Tags: birdshao/XBotInterface
Toggle v1.0.1's commit message
Fixed getPointPosition behaviour, which was very misleading. Now it r…
…eturns a point in world coordinates.
Toggle v1.0's commit message
Added control mode, any_map, tested and validated on different platfo…
Toggle beta2.0.0's commit message
This second major beta relase brings minor bug fixes and a better man…
…agement of config files.
Toggle beta1.0.2's commit message
Fixed cmake-related issue which prevented XBotInterface from correctl…
…y exporting its dependencies.
Toggle beta1.0.1's commit message
Performance tuning (std::map replaced with std::unordered_map, perfor…
…mance improved was profiled and found to be ~20-30%).
Toggle beta1.0.0's commit message
Huge effort has been put to release the first beta of the XBot librar…
…y: hopefully everything is ok, but more realistically not.
Toggle alpha0.1.1's commit message
updated srdf_advr namespace and using proper URDF and SRDF for the WA…
…LKMAN upper body
Toggle alpha0.1.0's commit message
First working versione of the XBotInterface library.
You can’t perform that action at this time.