Scene classification baseline for AI_Challenger dataset.
- python 3.0 or greater
- TensorFlow 1.0 or greater
- opencv-python (
- Pillow (4.2.1)
To train the model you will need to provide training data in numpy array format. We have provided a script ( to preprocess the AI_Challenger scene image dataset. The script will read the annotations file to get all the information. In each training step, it will fetch specific number of images according to the batch size, then resize each image, crop a square area and concate them in zero axis (form a larger batch as the final input data). The corresponding labels are also obtained.
This simple model consists of three convolutional layers, three max pool layers and two fully connected layers. Local response normalization and dropout are also used. Details of network structure is in
Run the training script.
python --mode train --train_dir TRAIN_IMAGE_PATH --annotations ANNOTATIONS_FILE_PATH --max_step 65000
The batch loss and accuracy will be logged in scene.log.
Run the test script.
python --mode test --test_dir TEST_IMAGE_PATH
Test result will be writed into JSON file named "submit.json", which contains image_id, top3 label_id as a list.
Run the evaluation script. (This script is the lastest and robust version. In order to be compatible with label_id in string type, we always convert label_id to integer in reference data.)
python --submit SUBMIT_FILEPATH --ref REF_FILEPATH
Top 3 accuracy in validation is about 40% with default training parameters.
Krizhevsky A, Sutskever I, Hinton G E. Imagenet classification with deep convolutional neural networks[C]//Advances in neural information processing systems. 2012: 1097-1105.