Lesson Builder uses in "Add Multimedia." Then you can use the "Source" button to edit the HTML source, and add whatever parameters you need. I've seen an odd problem with Safari on the Mac. If you edit a Youtube video, and change the URL, when the page updates the player isn't there. If you refresh the page it works fine. I've checked the HTML being sent carefully, and I'm pretty sure this really is a problem in Safari. This is only a problem for the person creating the page. It works fine for users. I had Safari hang when adding a .mov (Quicktime) file from my local system. I got a warning that the certificate was invalid. I said OK, but the system got into a hung state. It just beeped, as it would if there's a dialog box open that requires a response. But there wasn't one. I was unable to duplicate the problem, probably because it remembered that that URL was OK, and didn't ask again in the future. This appears to me to be a bug in Safari or Quicktime. IE does not implement embedding properly. If it is unable to display the content inline the standards require it to display an alternate message, which allows you to download the content. If it doesn't have an appropriate player, it will do so. However if it does have a player but there are problems using it, you'll get an empty box where the content should be, with no sign of what went wrong. Among the possible problems: * security settings: Active X may need to be enabled. You may not get any sign that this is the problem with IE, just an empty box where your content should be. * If the plugin needs to interact it may fail. E.g. after installing Acrobat, the first time you need to accept the license. With Firefox you are prompted to do this. With IE it simply gives you an empty box where your content should be. HOW MULTIMEDIA IS DISPLAYED Here are details for people who want to understand how multimedia content works: There are three ways to show multimedia content, using HTML tags OBJECT, EMBED and IFRAME. OBJECT is the newest, and is intended to replace the other two. Lesson Builder will normally use OBJECT. However OBJECT won't work with HTML content in IE, even IE 8. NOTE: There are a lot of existing practices in handling multimedia types that don't seem to make sense anymore. Lesson Builder is trying to avoid reproducing old behavior that no longer makes sense. However if you see any evidence that this approach isn't working, I'd like to hear it. Note that the earliest browser I'm willing to support is IE6, and I'd prefer not even that. * I am not using EMBED, except for Youtube where I use exactly the tags they recommend. I have tried a number of things in Safari, Firefox, and IE 6, 7 and 8. I have seen no case where sticking an EMBED inside an OBJECT is useful. When things fail in OBJECT they also fail in EMBED, and using EMBED makes it harder to supply the alternative error message and download link. I'd love to see an instance where EMBED is needed. * I am not using CLASSID. This is a Windows-specific way of specifying which plugin to use. I am using the TYPE parameter in OBJECT. This specifies the MIME type. That should let the browser pick whichever plugin the user has installed for that MIME type. I haven't yet seen a case where OBJECT with TYPE fails to find a plugin that's actually there. If you know of cases where CLASSID is needed, and you've got the MIME type correctly specified, I'd love to hear about it. Because OBJECT won't work with HTML, we need to know what type of content we're dealing with. By preference, we use the MIME type, although we'll fall back to the extension if we can't get a MIME type for some reason. For files in Sakai's resource area, that's easy, because they have MIME type as part of the basic metadata. But for URLs, we have to connect to the system at the other end and look at the object. (Note that this extra connection is only done when you add the object to a lesson, not every time it is used.) If for some reason that connection fails, we look at the extension field of the URL. E.g. will be assumed to be a WMF file. Here are the rules. If there is a MIME type: * Use IMG for any type starting with image/ * If the URL is from, and if we can recognize it as pointing to a specific video, use a Youtube video player, with the same combination of OBJECT and EMBED tags that Youtube gives when you ask it to give you the HTML for embedding. * If the URL is not text/html (HTML) or application/xhtml+xml (XHTML), use OBJECT. Pass the MIME type as the TYPE parameter in the OBJECT tag. For mime types of video/x-flv, add OSFlvPlayer.swf to the URL, since Flash Video uses a Flash-based player than an actual plugin. * Otherwise, use an IFRAME. If there is not a MIME type, the decision is based on the "extension", i.e. the part of the file name or URL after the last period. * Use IMG for the following extensions: bmp, gif, icns, ico, jpg, jpeg, pgn, tiff, tif * If the URL is from, and if we can recognize it as pointing to a specific video, use a Youtube video player, with the same combination of OBJECT and EMBED tags that Youtube gives when you ask it to give you the HTML for embedding. * If the extension is one of mp4,mov,m2v,3gp,wmv,mp3,swf,wav (this list can be overridden), use OBJECT, but without the TYPE parameter. * Otherwise, use an IFRAME. Height and width for multimedia objects can be either a number of pixels or a percent. CSS lengths, which can be actual lengths in inches or cm, don't work with any player I've found. URLs for are handled specially. The TAGs currently recommended by Youtube are used. The result should be a Youtube player. It's worth documenting the handling of youtube. We recognize any URL that has v=NNNNNNNNNNN or v/NNNNNNNNNNN (also for internal purposes v_NNNNNNNNNNN), where NNNNNNNNNNN is the 11-character video ID. We construct appropriate URLs and embedding codes from the ID. This should work for URLs pointing to a specific movie. It probably won't work for other URL, e.g. a URL to a page like Parsing is slightly more flexible when you're changing an existing Youtube widget. At that point we'll also allow you to paste the HTML embed code. That won't work initially because it's not a URL. I haven't been able to find official documentation for the structure of a Youtube URL. If they change it, we could need to repair this code. GPL NOTE: I am using OS FLV player for Flash Video (.flv) files. The web site for OS FLV Player says it is covered by the GPL V3. The web site has only one distribution, which as far as I can tell includes the source, in the .fla file. (I'm not a Flash programmer, so I can't verify it). The distribution does not include a copy of the GPL nor any other license (not even a copyright notice). But the web site points to a copy of the GPLv3. Thus I am warning you here that the authors say it is covered by GPLv3. To avoid any questions, I'm also ncluding here a copy of the original distribution, which they say includes the source. That should make this distribution, and any copies of Sakai that include it, compliant with the GPL. Their original distribution is tool/src/ Because the player is a separate program which is loaded and executed by your browser, I don't believe there are any issues of compatibility between the GPL and the Sakai open source license. EVENTS Lessonbuilder reports several events: - whenever a page is read. It sets modified if the page is complete, otherwise access. lessonbuilder.create - creating a page or item lessonbuilder.update - updating a page or item lessonbuilder.delete - deleting a page or item /DIRECT The only useful function available via /direct is the ability to load Common Cartridge files into a site. To use it, POST a form with a single field, called "cartridge", containing the file. Include parameters in the URL for the site and a session ID Here's an example, with CURL: curl -F"cartridge=@/users/sakai/IMS_tests_v1.1/cc1p1vtd01v1p0.imscc;type=application/zip" "\ n=bcacb865-8df0-40bf-b555-c5e660a23a46" The file name after cartridge=@ is the ZIP file containing the cartridge The site ID is the site into which to load it The sakai.session is a session ID which you can get from looking at the JSESSIONID cookie. But remove any hostname from the end. --- Lesson Builder was built at Rutgers by Eric Jeney - primary design and implementation - jeney # rutgers edu Charles Hedrick - assisted with design and some coding - hedrick # rutgers edu and is being developed further by Charles Hedrick