Thanks to all people that help to make apiDoc better!
- Sample requests should also support basic GET requests with standard que... #189
- Required defaults. #193
- Parameter name array syntax. #4
- Add Ruby comment support. #12
- Patch issue #270 for apidoc. #14
- Sample requests with GET parameters need to be added to the query string. #222
- Ensure params isn't empty before sending. #230
- Add path to template variable #269
- Add tests for node 0.12 #291
- Fix scrollspy issue #299
- Fix handle bar expression to not apply html encode for data type field #315
- Update to semantic tradition Chinese words #327
- Typo in #350
- Clarify that -c option must be a directory #355
- Add Spanish translation #356
- Just adding groovy suport #368
- Add Chinese Simplified (zh-cn) translation #373
- Added Elixir support #378
- Update pl.js #377
- Locale don't work with pt-br #329
- Add multiple input locations #239
- Add word wrap for text examples #241
- Add a check to see if packageJson.apidoc was defined #227
Dmitry Krasyukov, Alexej Yaroshevich, Dmitry Kirilyuk
- Add Russian translation #237
- Add Brazilian translation #249
- Add Polish translation #199
- Add French translation #191
- Added support for markdown in the type section #1
- Added litcoffee file extension #5
- Added scala file extension #2
- Unindent strings #173
- Add chinese translation (missing translations from google)
- Add dutch translation (missing translations from google)
- Add Clojure parser
- Allowed options.packageInfo to overwrite default packageInfo #177)
- Fix bug where name in package.json apidoc property is overridden #171)
- Allow to include an external file which can set the markdown settings #166)
- Hide the ul for tabs if no content #142)
- Correctly handle Erlang comments #135)
- Improvements to the Testclient #132)
- Show error "responseText" on displayError #129)
- Added support for using path-to-regexp in template #119)
- Perl - allow =pod and =cut #103
- Added ability to have forward slash (/) in parameter field names #101
- Sample Requests feature #98
- Fixed bug where dropdown opens off of page #85
- Some refactors and bugfixes #83
- Perl (Doxygen) support #71
- Add Function
- Add Function
- Adding http: to link href #49
- Added a short-circuit check. #43
- Fix parsing of multiline string #35
- Give some indication, in case file listing with fails #20
- Fix parsing for empty lines and removing stars on data that spans over multiple lines. #11
- Remove http:// link to make https compliant. #10
- Generation error on bad title fix. #7
- Fix for whitespace before comment block #2
(hope i did not forget anybody)