Discord Tools is a Visual Studio Code extension to code Discord bots more easily.
- GITHUB : https://github.com/Darkempire78/Discord-Tools
- DOWNLOAD : https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=Darkempire78.discord-tools
- Javascript (Discord.js, Eris)
- Typescript (Harmony)
- Python (Discord.py)
- Java (JDA)
- Soon...
- Generate a template Discord bot
- Open the Discord bot Documentation with/without a research
- Javascript snippets
- Typescript snippets
- Python snippets
- Java snippets
- Themes
- Functionality table
- Contributing
- Release notes
- License
- Open the command palette (Ctrl+Shift+P) and choose :
Generate a <language> template bot (Discord.<language>)
(not available for JDA, Harmony and Eris)
- Open the command palette (Ctrl+Shift+P) and choose :
Open the Discord bot Documention
- Shortcut :
- Works with Discord.py, Discord.js and JDA (JDA, Harmony and Eris documentions do not allow to make a research)
Javascript (Discord.js) :
: Create a basic Discord bot index.js file.djs.cmd
: Create a basic Discord command.djs.cmd+
: Create a complex Discord command.djs.embed
: Create a basic Discord embed.djs.embed+
: Create a complex Discord embed.djs.message
: Create a default Discord bot message event.djs.guildmemberadd
: Create a default Discord bot guildMemberAdd event.djs.guildmemberremove
: Create a default Discord bot guildMemberRemove event.djs.guildcreate
: Create a default Discord bot guildCreate event.djs.guilddelete
: Create a default Discord bot guildDelete event.- and 47 other events...
Javascript (Eris) :
: Create a basic Discord bot index.js file.eris.cmd
: Create a basic Discord command.eris.cmd+
: Create a complex Discord command.eris.embed
: Create a basic Discord embed.eris.embed+
: Create a complex Discord embed.eris.message
: Create a default Discord bot message event.
Typescript (Harmony) :
: Create a basic Discord bot index.ts file.hy.cmd
: Create a basic Discord command.hy.cmd+
: Create a complex Discord command.hy.embed
: Create a basic Discord embed.hy.embed+
: Create a complex Discord embed.hy.message
: Create a default Discord bot message event.
Python (Discord.py) :
: Create a basic Discord bot main.py file.dpy.cog
: Create a basic Discord cog.dpy.cmd
: Create a basic Discord command.dpy.cmd+
: Create a complex Discord command.dpy.embed
: Create a basic Discord embed.dpy.embed+
: Create a complex Discord embed.dpy.onmessage
: CCreate a default Discord bot on_message event.dpy.onmemberjoin
: Create a default Discord bot on_member_join event.dpy.onmemberremove
: Create a default Discord bot on_member_remove event.dpy.onguildjoin
: Create a default Discord bot on_guild_join event.dpy.onguildremove
: Create a default Discord bot on_guild_remove event.- and 59 other events...
Java (JDA) :
: Create a basic Discord bot main function.jda.cmd
: Create a basic Discord command.jda.embed
: Create a basic Discord embed.jda.embed+
: Create a complex Discord embed.jda.onmessagereceived
: Create a default Discord bot on.
Work for Python and JavasScript
Activate the theme : CTRL + K + CTRL + T
and choose Discord Theme (Dark)
Template | Doc | Doc searcher | Snippets | |
Discord.js | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ |
Eris | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ | ✅ |
Harmony | ❌ | ✅ | ❌ | ✅ |
Discord.py | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ |
JDA | ❌ | ✅ | ❌ | ✅ |
Join the Discord server !
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
- New Discord Theme (Javascript, Python)
- Update of the Discord.js snippets
- Update of the Discord.js template
- Fix an issue with the discord-tools.openDiscordDoc command
- Several small corrections
- Update of the Discord.js template
- Update of the Discord.py template
- Add the Harmony support
- Fix the python template
- Fix workspace error
- Small corrections
- Add the Eris support
- Add the definition of python parameters
- Fix small python snippets
- Several python snippet corrections
- Correction of the python template
- New snippet aliases
- New snippet choices
- Several corrections
- New command : open the Discord bot Documentation with/without a research (works with Discord.py, Discord.js, JDA)
- New Discord.js bot template
- New bot template generator system
- New auto package downloader
- Few small updates
- 48 new Discord.js events added
- Addition of capital letters to Discord.py events
- Few small updates
- Change of snippet prefixes to
(Discord.js) andjda
(JDA) - 59 new Discord.py events added
- New language supported : Java (JDA)
- Several corrections
- Initial release
This project is under GPLv3.